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How To Edit Portrait.cdf?


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Hello, I am working on a portrait pack for tge upcoming season but have come to a standstill. I know how to edit the portraits and import them with the NBA modtool to the point that the portraits show in the game on the roster managment menu. Now the problem is that under lineups and pitching rotations and in games the portrait shows as either the original portrait or a combination blur with the original and new portrait together. I believe it's because of the portrait.cdf file as I have been editing portrait.iff but I am not quite sure. Could anyone with experie ce making portraits or that knows how to do it give me a pointer or two here? I'd love to make an updated portrait pack for the community but don't want to release it if it's still not a finished project. Thanks for any tips and help in advance!

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Found a couple of older threads on portraits, maybe they will be of some help, never done any myself. If you ever get it figured out i'd be interested in how you did it.



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Thanks alot friend! I found it wasn't the cdf that needed editing but that it was just saving the bitmap when saving the .DDS file that was needed. And sure thing, what you need is the NBAModtool and a paint program, I use Gimp for mine. But you find the player you want to edit the portrait of in the Modtool than you export res to the paint program so you get the size of the portrait or you can find out the size on modtool on the bottom left where it shows two numbers next to DXT5. The size is from what I can tell always 256,256. So once you have the size go to your paint program an click file and new. Enter 256 for width and height and pixels. Under advanced options if you use gimp select pixels/pt and under the fill with selection set it to transparency. Now that you have the new page find a portrait of the player and copy the picture. Now load a seperate project up in gimp or your program of choice with the same size of 256,256 but for the fill with selection under advanced options choose background color, now paste the portrait there. Now use the scissors tool and go around the player until you connect the dots back to the original starting point. You should now have the player outlined, click on the player inside the outline and the color around them should dissapear leaving you with the player portrait. Now copy the cutout portait and paste it back into the original transparent image you made and the player should have little checkered squares behind him at this point. Now go to the layers tab and select anchor layer to place the portait into the image. Now all that's needed is to save the image as a DDS file, when the next box comes up after saving as a DDS for compression select BC3/DXT5 and select the little box next to Generate mipmaps. Now go back to the NBAmodtool and go to the player who you made the portrait for and select import res and the portait you just made and it should replace the old portait and have a blue background. Close the modtool and load up the game and enjoy! I hope this helps, I can help demonstrate with images if needed.

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Thanks a lot for your explanation! :)

I did do a few portraits with MVP but that was a few years back, i'll have to keep your guide handy in case I ever attempt some for 2k.

Where are you finding your new portraits at?

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As of right now i'm using ESPN and different team websites. I'd love to know of a place with all newer portraits as I think the current portraits on the team sites are old portraits photoshopped but my guess is they won't have newer portraits up until spring training.

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For user characters it works but I don't know how to add to the portrait.iff, just how to edit player portraits that aren't in the game and assign them that portrait number. I have not tried My Player but as long as you can edit the players portait id in one of the editing programs than my guess is that it works the same.

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