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Deciphiring Portrait Id#'s?


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Hi, currently working on a portrait pack but had a few questions for the pros around here. First question is how when using the NBaModtool and the portrait.iff file do you decipher the global_id for redditor or for eiting portraits in Ty's Editor? When looming at the numbers listed for each player in the decompressed folder for portrait.iff none of the numbers equal to the portrait id numbers? Is there a trick to getting the global_id #'s from in the folder or how exactly do you locate the id #? And another question, is there any way to add files into the portrait.iff without replacing an existing file an if do, how? Help would be very much appreciated for a final version that is the most up to date it can be, thanks alot inadvance!

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Me again. :)

Check this thread, it's from 2k10 but maybe some of the numbers still match. In it the OP Tony3 mentions about a text file in the portrait.iff file that shows these numbers.


I just opened the portrait.iff and see no signs of any text just pics so i'm not sure how he found those.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I suppose you could use Ty's Roster Editor to open a roster and view the portrait and cyberface ID numbers assigned to each player.

Those numbers do not correspond to the #'s in the portrait.iff/.cdf file .

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