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Is anyone losing games due to the auto save no working? I think its due to the switching the date back and forth. I have lost two spring training games. You log off the franchise only to see your record hasn't changed. Nothing pisses me off like playing an entire game than having it poof-disappear. can't wait for this annoying crap to get fixed.

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Hi all, I have found the solution to freeze the game ... I leave this us Links Home but is in Spanish. I install and start the MLB2K12 me perfectly without freezing. I hope they can! Luck!Hi all, I have found the solution to freeze the game ... I leave this us Links Home but is in Spanish. I install and start the MLB2K12 me perfectly without freezing. I hope they can! Luck!HihH i everyone, I have found the solution to freeze the game ... I leave this us Links http://marcpv89.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/solucionada-problema-al-cargar-menu-de-mlb-2k12/ but is in Spanish. I install and start the MLB2K12 is perfectly without freezing. I hope they can! Luck!

  • 3 weeks later...

I do this

Open Notepad then I paste this

@echo off

:: Save month, day, and year from current date in MM/DD/YYYY format

For /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do @(

Set Month=%%A

 Set Day=%%B

 Set Year=%%C


:: Set tomorrow's date to today's date plus one

set /A Tomorrow=%Day%+1

:: Save pre-run hour from time variable

set hh1=%time:~-11,2%

set /a hh1=%hh1%+100

set hh1=%hh1:~1%

:: Display current date and time

echo Current date is: %date% %time%

:: Set date to October 2nd

date 10/02/2012

echo Date changed to October 2nd.

:: Start MLB2K12 and wait for exit

cd /d "E:2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12"

echo Starting MLB 2K12...

Start /WAIT mlb2k12.exe


:: Save post-run hour

set hh2=%time:~-11,2%

set /a hh2=%hh2%+100

set hh2=%hh2:~1%

:: If hh2 is less than hh1 increment day, else keep same

echo Syncing date...

if /i %hh2% LSS %hh1% (

date %Month%/%Tomorrow%/%Year%

) else (

date %Month%/%Day%/%Year%


echo Current date is:

date /t



The value in quotes (red) needs to be changed to your MLB 2K12 installation directory. Mine is "E:2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12" while yours is probably "C:Program Files (x86)2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12" or "C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonmlb 2k12". If you're unsure of where your game is installed, right-click the shortcut you use to open the game and look at the "shortcut" tab; you should be able to find the installation path next to the "Start in:" label. Make sure to enclose the path in quotes.

Now save the notepad file as whatever name you want but make sure it ends with .bat that is very important for example save it as MLB2K12.bat

now you right click it run as admin the reason for that is because it will change your system time to October 2nd 2012 and it needs admin approval to do so........your date should change then your game will start.........then when your done playing and you exit the game you will see a black window like a command prompt window and all you have to do is hit the spacebar twice and your date will reset to the correct date

Apparently the date of October 2nd 2012 isn't working for me anymore I dunno why but I just changed the script date to April 24th 2012 and it works fine but Beyondo works pretty good too

Here is the corrected script

@echo off

:: Save month, day, and year from current date in MM/DD/YYYY format

For /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do @(

 Set Month=%%A

 Set Day=%%B

 Set Year=%%C


:: Set tomorrow's date to today's date plus one

set /A Tomorrow=%Day%+1

:: Save pre-run hour from time variable

set hh1=%time:~-11,2%

set /a hh1=%hh1%+100

set hh1=%hh1:~1%

:: Display current date and time

echo Current date is: %date% %time%

:: Set date to April 24th

date 04/24/2012

echo Date changed to April 24th.

:: Start MLB2K12 and wait for exit

cd /d "C:Program Files (x86)2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12"

echo Starting MLB 2K12...

Start /WAIT mlb2k12.exe


:: Save post-run hour

set hh2=%time:~-11,2%

set /a hh2=%hh2%+100

set hh2=%hh2:~1%

:: If hh2 is less than hh1 increment day, else keep same

echo Syncing date...

if /i %hh2% LSS %hh1% (

date %Month%/%Tomorrow%/%Year%

) else (

date %Month%/%Day%/%Year%


echo Current date is:

date /t



Fixed mine by using the following code. Just copy it to a notepad file and name it something.bat (named mine MLB 2K.bat for example). Pretty much what this does is automatically set the date to whatever date is required (I use 6/1/12) and then change it back to the real date when you exit the program. You do have to point it to the proper file location, as yours will assuredly be different than mine. If you save it to your desktop, you can just click it to run the game rather than the shortcut or thru Gamestop app (how I purchased it). Here's the code:


@echo off

:: Save month, day, and year from current date in MM/DD/YYYY format

For /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do @(

Set Month=%%A

Set Day=%%B

Set Year=%%C


:: Set tomorrow's date to today's date plus one

set /A Tomorrow=%Day%+1

:: Save pre-run hour from time variable

set hh1=%time:~-11,2%

set /a hh1=%hh1%+100

set hh1=%hh1:~1%

:: Display current date and time

echo Current date is: %date% %time%

:: Set date to June 1st

date 06/01/2012

echo Date changed to June 1st.

:: Start MLB2K12 and wait for exit

cd /d "D:GS Games2K GamesMLB 2k12" <--- Change this line to your mlb2k directory

echo Starting MLB 2K12...

Start /WAIT mlb2k12.exe


:: Save post-run hour

set hh2=%time:~-11,2%

set /a hh2=%hh2%+100

set hh2=%hh2:~1%

:: If hh2 is less than hh1 increment day, else keep same

echo Syncing date...

if /i %hh2% LSS %hh1% (

date %Month%/%Tomorrow%/%Year%

) else (

date %Month%/%Day%/%Year%


echo Current date is:

date /t



Edited by MWiLL

will for me it deactived my keys for the games, so i had do a repair to get in running, but that messed the saves location flie, i had do a regedit and input the saves location to the key for saves location and working fine now. i dont if was me or the it that messed it up, but that the issue that happaned and how i got back.

I am having problems getting the bat file to work.

I have the amazon version, but when I try it, I get the point where the .exe begins. Thats where it says it cannot find the file.

I made sure to change the directory to fit where 2k12 is located...directly from the "properities" line.

Beyondo works but it messes up my display settings everytime I exit.

I don't know where I am messing up on. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • 3 weeks later...

2K has released an official patch for 2K12, if it's through Steam it should have auto-updated and you can get the patch .exe here if yours was not from Steam: http://support.2k.com/entries/23818517-Major-League-Baseball-2K12-v1-2-0-PC-patch-Downloading-and-Installing

Not sure if it messes up your files if you use the .exe, but none of my mods were overwritten by the Steam update.

I have the amazon digital download and I cannot get this friggin patch to work!

My 2k12 version is --- according to the properties of the program.

Any one know how to get it to work?

This is my error message:

"The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows installer because the program to be updated maybe missing or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify the program to be updated exists on your computer (YES it Does) and that you have the correct upgrade patch"

Any Ideas?


Are you using a No-DVD hack for it?

If so, you may have to put the original .EXE file back in.

Just a thought....

On a personal note, I don't trust 2K Sports anymore at all.

A buddy of mine installed this patch and it completely messed his game up to the point he lost everything. Franchise, player settings, etc.. EVERYTHING!!!!

Therefore I am NOT installing this patch.

I continue to use Beyondo and it works just fine for me. ;)

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