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Dual booting Windows 8 with Windows 7... where I've been playing MLB2k12 for awhile now. Had the "Display Driver isn't responding..." message after I installed a new Nvidia graphics card, but figured out I needed to adjust the time delay in the registry. Since then working fine.

Just installed the game on my Windows 8 partition as I make the transition to Windows 8 permanently and have been finding that randomely while I play the game the game will freeze up and won't come back. I ctrl+alt+delete to bring up task manager and the game then ends instantely. With the "Display Driver..." issue I was experiencing on Windows 7, the game would freeze for a few seconds, minimize to the desktop and then I could just maximize the window and keep playing.

I've tried to adjust the time delay in the registry like I did with Windows 7, but can't find any support on this issue. It happens whenever I play the game in Windows 8 and it happens at random times... after a few innings, after 1 inning... etc. I also do not see any error messages or notifications regarding my graphics card when I go back to my desktop after it happens.

Weird thing is... I boot back into Windows 7 and the game works fine.

Edited by Bwangster12
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Yeah, based on this alone, I am going to uninstall everything on Windows 7 and use it as my dedicated MLB2k12 operating system :-).

I just think it's weird as Windows 8 is basically built on Windows 7. I did noticed that the registry key that they say to go in and edit is not there in Windows 8.


I went into the ControlSet001 and the CurrentControlSet paths to try the fix, but neither worked.


Not even saying this is my problem, as I am not getting the little popup that says it was... but just guessing.

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yea i generally tell my customer to wait 6 months if they can, but on this one, because of what ive seen and what i have heard said, im leaning on a year if ever. im getting reports and rumors that say 8 is reminding people of milulium.that not a good sign

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  • 3 weeks later...

a little bit of news on this issue, if you'r vid driver was designed or any driver that was created under win7, you cooked as as of right now. win7 drivers will work in windows 8. apperntly there forcining maufancture to crearte entirely new drivers for win8. so either we going to to half wait until win8 drivers come out, or half to get a card that win8 useable or stick with xp or 7 for a little while. i got this from one windows news letters.

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I can verify that it does not work with Windows 8. I had purchased a new laptop a month ago, so I was able to download 8 for $14.99, so I figured I would get it for that price. I installed it to test out, and it would not work at all with windows 8. The game would not even load into the title screen. I quickly went and put 7 back on.

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wise choice at this point. im sure a driver has said the issue and if its ati or some one like that im sure shortly thery'll be a driver to resolve it and you'll get 8 running the game. its said the 7 frivers dont work in 8 at all according to what i was reading.

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that exactly whu it didnt. as i said accoring to what i read drivers wrttien natively for 7 will not work in 8. apperently drivers comatibalbe to run 8 is nt out yet. dribvers for no 8 vid cards will half to have entirely new drivers wirritn to natively to run fully.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks KC. That sucks regarding steam. I got my copy originally by downloading from amazon.com, but with no more baseball games coming out in the foreseeable, I figured having a hard copy for backup couldn't hurt, found one on amazon for 23 bucks.

Regarding the laptop -- I went ahead and bought it. I'd much prefer Windows 7, but I thought this was a pretty good deal. It looks like it's still on sale if anyone is in the market for a laptop.


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Good news is that 2K12 runs great on Win 8. Bad news is that otherwise, Windows 8 sucks.

I was looking at your laptop link and will be getting one soon that is very similar, can you tell me how 2k12 runs on your rig.

My new laptop comes with windows7 but MS has a 14.99 upgrade to 8, maybe I should stay away from8??

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I was looking at your laptop link and will be getting one soon that is very similar, can you tell me how 2k12 runs on your rig.

My new laptop comes with windows7 but MS has a 14.99 upgrade to 8, maybe I should stay away from8??

I was looking at your laptop link and will be getting one soon that is very similar, can you tell me how 2k12 runs on your rig.

My new laptop comes with windows7 but MS has a 14.99 upgrade to 8, maybe I should stay away from8??

I would stay away from 8, but that's just a personal preference. I don't like the new layouts, and the way things look and work in general within the interface. 2K12 runs really well on the new laptop.

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thre an update assit/advor for 8. it till you if thre is issues if you chose consider upgrading to 8. it not a complete coplete listing of what issues ther might be or will not ne issues, but it will gibe you fair ideawher you stand. trrun that if you thinking about it.

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its works beuatlfilly and looks better in 8. i dont if its the mods im using or the updates os and vid drivers, but the plactic look of the caps in the field are not there or not seeable to me. i didnt change mods between the os, the only thing i did was update the drivers as they at least year old and did my os upgrade.

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its works beuatlfilly and looks better in 8. i dont if its the mods im using or the updates os and vid drivers, but the plactic look of the caps in the field are not there or not seeable to me. i didnt change mods between the os, the only thing i did was update the drivers as they at least year old and did my os upgrade.

I doubt it actually looks any different because the game can only look as good as it's made or modded to look.

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oh there a differnce. windows 8 is having afftect or new vid drivers is, becuase this not the only game im seeing a differnce to it. it may not happaen to everyone, but ive seen reports of this occuring for games, after i wrote the other post. its case to by case, as the other game has issues runnig for some people, but im running it so far without issues. iyou half to remeber my video drivers wer over a year old.

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