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I'm having a few issues with the editors.

First off I have a copy of an Xbox roster that I can open with the 4.5 free retail Reditor but the 4.5 demo will not open it. I get "Access violation at address 0065BA5A in module 'reditor 2 demo.exe" Read of address 00000000".

I have to use task manager to close the program as more of these just keep popping up.

Second problem i'm having is with the 4.5 demo using MLB2k11 for PC. I have two franchise saves one I can open fine but the other is a no go.

With the one that doesn't open i'm getting,

"Access violation at address 0064E1E9 in module 'reditor 2 demo.exe" Read of address 0000007E." Have to close program with task manager as well.

The one that will open is a new franchise only a couple games simmed. The second I went through the draft in June and signed two players which I sent to the minors. I checked all teams and they have 25 players and all lineups were set, so not sure what the problem is. I did in fact try setting up two different franchises with draft etc and neither will open. The funny thing is that I can open both of those saves in Tywiggins editor for 2k11. Any ideas?

One thing I thought of that could be causing a problem with the PC 2k11 franchise not loading is that I did open it in Tywiggins editor and changed the two draft picks "potential" rating.

Not sure why the demo won't open the Xbox save though.

Thanks Vlad for your continued support of MLB2K12 and the hard work that goes with it. I just got your Editor with Guru license and was briefly playing around but have not done an in depth study of the tutorial yet. In one of your first posts in this thread you stated :

Schedule editing confirmed! The only thing left for decoding is Players Injuries/DL Status.

I just want to confirm this is available now for MLB Franchise play or is it still a W.I.P. ?

Thanks again

  • 3 weeks later...

I posted this in the support forum, but I'll posst it here, just in case Vlad or one of guys that use TURK see it here instead:


Ok, I'm trying to get Vlad's demo to reset the Giant's players to 99 energy, but near as I can tell, the instructions Vlad gives for an IF...THEN statement are incorrect. Vlad's help gives the syntax:


but that SEEMS like it's missing an operator. And if I use,

vay yapali Energize;

{Energize all the Giants}


i: int; !!Cycle variable

c: int;


i valli 0 ran 3600 taran tu !!Here we cycle through all the players


playersTeamID 10 = PULSAN Players.Energy 99 := UNSARAN c 0 :=; <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <-



sure enough, the line noted with <- <- gives me an error saying its expecting a token or one of "E PULSAN RAN TA TARAN TATA"

Can anyone please give me the syntactically correct version of, "If the team is the Giants then energy = 99" please?

On another note, EVERY TURK script I try to run - including Vlad's included uninjure script - gives the error "List index out of bounds ( 8)" just as it ends. (The sunglasssed guy is supposed to be the number eight.)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edited by furball

I just want to confirm this is available now for MLB Franchise play or is it still a W.I.P. ?

Yes, it is available. Players tab.

sask3m, i'm not sure about the reasons for your errors... Do you run the tool as Administrator and is it white-listed in your Antivirus software?


Players.TeamID 10 = PULSAN Players.Energy 99 := ;

The above line should be correct.

Not sure about the index out of bounds, though. I'll check that later.

There probably be a new version released some time in January, with several minor things fixed. Also Pitchers' Roles... i'll take a look for them.

Edited by Vlad_Zola_Jr

Vlad, thanks for your response. Unfortunately, even with your suggested syntax, I get the following error:

Line 10: Syntax Error: Expecting the following tokens: - ( + AN DecLiteral FloatLiteral id StringLiteral

I've copied my routine below. I'm using Windows 7, and the 4.5 demo version on a 2k12 .XFG file.

Also, is there any forum or file that has more instructions for how to use REDitor? For example, I can't for the life of me figure out how to use the TURK Wizard.



EDIT: The script below i just a test. What I really want to do is overcome the program's charging 7 energy on a catcher's 1st game after a rest. So the real line I want is: IF (players.position = catcher AND players.energy = 93) THEN players.energy = 95

Surely others are writing scripts with IF statements? I'd appreciate any help, or a pointer to any online scripts!


vay yapali Energize;

{Energize all the Giants}


i: int; !!Cycle variable


i valli 0 ran 3600 taran tu !!Here we cycle through all the players


Players.TeamID 10 = PULSAN Players.Energy 99 := ;



Edited by furball


I'm having a few issues with the editors.

