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To All The Modders... Thanks!


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I apologize if this is the wrong forum.

I just recently found out about the MVP 2005 mod scene two days ago. I spent all day yesterday downloading stuff and reading this forum. Just looking at the detail put into MVP 1994 and 2012 made my jaw drop. Just want to say thanks to everyone who spent and continue spending time doing this. Your work is amazing and I appreciate it!

Today I started playing with all the utilities and working on a 2013 roster. That led to me changing images to try and update it to a 2013 version. It's a pain and yet somehow fun... I got a lot of the teams updated today with new stats and attributes along with some of the game screens. Not sure if I will finish this and I am sure someone else will make a much better version, but if I somehow manage to complete this I will post it here.

Here is my start screen. Yes, I am an Angels fan... :p


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Welcome to MVPMods. All of the Total Conversion mods are very well done, so be sure to check out more of them.

Your start screen looks very nice.


I just started with the Total Classics. 1927 and 1961 so far.... don't know what to say except... wow!

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