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Game Not Using My Mvpedit Roster Update?


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Forgive my ignorance if I am doing something dumb, I just started modding MVP 05 today. I have installed a fresh copy of MVP Baseball 2005 with official patches 1 and 2 (I even tried up to 5 to see if it made a difference). I then installed the MVP 12 update along with both patches exactly how it says. Extracted MVP 12 into the MVP 05 directory, then both patches using TIT. Everything works good until I tried to use the updated 2012 rosters. Since I could not get the roster updated via copy the database folder I decided to use MVPedit and export the DAT file directly. After exporting I go into MVP 2005 and it has the default roster from the MVP 12 update. I then go back into MVPedit and import the roster from the directory and it has all my changes. It's as if it is just not using my update. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I have installed/uninstalled 5 times so far with no luck!

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Are you trying to update an existing dynasty/season? Won't show in an existing.

Do you have more than one install of the game? If so, it may be exporting to the other folder. If only one install, do this: make a new folder on your desktop; open mvpedit and your roster update; export the dat files to that new folder you created; go the folder and zip the files (copy the zip file); go to your MVP database folder and manually delete those 19 dat files that currently exist; paste the zip file; extract it.

You can rest your mouse on one of those dat files and it should show the date that you last made a modification to your roster. Go into the game and if it is still not working (though I can't imagine that), go into roster management and click on reset rosters.

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Not trying to update dynasty, just trying to set my own default rosters. I updated the Angels roster as of 2 hours ago and wanted to import it. Basically I just go into MVP 2005 and go to roster and check lineup to see and it stays on the Roster that came with MVP 12 download. Also, I only have one install of the game.

Thanks for the idea, I will try it now and post my results!

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Well I double checked my .mbe file. The rosters were exactly how I wanted it. I created a folder on desktop, exported to it, zipped it, copied and pasted into the database folder. I deleted all 19 .DAT files and extracted my zipped file. I opened MVP 05 and IT STILL has the same old roster from MVP 12 mod. I promise I am not computer stupid. This makes no sense why it is still doing this.

EDIT: I also imported from database folder into MVPedit and it has my roster. Is the roster cache'd somewhere that I have to delete? lol I am losing my mind!

EDIT 2: I downloaded roster 2012 standard that had the .sav file with roster updates from 8/31/2012. I used the .sav file and that worked. So for me, using a .sav file works but changing the database folder and .DAT files don't. Makes no sense I know.

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Ok, I finally fixed the issue. I decided to give it another shot with a fresh install. I decided to open regular MVP 2005 up after the install and to my surprise it was MVP 12. I was lost... I checked my whole computer for a second installation and nothing. So I uninstalled, deleted every single trace of MVP 2005 I could find. I even decided to install to my own specific directory. After installation I opened MVP 2005 and everything was normal. I tried to load my roster on 05 and it worked. So I put the old database back, installed MVP 12 and then put my roster on again... strange thing is when I was locating the directory I saw the default EA Sports/MVP 2005 with a lock on the folder. Somehow one of my installs became corrupted and shows up as a hidden folder so the whole time I was messing with the game I was loading a corrupted install (which explains why the .sav worked). Go figure... Anyway, all is good, my updated roster works flawlessly. Thanks for the help.

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Thanks for posting the results. Not enough guys do that.

The .sav file is only going to be "readable" and manipulated within the game. You won't be able to use the .sav file, if that's where you do your changes (vs. mvpedit) within mvpedit.

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I tried the standa plus roster effective trades up to 12-15. Not bad, saves me a lot of work prepping for 2013. Thank you much. For some new people that want to truly enjoy this classy classic. Download your roster, and don't unzip the files. Save it on the desktop, doesn't matter. Use your Total Installer Thingy to do the dirty work, which isn't really complicated. Manual overwrite isn't scary. Anyway, just use the TIT, and pick your download, and bam, worked for me.

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