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Base Up! Rosters For 2013 ~ Preview


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Probably by tomorrow. Getting the last details settled and kyleb is gonna put finishing touches on probably tonight with making sure all affiliations are correct.

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Is this the crashing issue that happens on April 11th when running a dynasty? Kyle contacted me asking for help in solving the issue. I gave him some suggestions, but it sounds like you've solved the problem.

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Well....it was more like a work around. And I was there, but after making last minute squad changes and making sure of no jersey number doubles (nothing really all that seemingly crucial), now I'm unable to get into the game at all once again. I don't know how you successfully did all of those rosters for Total Classics, but I tip my hat.

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The fact that I only deal with the major league rosters and tell people to turn off injuries, trades and suspensions when playing dynasties has a lot to do with it. That way, the rosters never change. Also, cutting the size of the free agent pool down to about 50 players fixed some crashing issues.

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Makes sense. This is why I did a MLB focused roster last year. I did want to expand this year, but I think we got into too much mixing and matching. What's so frustrating is that the editor indicates no errors and even with fixing what we know of that can cause this, nothing is emerging as the culprit. I'm going to try one more massive individual team export and then re-import to a known stable roster. If that doesn't work, I think I'm cooked.

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How big is your free agent pool? I remember helping someone last year with a crashing issue and he had around 200 free agents. Once I reduced it to about 50, the crashing disappeared.

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Sorry about all the troubles getting the roster together. Would you be willing to upload the roster for us exhibition-only players, with a note about the crashing in dynasty mode?

I can't get into the game at all right now.

How big is your free agent pool? I remember helping someone last year with a crashing issue and he had around 200 free agents. Once I reduced it to about 50, the crashing disappeared.

It's at about 175. The strange thing is that before I did some of the player moves between AAA and MLB and fix the jersey number duplicates, I was in and able to sim through an entire season with the injuries/suspensions ON. I can't believe the little that I did affected this.

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Ok thanks...... it will be a lot easier to eliminate a bunch of guys who will probably never play again than exporting/importing 60 teams.

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It was ar_key's rosters that we fixed last year by reducing the free agent pool. Why it helped, I have no clue, but as soon as I cleaned up the list, the problem went away. Just remember that you shouldn't remove Shane Reynolds. For some reason, if you remove him, I believe that the mini-games crash.

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It was ar_key's rosters that we fixed last year by reducing the free agent pool. Why it helped, I have no clue, but as soon as I cleaned up the list, the problem went away. Just remember that you shouldn't remove Shane Reynolds. For some reason, if you remove him, I believe that the mini-games crash.

but if i remember well, it caused crash at start in exhibtion mode, i think. but i have a very bad memory :)

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Well, this seemed to be the cure! However, the strange thing is that there are 46 real or fictitious players in the FA pool and I have no idea how to access them in the .dat file and definitely not through MVPedit. Very, very strange. I cut the FA pool down to about 75 since these were guys that are presently injured or did play in 2012 and don't seem too old to be eliminated for the most part. But I swear I had eliminated some of these guys before, so maybe I missed some. Names start to blur very easily after awhile.

Then, after I sim an entire season successfully (with injuries/suspension ON), these names change in the FA pool (e.g., there were 7 LF's, now there's 1). Then when I "reset roster", the fictitious ones go away entirely, but the seemingly actual ones are still there, though they cannot be seen in the attrib.dat file either.

Well, regardless, the upside is that is SEEMS this is back to functioning..... so I thank you guys.

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  • 2 months later...

The BaseUp! Rosters that will be included in the TC 13 mod will have all injured players positioned back within their respective organizations. All organizations will have full or near full capacity. Cyberface ID updates will be done as well in conjunction with the official list.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok....figured I'd update here since I'm not calling the next release a "patch". Currently working on adjusting prominent pitchers' control ratings based on ERA and including WHIP and their record where appropriate. It was really hard to find one indicator and if I had the time, I'd really like to use pitch f/x to develop a control number based on the results pitchers are getting with every pitch, but that would take a lifetime or a game company would have to pay me to do that full time! :)

I'm about half way through the league with those and can see me picking up steam on that to finish that through the weekend. Then it's a matter of contact/power adjustments. Again, it will be only for prominent players (as filtered by baseball-reference.com) and instead of comparing this year's numbers to the last 5 seasons, it will be only compared to last TWO year's numbers. Position players who did not play a significant number of innings per BB reference will be unaffected. Pitchers' batting attributes were done at the beginning of the year, so unless there is some pitcher who just became a beast this year at the plate (suggestions accepted), I'm not going to waste my time researching that.

Stay tuned.

Addendum: Actually, to expedite this, what I'm going to do is take the existing numbers for the player and adjust IF they have played at least a 1/2 season this year (again, assigning numbers by splits). Therefore, you will see contact and power numbers go up for Miguel, Chris Davis and the like (as well as numbers go down for those who deserve it).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey gents...just an update. I've been a combination of busy and under the weather, so not able to make the progress I had hoped for. I'm back on getting some momentum to finish out the updates as indicated. The problem will be that, since I'm not going to create any more minor leaguers (and I'm POSITIVE kyleb doesn't want to :) ), some teams could be short again. It will be up to you if you want to put the "season-ending injury" guys back on their respective rosters/clubs. I simply don't have the time (or desire) to make new players. Speaking of which, if I end up doing rosters for next season, I'll be going back to MLB focused sets.

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Hey gents...just an update. I've been a combination of busy and under the weather, so not able to make the progress I had hoped for. I'm back on getting some momentum to finish out the updates as indicated. The problem will be that, since I'm not going to create any more minor leaguers (and I'm POSITIVE kyleb doesn't want to :) ), some teams could be short again. It will be up to you if you want to put the "season-ending injury" guys back on their respective rosters/clubs. I simply don't have the time (or desire) to make new players. Speaking of which, if I end up doing rosters for next season, I'll be going back to MLB focused sets.

:good: :good: :good:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry guys....this past month has been a rough one. 2 ER visits (inc. an overnight hospital stay). Still not 100%, but seemingly making strides. Faith, a great supportive wife and family, the right nutrition and getting the right work ups has all been a part of that. I still have a ways to go as I want to be all but medication free in months to come. But enough of that.....

I finished all of the batting tweaks but somewhere along the line I really screwjied the pitch control formula. So I need to go back and make some global corrections as well as having some teams to simply address. The alpha model at this point is crash free (in no injury mode). Hopefully can get this all addressed this week. Some organizations will be back to being a little skimpy in the lower levels, so setting injuries to "on" is up to the individual user. Many of the injured players who were thrown into the FA pool are back in the organizations, but may be at lower levels. Guys will just have to set line-ups as they want. End of the year rosters are hard to do with the 40-man lists out there. I did what I could.

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Only about 1/2 of the league left to check for pitchers, some testing and then should be done. Really, really wanting to get it done by the weekend. I think that some guys (depending on their sliders) will find it much harder to pitch with certain pitchers who did struggle this year.

Addendum: in the home stretch.....as long as I don't have any personal setbacks, I foresee this being ready by this weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay guys...... hope you are enjoying that latest installment of the rosters. I've been having some very challenging outings as various pitchers.

I think one last major update I want to do prior to next year's rosters involves updating hot/cold batting zones for prominent major leaguers (i.e., having played at least 1/2 the season as a position player). In my last update, I actually did this for several pitchers who are good hitters on one or both sides of the plate. Thankfully ESPN shows this graphic very well and should be easy enough to do, especially if I limit it to those player limits.

Specifically, I'll adjust players who appeared in 81 games and/or 200+ AB's.

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