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Mvp Baseball: The Documentary


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I wanted to run this idea by all of you, since we have all been friends for many years now.

Last night, HFLR and I were chatting and catching up with life, modding and the success of MVP Caribe. We were reminiscing about modding and stuff, and it dawn upon the both of us that we should definitely look into filming a brief documentary about the site, MVP Baseball and how it brought us all here. Nothing incredibly lengthy, probably a one hour/45 minute short documentary, about:

- The origins of MVPMods

- How some of us who got into modding for MVP actually started

- The "golden years" of the site, when things started to hit their stride

- The end of MVP Baseball and the fallout from 2K acquiring the MLB licensing

- The legacy of MVP Baseball and MVPMods and what it has meant to everyone involved (projects such as MVP Caribe, Total Classics, etc.)

- Among other things that can be discussed could be some of the highs and lows in regards to the site, memorable moments, that one time Pirate got his Great American Ballpark mod posted in a PC gaming mag, stuff like that.

While I am extending this invite to all of the modders and people from the "old guard", I was just wondering if anyone would want to hop on board and contribute something, given the immense size of the entire MVP/2K Baseball community. I think it would be awesome. As I sit here reminiscing on a lot of things that went down on this site, I realize that while we may just be a site based on PC baseball games, there are so many memories, friendships formed, drama, excitement, surprises, and people I will always remember.

Honestly, to me it would feel like it would be the perfect way to preserve the work of more than 8 years of modding and being a part of this site/community, almost like a love letter/thank you note.

Now, filming it all is going to be a ridiculous uphill climb, because many people do not live in the US, Some of us live in Asia, others live south of the equator, and some live in Europe, so what I could attempt to do would be like a skype call or have some things vlogged, and the footage compiled and added to the documentary.

In no way would this be for profit or anything like that, it would honestly just be uploaded to YouTube, immortalized on its own channel.

If anyone else is interested/has some ideas, I welcome them.

Let's brainstorm.

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I think this is a tremendous idea. A video like this would be able to not only promote the site, but show others who are newer how the site was before.

Boy, have I had some times on this site. From doing dynasties, chatting with fellow Mets fans, attemtping to mod (I have TWO mods on record lol), I have had so many memories and have made friends to whom I still chat with till this day. I used to lurk on this website, a lot. I finally decided to join at one point in the summer of 2007. As a teenage kid and avid baseball fan looking for more than just the regular game, this site did it for me. The mods, the tools, the effort by the numerous amounts of people who spent their free time developing programs and downloads for us to enjoy was something I always thanked them for and will never forget.

If you need any ideas, or a interview, bounce em off me man, I'm totally down to help you out on this project.

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I love this idea. As a former Admin of the site, I have seen much highs and lows, and would love to contribute my "love letter" to this site. Regardless of all the **** that took place over the years, this site, for me, was the only place I stopped multiple times a day. The only place I ever really made any "internet" friends. A few I still keep in touch with on Facebook. I loved, and still do, MVPMods.

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I love this idea. As a former Admin of the site, I have seen much highs and lows, and would love to contribute my "love letter" to this site. Regardless of all the **** that took place over the years, this site, for me, was the only place I stopped multiple times a day. The only place I ever really made any "internet" friends. A few I still keep in touch with on Facebook. I loved, and still do, MVPMods.

I have and still visit this site every day. I remember when the site was going to shut down, I felt lost. I now things are slower, but I still can't imagine not checking it everyday. Thank you all for your contribution, both in mods and in sharing our love for baseball.

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I'm, once again, on board with you KC .......... this has been a truly fabulous ride for many of us which I would like to perserve in anyway possible!

I often tell my friends and family about our MVPMods community but they truly don't understand it even though they try to!

Some enduring friendships have definitely developed because of MVPMods not to mention a real eye opening experience for many of those that really weren't familiar with the great history of this game they call "BASEBALL" !

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Even though I am far from being one of the original innovators of this site (only joined in 2010); I would love to contribute perhaps a short video piece explaining why I got into modding and how much I enjoy this site and the community. Possibly, this documentary can be a way of inspiring others to mod and to see how a great web community can work and benefit everyone who loves baseball and baseball gaming. Superb idea kccitystar!! :clapping:

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In no way would this be for profit or anything like that, it would honestly just be uploaded to YouTube, immortalized on its own channel.

