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Incorrect Chris Carter Face But Correct Body...mvpedit Doesn't Help


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Hey everybody: I have come across a weird anomoly. Chris Carter of the Athletics has a white head with the correct body skin color. I went to MVpedit, changed the face to the correct number (210) exported as usual but his face remains to be whiteish even though on MVPedit the face is correct. I tried installing the face with tit....no affect. I tried useing EAgraph...no change. I am at a loss here. I am using Daflyboyzs latest Roster and my system is XP. Anybody got any constructive Ideas because it seems as though MVPedit isn't communicating with the game program and any changes aren't being reflected in the game? Does that make any sense? The Mod. is the MVP 12 mod. Now the Pujols face with TiT install is perfect. I don't get it. Help, anyone.

Much appreciated......Palooka1 :db:

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either you're not making the changes correctly, or you're playing in a current season. changes to the roster aren't reflected in game. you have to start a new season. when you make the changes, go check the player in an exhibition game.

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Thanks you guys...I'll give it a try. I have been using the exhibition as the means of playing as game so I'll check the appearancve under roster management. Thanks also for the corrected number. You guys are all indispensable. Go Tigers!!

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Hey Boys: Still no luck. I go nto the .mbe file, make the changes , export them back out to database and no changes whatsoever. I am not in a season but I started a new one....just to see...looked at the edit roster, the photo was correct but the face was wrong. Can someone maybe walk me through this because I new have had this problem before. I mean, I am supposed to use the .mbe file to make changes through MVPedit, right?

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Okay...best I can tell is you said you changed him to 210, but you have him assigned 261 in your .mbe file, but the actual correct face for Chris Carter / A's organization is 590.

My suggestion is always export to a desktop folder that you can easily find, instead of overwriting your database folder. Then zip the 19 dat files in that desktop folder. Name it anything you want and that way you can keep track of what you have since you can store as many zip files in the database folder as you want. Wipe the existing 19 dat files and then unzip the new, good ones you just created (instead of overwriting).

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Thanks Boys......O.K...let me re-iterate this to you to make sure I have it right. When adjusting faces or changing them, I have to initiatlly ( on the first time) import them from the Data/Database/.mbe file into MVP edit. Then, after the changes are made in MVP edit, export to a file on my desktop and save the file there. I can call it whatever I want...like "Changes". Then, Zip the file.

Second, when I want to import these changed files into the game just wipe out the exhisting .dat files in the game database and replace them with the new ones I created when I made changes to MVPedit.

Is that the correct interpretation?

Lastly, should I save the exported information to the desktop file as .dat files or just export to the file folder on the desktop without being that specific?

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The .mbe file is really a glorified spreadsheet. It's a file, like a Word doc or Excel spreadsheet. MVPedit is reading the .mbe file. Any changes you make within MVPedit to the open .mbe file will save on the fly. In order to realize the changes you make to that particular .mbe file, you are exporting to the 19 little .dat files (which make up your base roster). Zipping anything isn't necessary.... it only keeps things contained and easily labeled. When you export from MVPedit in regards to the roster.... they are converted to .dat files, because that's how the game reads and implements the rosters.

So when you make ANY adjustment via MVPedit, you'll only see whatever you did by EXPORTING to .dat files and then putting them into the game so you can then visually confirm whatever you did.

As far as cyberfaces.... as long as you installed the cyberface with the correct number and that matches to the number in the roster (like we've been discussing regarding Chris Carter) it will reflect it within the game. Same goes for audio/portraits.

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O.K.....so actually, whenever info is exported from MVPedit, it is already in the form of 19 little .dat files and will save as such on the fly, as you say. So really, I can just use those exported little .dat files, insert them into the database file and replace the old database 19 .dat files with the new ones I created. Then look into the game to see that the changes are correct, right?

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Hey guys...I tried it exactly as you said and saved the exported .bat files to an external flash drive folder, applied the changed .bat files after deleteing the old ones and it worked perfectly. Chris Carter is now all one color...and by the way, the face #590 leaves his face white, but changing it to 261 (afro -american) is a perfect match. Thanks so much for your patience and explainations. You would be good teachers.

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Glad it worked. As far as one number working over another, it depends on what the face maker assigned to the corresponding files. Not all face makers release a face with the "official" number that's been decided upon. So therefore, you can do one of two things: change up the numbers for the face files to the "official" ones.....or as you did, change the corresponding number in the roster to match what's been installed. The problem with the latter is that if that number is officially assigned to someone else, there'll be confusion.

It's not that 590 is "White" and 261 is "Black"....it just happens to be installed that way to your models.big file (where cybers end up). If someone down the road makes a White player and gives him 261 and you install it, any player assigned 261 will be White.

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Hey guys: Your help and expertice was indispensable in helping me understand and correct and enjoy. You guys are a credit to this league, site and to anybody who crosses your path. You are terrific!!

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