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So your game has been freezing lately and it won't start....

I found a perfect workaround and now my game runs perfectly fine. Basically what the workaround is doing is redownloading/re-syncing the MLB Today data so it reflects the current date and fixes the glitch from within the game since it won't do it on startup.

1) Roll the system date back to September 30th, 2012. This will ensure that MLB Today still works according to the game's schedules and your game will load perfectly fine with no freezing.

Now, I know you don't want to constantly roll back the date to September 30th just to play, so follow these exact steps, word for word, step by step:

2) If you have not logged into MLB 2K12 using a 2K Sports account, do so. This will enable you to download the latest Live Roster.

To do this, just go into the 2K menu, select Features-> 2K Share -> Download

2a) A dialogue box will pop up asking you to either register a new account or log in with an existing account. Log in using your 2K Sports account.

(PC version only) A dialogue box may also appear in regards to running a benchmark for online gameplay. You can ignore this if you didn't do the benchmark/don't plan on playing online.

3) If it boots you back to the home screen after logging in, go back to step #2 and download the Live Roster for 10-09 or whichever roster is most recent by then. Save it, then use the right analog stick or mouse to navigate back to the Home screen. It should start synchronizing data for MLB Today.

If you did the fix properly, it should reflect the current date with the St. Louis Cardinals/Texas Rangers facing each other.

4) Exit the game, update the system date to today's date and reload the game. It will re-download the latest 2K Roster, and the game will load up to the home screen again.

No utilities, no extra hassle. Just a one time thing and you're set.


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Nice job !!

Sorry but anyone can upload

Latest living roster and latest 2k rosters please.

Lost my cd keys and can't log in 2k share

Need help please

Thanks in advance

Sounds like you might be screwed.

I believe you will need that cd key.

It doesn't matter if you know the key or not. If you registered it once it will tell you its already been registered. What you need is to input what login credentials you used when you first registered it in the game to gain online access.

KC, thanks for the work around, I hadn't played in a while and didn't realize it was broken until last night. However after getting it working again I noticed that if I load an editied roster and then go HOME it crashes again. I also noticed that my date is one day off. Where I live it is eastern standard time. I played a game around 1 AM on 10/30/12 but the game is showing 10/29/12. Has anyone seen this glitch, because I can't find anything as to how to fix it. My system and BIOS clocks are correct. Any help would be appreciated

If you're having trouble with the above fix, you can try using a batch (.bat) file to automate the old date-change workaround. Details here:


Basically, you copy/paste the script into Notepad and save it as a batch (.bat) file, which you then use to launch the game. The script changes your system date to October 2nd, launches the game, and then reverts to the correct system date when you're done playing.

The setup is a little more involved than some of the other fixes, but the end result is that I can simply double-click an icon to start the game and play normally.

this like one is a good idea, but the problem with is, thant you play sim ofa game and fall aseep watching it, and you overnight backup service, the backup may not backup right since you have files with newer dates. the answer is ofdont run a game that way, some us play gm, and that a good time to run the game, so its a issue there. i still thknin the one that can up on the desk set to change any date you want, and have it change to right date after the game statred is the best answer. it could be set to reset the date in 5 minutes. that long enough to get the geame runnung

  • 1 month later...

I just can't get this workaround to actually work. I follow the directions exactly, set my date to 9/30, and it updates MLB Today to October 3rd? I never get the Cardinals/Rangers game. When I change the date back on my system, the game loads fine but always to October 3rd, even though my system time is correct. This would be fine if it weren't for my next issue which is whenever I try to logon I get the "Currently testing your network configuration" and it hangs for a good 2-5 minutes before advancing. So I logged out of 2K Sports and set "remember me" to "no" and now the game freezes again.


Not sure about PC edition but with xbox if you have "living rosters" ON and let everything load up from 2k servers (takes a while) the game starts fine even with the date current.

ps: You may have to set your clock back to be able to initially get the game to load up if you have "living rosters" set to OFF. Once you get the game up and running just turn them to ON and the next time you fire the game up while connected you should be ok. Tghis works for xbox anyways.

For PC users, you can d/ld a program called Beyondo http://bluefive.pair.com/beyondo.htm It lets you set the computer clock to a earlier date this past season, that allows you to play the game. It works fine, but takes a long time for the game to load.

  • 2 months later...

This is the response I got from 2K support today about this issue: (pc) version

Mar 01 09:24 (PST):

My MLB 2k12 game once again is hanging up at the start screen as of March 1st. The game had started fine prior to this date. This is the same issue as the freeze problem after Oct 3rd that seemed to have been resolved prior to today.

Matthew A., Mar 01 10:14 (PST):


You will need to change your computer's Calender date to August 1st 2012, 08/01/12 in order to get past the main title screen. If you have any more issues with the game afterwards, please let us know.


Matthew A.

  • 2 weeks later...

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