I think this is one of the best ideas that has come through this place in a very long time. I will be happy to help out. I've been lucky that I have been here since the beginning and have witnessed the incredible growth of the website first hand.

If you need any ideas, or a interview, bounce em off me man, I'm totally down to help you out on this project.

I consider you one of the "old guard" around here if you know what I mean. You've seen a lot here and you were someone who would always want to help out.

I love this idea. As a former Admin of the site, I have seen much highs and lows, and would love to contribute my "love letter" to this site. Regardless of all the **** that took place over the years, this site, for me, was the only place I stopped multiple times a day. The only place I ever really made any "internet" friends. A few I still keep in touch with on Facebook. I loved, and still do, MVPMods.

I can almost replace DJ's name here with mine because this is how I feel too. The only thing different is that I'm not on Facebook and have no plans on doing so. :)

Even though I am far from being one of the original innovators of this site (only joined in 2010); I would love to contribute perhaps a short video piece explaining why I got into modding and how much I enjoy this site and the community. Possibly, this documentary can be a way of inspiring others to mod and to see how a great web community can work and benefit everyone who loves baseball and baseball gaming. Superb idea kccitystar!! :clapping:

Dennis, a guy like you would have fit in very well when this site opened. It is our loss that you were not here then. I can't imagine how many mods would have been in the download section from you had you been here since '04.

KC mentioned something called "vlogged" and I don't know what the hell that is. I probably can not participate in a video recording since I do not own anything like that but I will be glad to answer any questions.

Great idea KC. Let's show these people here how great this site was during its peak years and focus on the wonderful modding that has been done here.

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Very interesting idea, KC.

I have a lot of history here too, even though I never gave into modding. I've made some good friends here, and, some that have fizzled over time (Fuzz, I'm looking at you...Even though I know you'll never read this because you are too busy being busy with Google). I was also a 1 month, dynasty pumping machine!

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intriguing idea man. i play fantasy baseball with several old schoolers too. here's my shameless plug for it: we could still use some more players, at least one. bonus is you could hit them up about this too.

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I was telling my wife about this potential project, and she said you should get a point of view from the spouses of some of the members here. Apparently, there was quite a period of time where this site consumed my life...LOL!

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I was telling my wife about this potential project, and she said you should get a point of view from the spouses of some of the members here. Apparently, there was quite a period of time where this site consumed my life...LOL!

Things....just got realer :)

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I was telling my wife about this potential project, and she said you should get a point of view from the spouses of some of the members here. Apparently, there was quite a period of time where this site consumed my life...LOL!

Pretty sure this game caused at least one breakup for me lol.

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Pretty sure this game caused at least one breakup for me lol.

Modding itself has been very therapeutic from one of the darkest periods in my life (2008-ongoing), so this game has affected everyone somewhat in other ways.


I could do something like that. I'm just working out a few things.

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So far people on board as of this post:

Y4L (for historian purposes)




BigRog (used to make sigs in the off-topic)







I just extended an invite to JoeRudi26, plan on sending Jim825, The Big O, and SESbb30 an invite also.

I'd also want to include Sean O into this, if only because he contributed a lot towards stadium work as well as engaging in productive discussions here on MVPMods. I'm sure he's got a lot to talk about.

At the moment I'm kind of stuck on how exactly to fund this film, given that everyone's in different locations and I don't have the visual equipment at the moment to make it happen...so we're at square one.

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kyleb is in here too. he brought us the 2012 mod. alextony frequents here still too every once in awhile. you know who we haven't seen in awhile? guys like markb, tywiggins, big schmooz, and tebjr

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kyleb is in here too. he brought us the 2012 mod. alextony frequents here still too every once in awhile. you know who we haven't seen in awhile? guys like markb, tywiggins, big schmooz, and tebjr

Like I told KC previously there is a strong chance some people will be forgotten only because we haven't seen them in awhile. But at the same time they contributed so much to the game when they were here.

How about...

paulw, whose classic stadiums creations are a huge part in TC 10 and many of the older total conversion mods?

Hory, the person responsible for all the portraits when the game first came out and the man responsible for the 1994 mod?

UncleMo, who provided audio talents in the game.

theSpungo, who made top notch uniforms.

and at the same time let's not forget guys like fizzjob, Sandman, Moser316 (remember his hi-res road trip for his uniforms?) as well as UMachines, Thome25, RAM and bigbully plus other who made us uniforms?

Just these guys for example. All helped the website become what it is.

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