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Base Up! Rosters Bonus


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I did a stamina adjustment for all relievers so that the game in-season will be less likely to bring up a pitcher on a cpu team simply because he's a starter with higher stamina. I'll make this available by request and to those who have had some type of involvement here at mvpmods in regards to mods, feedback, critiques, etc.

Simply post in here if you're interested, but please don't PM me. I'll just ignore it, but I'll respond here over time.

P.S. I also did the latest minor moves and added Chris Carpenter back to the Cardinals lineup as well as weaken Roy Halladay's control on all pitches somewhat.

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You got it Y4L. Actually...it just hit me..... why don't I do one with minor leaguers starters who have reduced stamina. That way I can keep the relievers stamina low, which I prefer and does seem more realistic. I'll be in touch.

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You got it Y4L. Actually...it just hit me..... why don't I do one with minor leaguers starters who have reduced stamina. That way I can keep the relievers stamina low, which I prefer and does seem more realistic. I'll be in touch.

Thank you. Take your time of course.

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Ya.... the first one is easy (raising everyone's stamina up), but the second one is a little more intentional. Gonna keep stamina intact for those who truly did significantly start for a given team even if it was just a handful of starts.

Plus making some control adjustments based on season ending ERA. Nothing highly sophisticated. But Quintana will be getting a huge bump! :)

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Should be giving this out today to those who requested. Decided to do the stamina down bump for all pitchers except those who had significant major league time. Therefore you might find a team with no more than about 8 SP's in their organization with starter type stamina..... all others will be reliever levels that I've had before. Many more control changes, for starters, up and down than I anticipated. Should be good!

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Sent. Here's the box score from my first real trial game in season. Went back to some All-Star settings. This was pretty rewarding for a lot of reasons. I wanted to see the cpu score and show power as well as show weakness in the bullpen if I could exploit it.

I did.

PHI vs MIA gm 1.rar

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  • 3 weeks later...

Upgrade time! I've decided that I'm going to take about 1 team a day and not only insert the hot/cold zones as I'm finding at season's end via box scores on mlb.com Gameday screens, but now going to upgrade control for the prominent relief pitchers as well.

See you in November unless I get a wild hair up my butt and expedite this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update.

I have 7 teams done pretty much. I'm also finding a few players along the way who I'm adjusting (for batters, primarily down) -- for relievers, for those who are showing 2 or 5 pitches, I'm double checking those for accuracy as well as adjusting control based on end of season ERA. Also, if warranted still creating the occasional player (e.g., Brantly for the Marlins).

I'm getting some curious hot/cold outcomes, but I'm going to stay with what they have on Gameday as there just is no other source I've been able to find. Hopefully I hit the halfway mark by next week.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Going slower than I thought, but have 15 teams done, including the entire AL East and the basement dwellers for each of the other divisions. Hoping to have the entire AL done by the end of this week and then the NL after that.

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Sure thing guys.... only so much time in a day. But my incentive is that since I still play online w/ my brother and we set up different combinations of tourneys...... I have an incentive to keep it moving. Thankfully Gameday is still keeping games up there to update hot/cold zones, which I've wanted to do for a long time.

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Ok daflyboys this time I did save the box score and I have it here for you and anyone else who would like to have a look at it.

I played a game with the Twins (CPU) vs. the Athletics (me) and Minnesota won 8 - 4. Minnesota's starting pitcher was Scott Diamond and you'll see from the notes on the end how much he labored for this win.


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AL should be done tonight. Just one team left: the Angels. It'll be interesting to see if they fall out of the #1 ranking. The A's are still pretty low which goes to show how they really overachieved this past season.

I'll give a preview once done so you guys can check out the changes, especially to hot/cold zones and relief pitchers.

By the way, speaking of pitchers; all relevant ones are getting another look in regard to batting numbers.

What I'm interested in is if you guys pick up on any glaring changes that need to be made (skin, jersey number for '12 team, etc.)

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Daflyboys I am sure this is going to be another update that is well worth the wait. The only thing I can ask of you now is to test out the stamina of Phil Hughes of the Yankees and make sure that he falls apart in the third inning just like he does for real. :D

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How goes the project daflyboys? I'm very interested in seeing your final product and helping find the "glaring changes" you spoke of. Is there any way I can get the .mbe from you when you're done for MVPEdit. I downloaded the .dat files from your last update in October and uploaded them into MVPEdit but it only gave me 1-2 players for each team ... one of a handful of problems I've had with MVP12 like TiT not working right. I'd love to get an updated roster, as I usually get one from the end of the season and keep up with the changes through the winter meetings, but with the problems I've had with MVP12 the latest one I have is from August, and there've been a ton of moves.

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