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Coming Soon - Ultimate Roster Project 2013


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The majority of my roster is MY work. Hell pretty much ALL of it is minus like batting ratings and the compossure rating on a couple of players but you sent me the stuff and never said I COUlDN'T use it. You just randomly stopped talking to me after I sen YOU my WoRK. Hmmm

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I been working on this a good portion of my ******* life fhe past 4 montha so ya'll would have a choice of good rosters because Wudl had stopped workin on his when I began, so now you will berate me even though this project is for YOU people? Messed up TSIZZLE.

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What is your motivation behind this roster project? When it is giving the community a good roster then stop acting like a kid and give me the props. Simple as that. I said I do not want to forbid anything but taking the work of others (and if it is only a piece!) and not saying that you have done it kills communities like this one! We had last year and the year before some Chinese or Taiwan guys who did the same! Why not stating simply that it is not 100% your work (I did that too in my roster --> I used DS' color chart and gave him credit) - so where is the work?

And only because I never said to you that you are not allowed to use it you think you can use it without asking? In which kind of world are you living? Ever heard of manners and fairness?

But the whole thing you act like is to get props out of this project and nothing else. If you lack self-esteem and then go and get it in the real world out there and not in the internet.

Don't act like a kid! I looked into your roster and nearly all the players of the Angels and Astros (strange - exactly THOSE are the teams you mentioned that have gotten rating edits - HAHA) have the ratings that my old calculator puts out! I have put in tons of time into this calculator and talked with the community in my thread about it. I was doing tests after tests and put in a high number of double-digit hours to create this editor.

That is NOT how a community should work! If you want to create suspicion and claim that I could have done the same with your work then feel free and prove it! I got the prove - you don't! And you won't because you can't prove anything that didn't happen!

One simple email or PM could have solved that. But no...you take the calculator and because I didn't forbid something it is automatically allowed without any note or question? When you get the car of your father it is allowed for you to cause an accident as far as he has not forbidden you to cause on?

If you simply had put in yor readme or statement that those ratings that were already edited aren't made up by you but made up by my calculator there would have been no problem. If you had asked again if you could use my calculator I may have allowed you. Why shouldn't I? But now you act like a little kid. I do not care if you made the majority of your roster work by yourself and even do not want to deny that.

But it seems like that you have no clue what an amount of work and time creating a calculator like this demands!

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I gave you credit above, read up. If it makes you any happier I will ask now may I use your calculator for the occasional check on a rating I am unaware of as I pretty much have done and not on ALL of my edits like the proposterous claim you have put out because I use my system way more than I have used yours, because just that it is mine and this project is mine so making that claim is not cool at all. And yeah I am still relatively a kid so duh? I don't do this project for self esteem I do it so the community has a roster since there is no mlb 2k13 and so I have a roster, jesus I may act like a kid but you act like a Douchebag.

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I am not trying to be like the chinese copycats, I can bury this and put it behind me and I hope you can do the same just tell me what it is exactly you want as I will give you the credit you deserve and where it is due or whatever it is you want. I don't think you should put all my work down the way you are saying it is all a big copy when the majority of it is my work. Applogies for not asking as I thought you had put it out there already because the way it was written in the turorial seeme like you wrote it for people to use so I did, but as I said I did not use it on many of the ratings an only for Composure for pitchers and contactfor hitters, and even than NOT every hitter and pitcher. I'm sure my minor league ratings are alot different than yours and I said I have the A's done too btw which dosen't seem to resemble yours at all not thay much of the Stros or Angels system does either. So do you want to bury this and I will mention you in the download info as credit for your calculator for some of my ratings or do you want to go on the way this is going which solves nothing?

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Hello, this is my first post here but I have downloaded both rosters because well that is what I have been scurrying around the web and 2kshare for and they both are great in there own ways, excellent work both of you! But really and I don't mean to intrude but can't you both come to a settlement or stop fighting? I think you both are being childish about it and honestly I don't noticemuch similarities with the rosters and I just checked both before posting this. I really think you guys should come to a settlement on it and go on working on your great rosters maybe together? Just an idea and outside input, keep up the great work friends!

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Since you speak of community, why not bury this as a community?

Because this is not how it works. Simple as that.

This issue is done for me. I won't talk about it anymore.

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