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Have you changed which date you're setting your clock to (as in, instead of one date you set your clock back to, you choose another furthur back. Example: September 17, 2012 to September 15, 2012)? That's what I usually do when it hangs on a day I've been using.

If not, I'm not sure what to do.

Edited by dishnet34
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I just tried to start my game after reading this and have the same hangup problem also. I changed the date to Feb 28 since it worked then, but it still did not start. I set the date back to Oct 1 and it did start without any problem. That seems to be the work around again as KC listed back when we had this problem in Oct.

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This is the response I got from 2K support today about this issue:

Mar 01 09:24 (PST):

My MLB 2k12 game once again is hanging up at the start screen as of March 1st. The game had started fine prior to this date. This is the same issue as the freeze problem after Oct 3rd that seemed to have been resolved prior to today.

Matthew A., Mar 01 10:14 (PST):


You will need to change your computer's Calender date to August 1st 2012, 08/01/12 in order to get past the main title screen. If you have any more issues with the game afterwards, please let us know.


Matthew A.

I have responded back asking if this will be fixed or not by them or will we have to do this forever just to play the game and will post the response if i get one.

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This is the response again from 2k (pc) support:

Mar 01 12:39 (PST):


Is this something I am going to have to do forever to play this game now ? Am I going to have to change my computer every time just to make your game run, or will this be fixed on your end ?


Matthew A., Mar 01 13:11 (PST):


You will need to do this each time you want to play the game.


Matthew A.

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Kraw - I think that is a security measure that is set off by your computer. It probably is thinking you are being attacked because the current date is being changed from a non-windows program. I am having that problem as well.

edit: It doesn't like its date being changed by anything.

Edited by marinerschas2
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