First off I have a copy of an Xbox roster that I can open with the 4.5 free retail Reditor but the 4.5 demo will not open it. I get "Access violation at address 0065BA5A in module 'reditor 2 demo.exe" Read of address 00000000".

I have to use task manager to close the program as more of these just keep popping up.

Second problem i'm having is with the 4.5 demo using MLB2k11 for PC. I have two franchise saves one I can open fine but the other is a no go.

With the one that doesn't open i'm getting,

"Access violation at address 0064E1E9 in module 'reditor 2 demo.exe" Read of address 0000007E." Have to close program with task manager as well.

The one that will open is a new franchise only a couple games simmed. The second I went through the draft in June and signed two players which I sent to the minors. I checked all teams and they have 25 players and all lineups were set, so not sure what the problem is. I did in fact try setting up two different franchises with draft etc and neither will open. The funny thing is that I can open both of those saves in Tywiggins editor for 2k11. Any ideas?

Same issue here too

Hi, I have the Reditor 2 and Guru license. I was wondering is there any way to use the program to add a second wild card team in the game and is there a way to edit the Astros to there new logo and jerseys? Thanks for any response and awesome program!!

If you look at the bottom of page 3 of this thread, you'll see I descibe a problem with using an IF statement in Turk. I'm using the most recent of both the FREE and DEMO versions of Reditor. Besides Vlad's suggested syntax, I've used everyhing else I can think of and can NOT get the IF statement to parse correctly.

Doesn't anyone else use TURK? Can anyone who has purchased the program verify that an IF statement works in that version? Surely, someone besides me must have tried using an IF statement by now!

i brought the grue licance and table, and it that i shoulfd ber able to edit the field under the team tabs, but am getting everything as not editable. i have resigter, so what am i missing? this v4.5

Vlad must not have sent you the Guru licence and maybe the one lower than that cause you should be able to edit everything with the Guru. I had a similar problem so I sent Vlad an email and he sent me the proper license.

  • 3 weeks later...

How the heck do you move players from team to team with this editor.

I change a player, eg. Upton to team id #4 save the roster. I then load in game and and he is still on the D-Backs and if I try to assign him to the braves it says he's already on that team, WtF???

ps: Seems as though all that happens when I assign him to the braves is he goes to the D-backs bench, he now lists as the 25 man on the roster. IF I use a different roster and assign him to the braves with the in game roster he shows as team id #4 in the editor. This shouldn't be that hard??

How the heck do you move players from team to team with this editor.

I change a player, eg. Upton to team id #4 save the roster. I then load in game and and he is still on the D-Backs and if I try to assign him to the braves it says he's already on that team, WtF???

ps: Seems as though all that happens when I assign him to the braves is he goes to the D-backs bench, he now lists as the 25 man on the roster. IF I use a different roster and assign him to the braves with the in game roster he shows as team id #4 in the editor. This shouldn't be that hard??

If I remember correctly, you not only need to change the team assignment on the "Player" tab, but also on the roster listings on the "Team" tab as well. That tab also contains the various lineups. (I can't test this for sure because I'm currently without a key... my hard drive crashed awhile ago and I haven't heard back after requesting a new key.)

  • 4 weeks later...

I had to reinstall my windows know i can not find my files i had bought for 2k11 my files were modders interface my friend interface and my mlb2k11 pc tables. What do I need to do to get this back running on my pc do I need to request a new code. I will also will purchesing mlb2k12 pc tables and nba 2k11 pc table

  • 2 weeks later...

Schedule editing. i started to edit the schedule for the 2013 season using the curent schedule module in reditor II but there are only 783 lines for input. if there are a 162 games and30 teams you need 2430 lines to make a schedule. Has anyone figured out what to do. I just wanted to make the 2013 schedule and play it out than make a schedule for the following year. Any Ideas or help.


Schedule editing. i started to edit the schedule for the 2013 season using the curent schedule module in reditor II but there are only 783 lines for input. if there are a 162 games and30 teams you need 2430 lines to make a schedule. Has anyone figured out what to do. I just wanted to make the 2013 schedule and play it out than make a schedule for the following year. Any Ideas or help.


You have to edit the "schedule actual" the schedule current is for future years. Good luck with the editing. I tried and it's an exercise in futility. The games and dates have to match up or you either get a crash or teams end up with two games on the same day etc etc.

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