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Since MLB 2k PC is just an Xbox port, is it possible for us to take the Xbox files from 2k13 and overwrite the files on PC MLB 2k12 to give us the 2k13 on the PC? I mean not all files can probably be overwritten but the ones that have the years or divisions so we can get an update? Has anyone tried this?

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not by us

the Xbox disk only contains 5 files (2000+ files on the PC), 2k does this to improves load times from a disc.

The roster file is a different matter, it can be saved to a ROS file. That ROS file can be loaded in REDitor II. In REDitor II to can export a roster to a CSV files. It is only a matter of time until we can re-import those files into a PC ROS file. I bought REDitor II yesterday but have not received the licensing keys yet

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Others have already converted a 2k12 roster to 2k13 roster for the 360

Others have already converted a 2k12 360 roster to 2k12 PC roster

So logic dictates it is possible

you would have to work around 56 new first name audio, 138 Last name audio, and the fact they removed 2 teams (AL & NL Legends). Besides that it should be easy.

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Maybe they have done it but did it crash? And what are the benefits of it? E.g. schedules?

We create a script/program to automatically edit the cvs file like we did with MVP,

then you load a 360 living roster dump the csv files

run program to make the quick fixes on the csv files

Re-import them into a PC roster

In the matter of seconds you have a new updated roster

As for the crashing, I've only really noticed crashing from rosters I've edited with Ty's editor when I've done a lot of roster moves but it is always late into the 2nd season when it happens

If I make the roster moves in-game instead of using Ty's editor they do not crash.

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