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REDitor II v. 5.0

Courtesy of Visual Concepts


This is the tool, which will help U edit Roster-files of such games as MLB 2K12 (PC and XBox 360), NBA 2K12 (PC and XBox 360), MLB 2K11 (PC), NBA 2K11 (PC and XBox 360) and NBA 2K10 (PC)!



Author: Vl@d Zola Jr.

Co-Authors: M@dDog

Special thanks: JaoSming, hokupguy, Leftos, STOMPTHECOURT, jrlocke, ALX, aloncho11, pena1, Ariel, Zeusnlsc, yuyuzhen2, toyomihm, njkobe, HAWK23


What is new in version 5.0?

New in v. 5.0:

- All functions are now available for FREE.
- Two minor fixes.


Download and enjoy It:

v. 5.0 - Installer

Read Release Notes after the installation. It is important!

Please, note, that files, edited with REDitor II, are guaranteed to work correctly with REDitor II and original games only. It is not guaranteed, that the files will work correctly with any other 3rd party software.

"Hidden" Hot Keys: Ctrl+Tab switches between tabs in the current file; Ctrl+Shift+Tab switches between opened files; Ctrl+Double Click on the cell activates Dynamic Linkages, if it's applied to the cell (the cell represents a color or links to another tab); Ctrl+Click on the fixed(grayed uneditable) row/column selects the whole row/column; Double Click on an item in Column Filter list to get to the beginning of the category; Ctrl + Shift + F opens Create Filter... dialog.

Edited by Vlad_Zola_Jr
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Schedule editing confirmed! The only thing left for decoding is Players Injuries/DL Status.

So, i'm starting to round it up for building a beta version.

If you find any interesting parameters after the release, which are not implemented, feel free to report - so i'll look for them. ;)

Yes, it'll be compatible with XBox files, but in 7-10 days after the PC release is out (another version will be released with XBox support).

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Schedule editing confirmed! The only thing left for decoding is Players Injuries/DL Status.

So, i'm starting to round it up for building a beta version.

If you find any interesting parameters after the release, which are not implemented, feel free to report - so i'll look for them. ;)

Yes, it'll be compatible with XBox files, but in 7-10 days after the PC release is out (another version will be released with XBox support).

That's great news Vlad!

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Schedule editing confirmed! The only thing left for decoding is Players Injuries/DL Status.

So, i'm starting to round it up for building a beta version.

If you find any interesting parameters after the release, which are not implemented, feel free to report - so i'll look for them. ;)

Yes, it'll be compatible with XBox files, but in 7-10 days after the PC release is out (another version will be released with XBox support).

This is insanity. Any chance it would support imported stats from something like a spreadsheet?

What I think would be cool is if there was some sort of algorithm that the game uses to translate imported seasonal stats from real life into player skill points.

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Hey, guys! Thank you for your support!

Release date for PC Tables is set to this weekend. Nearly everything is set up, but due to my school i'm not having enough time until the weekend to finish the little things... I'll answer your Qs later a bit on the same reason.

Edited by Vlad_Zola_Jr
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I'll answer your Qs later a bit

Just to throw one of those key questions out there...

You've said that you will be able to allow for changing the schedule.

The bigger question in that area looking forward is, will you be able to change the league and divisional alignment so that Houston is transplanted from the NL Central to the AL West?

If this is something which can be done but you have not made it possible yet, it should be considered a priority.

Making the schedule match the real MLB for future years as of 2013 will not have quite the same significance if we cannot have the leagues set up with all of the teams in their proper divisions.

Thanks so much for your efforts... looking forward to your upcoming release.

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Hey, guys!

Sorry for the release delay... Everything is ready for the release, except for documentation. :sad: So, it's gonna happen day-to-day, once i recieve compiled documentation from M@dDog.

You can play with the Demo meanwhile (all the licenses are maxed out, but Save is disabled): Download

And the promised answers to your questions:

Any chance it would support imported stats from something like a spreadsheet?

Yes, it does. You can either use Import From CSV feature or just simply copy-paste cells from an external spreadsheet into REDitor. But you should make sure, the imported stats have correct format (order of stat columns) and the imported stats are assigned to the player, you want (can be corrected by editing Players tab in the other case).

I know this has been asked before on created teams, can it be possiable to put in a league division and is possiable to change logos these things is my only problem any info is great.

I think, you can change logos manipulating with graphic files (IFFs), which are located in the game folder.

I think, it is possible to replace an existing team with a created one, but it's not a trivial task, as this will require to update schedules and possibly some other things as well, otherwise the game will crash.

Since we can edit the schedule with this program, can we perhaps edit the starting time of the game? So we begin in 2013 and not in 2012? Know what I mean?

No, the start date is hard-coded. It can be somehow edited by editing an already on-going Franchise/Career, i guess, but REDitor only allows to edit Roster part of files, and the desired value is stored apart from the Roster part. Still, the schedule for 2012 is fully customizable, so you can make it very minimalistic for a quick simulation or just pretend, it's year 2013... )))

The bigger question in that area looking forward is, will you be able to change the league and divisional alignment so that Houston is transplanted from the NL Central to the AL West?

I tired doing so, but it doesn't look much possible. Looks like, it's partially hard-coded, so after i moved a team from one division into another by roster editing, it actually created a ghost team in the standings for that new division, but the team still stayed in the old one.

Probably it is possible to move teams around, but changing the number of teams in each division works only partially...


Another unfortunate thing is that english.iff editing is not possible. :sad: While there were no problem editing the file for NBA 2K12, increasing the total MLB 2K12 text size even by one character leads to the game crash on startup. I made numerous attempts to bypass the issue, but it seems the max. amount of characters is hard-coded. So, i have to say, there won't be a tool released to edit english.iff of MLB 2K12.

PS: Sorry for my language. Got very tired within the last 5 days, so i'm unable to speak gramatically correct. =)))

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will first issue here, the demo will not stay open, it opens, but it closes itself less than a minute later. i realize its a demo, but that what happens to to me. i tried both as administrator and standard user and it happanes both ways.

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I do have to ask, which value holds the face ID for the managers? I tried the Audio ID, nothing. The App ID isn't it either.

It's sort of a multi-step process, but I'll try to explain. Let's take Joe Girardi, for example. In the franchise file I opened, the Yankees are ID 29 in the "Teams" tab. After scrolling over to the right, I find that the "Manager" field has a value of 135. This number represents the ID to look for in the "Staff" tab. (If you look at the full list of staff IDs, you'll find a number of slots contain Girardi's name. This is why it's important to look at the "Teams" tab first, so you know that you're looking at the right one.) The AppID of Staff ID 135 is 3826. So now, going to the "Appearances" tab, we're looking for ID 3826. The CF_ID is the cyberface, so AppID 3826 shows Girardi's face is 8027. As you can see from the texture I've extracted from player_head_8027.iff, it is Girardi.


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Hm, the editor does not work for me. I tried also to run it as an Admin but I always get an access violation when I want to open a roster.


Lol, it does work. Sorry. I do not know what was wrong, but I tried 5-6 times again and now it works. :crazy:


Who are those players that can be found in the Players1 and Players2 registers?

Edited by wudl83
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