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Wbc Caribe 2013... Soon!


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Hello, guys!

First of all, I'd like to inform that the MVP Caribe Team is working very hard to bring you the World Baseball Classic on MVP Baseball 2005 like we did in 2009.

Here are some uniform / manager jacket previews: (I'll remove the Adidas logo of everyone but Cuba's).




A few details about this mod:

*All WBC teams will be available (Main Tournament and Qualifiers)

*It will be available here in the MVPmods.com download section.

*We think it might be uploaded by saturday or sunday.

Any other question about the mod, post it here.

*If you are a modder and want your work to be in the game (stadiums, faces, and more) please post here so we can use your files in this mod, we'll mention your names in the credits*

Thanks for the support.


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Thank you Hector. If this is anything like the WBC mod from 2009 this is going to be a lot of fun to play. The only thing is I wish you guys over there wouldn't announce your mods because some people around here will start asking for it every day. :D

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Looks great and it may just inspire me to do more (non-WBC as WBC teams seem to be covered) National Team teampacks (time permitting) to perhaps add an optional supplement for this sort of mod!

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Hector there is a problem accessing the Caribe website. Kaspersky internet security does not like the Caribe homepage because it is detecting Trojans on it and in the graphics. This has not always been like this because I did get Caribe 2012 recently and I did not get any error messages when I was there. Do you know why this has been happening?

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Not only was this never posted, but the mvp caribe site registration (required to download the file) is completely broken. Hopefully it gets uploaded soon.

How do you know if he ran into problems last night and he couldn't post it? Maybe it was getting too late for him and he had other things to do. You have no idea why this mod isn't here right now and neither do I. You had better learn to be patient for things because the modders do all this on their time and when you get impatient about things it doesn't make you look that good.

Don't worry, it will be here.

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Well said Y4L. I don't normally post but I gotta say I can wait. I paid the small sum of 10 bucks and can certainly wait cause it'll be great when it comes out as is 99.9% of the MODs on here

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Well said Y4L. I don't normally post but I gotta say I can wait. I paid the small sum of 10 bucks and can certainly wait cause it'll be great when it comes out as is 99.9% of the MODs on here

You know what part of the problem is around here? We have people like you who hardly ever post in here but you totally get what is going on around here. You appreciate what the modders do here and I am sure you also get that they are not working for us and if we have to wait for something it's no big deal. It's not like we don't have other mods around here to occupy our time, right?

You've been here a long time and I'm sure if you started posting occasionally you'd be a great contributor although I am not saying you aren't one already. :)

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How do you know if he ran into problems last night and he couldn't post it? Maybe it was getting too late for him and he had other things to do. You have no idea why this mod isn't here right now and neither do I. You had better learn to be patient for things because the modders do all this on their time and when you get impatient about things it doesn't make you look that good.

Don't worry, it will be here.

Did I say he was a bad guy? Did I attack him? Absolutely not. I have nothing but respect for modders of a game from 8+ years ago, or any modder of any game. Nowhere did I do anything to the contrary. I did say that I hope that the file will be available soon, which if anything is an implicit statement of my respect for the team and an outright desire for their work.

I also mentioned that the website was broken (I haven't checked today so I'm not sure), which I personally believe is a legitimate cause for frustration and concern. I did not ask when it was going to be working, nor did I pester the creators or anyone else about getting it working. It is important to make these things known, lest they go unsolved. Also I never said it wouldn't be here. That's ridiculous.

I get the feeling that this website, like any other site related to user created content, has a big problem with people harassing the creators of the files about releasing them. "Is it done yet?" "How much longer?" "Work faster!" etc. I understand. Don't lump every account with one post who happens to post in the thread of an unfinished (in this case finished but unavailable) mod into the same group however. I really don't appreciate the harsh rhetoric.

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Did I say he was a bad guy? Did I attack him? Absolutely not. I have nothing but respect for modders of a game from 8+ years ago, or any modder of any game. Nowhere did I do anything to the contrary. I did say that I hope that the file will be available soon, which if anything is an implicit statement of my respect for the team and an outright desire for their work.

No one ever said you were a bad guy for saying what you did. Any interpretation that you were originated from yourself and no one else.

I get the feeling that this website, like any other site related to user created content, has a big problem with people harassing the creators of the files about releasing them. "Is it done yet?" "How much longer?" "Work faster!" etc. I understand. Don't lump every account with one post who happens to post in the thread of an unfinished (in this case finished but unavailable) mod into the same group however. I really don't appreciate the harsh rhetoric.

And you would be right. Five years ago the Mvp 08 mod was a little late coming out because of various reasons. We had people in here on a daily basis complain in a whiny and also an angry way about why the mod wasn't out yet. They made it seem like the modders were taking their time and each day that went on they got more and more upset. Like they owed them something. So this did happen in the past and it still does.

Also if you think that by me telling you to be patient about this is harsh rhetoric then once again that is how you interpret it and I can't do anything about it. I want the WBC mod as much as the other person. Something had to happen to prevent the upload of this.

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No one ever said you were a bad guy for saying what you did. Any interpretation that you were originated from yourself and no one else.

And you would be right. Five years ago the Mvp 08 mod was a little late coming out because of various reasons. We had people in here on a daily basis complain in a whiny and also an angry way about why the mod wasn't out yet. They made it seem like the modders were taking their time and each day that went on they got more and more upset. Like they owed them something. So this did happen in the past and it still does.

Also if you think that by me telling you to be patient about this is harsh rhetoric then once again that is how you interpret it and I can't do anything about it. I want the WBC mod as much as the other person. Something had to happen to prevent the upload of this.

Well if you say that I'm being impatient, and then you say impatient people don't look good, then it's pretty clear to me what you're saying. But I think phrases like "you had better learn" and "doesn't make you look too good" stand for themselves, so I'm not going to beat a dead horse.

Hope to see it soon, if that doesn't overstep any boundaries.

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