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Retiring From The Modding Community


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im seriously thinking about hanging up the modding. Since 2k decided not to move on theres really nothing else to do and Ive pretty much gone as far as I can go.Ive done new unis for this year and Kc has as well and theres no older unis that I can think of that needs to be done. The only changes that I can see is all the stadiums will have new advertisements and im sure those will be taken care of as the season progresses.If I do call it quits I just wanna give a major thanks to TRUES for this wonderful site and the oppurtunity to add my works.Also 2k even though most of the games were buggy,without them the modding wouldn't have been possible.And also a thanks to all U who have complimented my works and have gave me words of encouragement.It has been an honor and enjoyment since 2k9 and I hope everyone has enjoyed it as well.Also thanx to those who gave me tips and even those who messaged me and asking for advise.Kinda sad to go because I was still learning and was a few areas I still needed to know but God bless everyone and thanx again Don

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If you do plan on leaving the modding community, it has been a real pleasure modding and exchanging feedback/ideas with you, dennisjames71 and everyone else for MLB2K12 last year. Best of luck in all your future endeavors, friend :)

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Even though it is certainly sad to see you leaving the modding community; I do hope you may be able to still frequent the site. Believe me, I understand that life's calling takes us to many places and it is unexpected. As, KC said; I had a blast modding the 2K12 stadiums last year with you and kccitystar. It was a true collaborative effort to each add our own enhancements to the game. I have greatly enjoyed your work over the past few years and it will never be the same without you here. I sincerely wish you the best with everything going on in your life. :good:

Take care my friend,


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I'm not a modder but very gratefull for you and all the other modders here for all of your work. Thank you for everything you did to make the game 100 times better.

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thnx guys,Kc and Dennis it was great getting to work together,we made a pretty good team I think,just hard to expand on the unis with so little space to add anything else,its a shame that every year if new unis come out that we would have to get rid of some just to be able to add,I would have loved if they could have made enough space to use every single uni that was ever created and then some.Reme u are quite welcome

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oh and yes dennis ill still be poking around cause im sure there will be downloads ill be wanting to get lol and people have come to me before for special requests in which id still be willing to do,so I wont be totally leaving the site

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Thanks again for all your work DonSpa! I have all the unis you've uploaded on this site on CD! Glad to here you will be still be around for possible future endeavors! Cheers!!! Here's hoping the Bucs stay on the plus side of the win column this year! :good:

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Thank you Don for everything you've contributed to this site over the years. You're a class act and your mods were always top notch. I hope to see you around here and there. Take care.


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oh and yes dennis ill still be poking around cause im sure there will be downloads ill be wanting to get lol and people have come to me before for special requests in which id still be willing to do,so I wont be totally leaving the site

Your Pirates will be in good hands, I promise you ;)

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Don, even though I am someone that has never used one mod that you made (and that's because I don't own the 2k baseball games) I want to say thank you too because I looked at the screen previews of the classic uniforms you made for this game and I kept on saying to myself that I wished these uniforms were made for Mvp instead. Thanks for all you have done.

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glad u have enjoyed williamsburg,Kc this year ive been quite excited about them,this spring has been the most i have followed the pirates in years as far as ST games go, Y4l i now have a copy of mvp 05 lol havnt installed it though

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Don - I'll echo the other comments and say thanks for everything you've contributed here. I bailed on MLB2K9 after 2 weeks of frustration and have never tried a later version, so like Y4L, I've never used your mods, however, I know the amount of time it takes to put out these mods, so you've got my utmost respect.

Let us know if you give MVP2005 a shot. There are one or two good mods here that we can hook you up with... ;)

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Hey DS. I know I thanked you and all the modders here in a prior post for all of your work, but as someone who does have quite a few of your downloads, I wanted to thank you for them personally. You made my visual experience with this game a whole lot better, even though you root for the wrong side of the state. lol (i'm in the phila area).

Thanks again

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lol reme when there were only 2 divisions in each league i always rooted against the Phils,but now that they are in seperate divsions i dont root against them as much lolol and glad u have enjoyed them,even though i still had alot to learn but when i look at when I first started 2k9 to 2k12 I can see the differences in what i had done,just wished 2k could have kept going my wish list would have been they could have had unlimited space and had better control of us doing stadiums,uniforms and unlimited space for old time stadiums ..so much potential if the could have followed what mvp had done in their series,with the graphics upgrades compared to what they had in those days this game could have been awesome

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2k12 is my first version of this series. I jumped on your stadiums and the uniforms right away along with the ones from KC and DJ71 & Trues . Like i said, your work made the visual part of this game a pleasure. I never really had a problem with the pirates either actually. Now the steelers vs the eagles, that's a different story lol. Although the Baltimore people out there probably have a little more to say about the black and gold than we do over here. lol

I saw KC's post about your pirates being in good hands and I would have to agree they will be well taken care of with how good his work is also.

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reme u should see my house when the steelers and ravens play because my fiance is from baltimore,and unfortunatly im not hearing the end of it lolol but to my defense i never say a word i just hold up 6 fingers lololol

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lol yeah she knows,she hates indy because of them leaving and keeping the colts name , funny thing is,she hates sports and this year alot of the ravens games were on tv in this area and i think she watched every one of them course she wont admit it was just so she could rub it in when they would win lol

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thanks to you and everyone else for all the hard work in the past years , i have been here for a while i think 7 years now ... i have to look :). Im sure i used everyone's great mods since mvp2005 . thanks again

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I'm so sad to hear this Don. You have been a great commodity to this site and I hope you will re-evaluate your thoughts on this.

It will be a terrific loss to this site if you leave.

However, if you do decide to hang it up, I'm sure most here, including myself, will support your decision.

Good luck to you in any path you decide to take. :good:

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Don, thanks a million for all your work. It certainly made the game more enjoyable. You can tell that your work was a labor of love. Again, much thanks and hate to see you go.

Mike G

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Hey Don, hope all is well man!! I dont get to hop on much anymore but wanted to say thanks for all the work you put out over the years. You helped out tremendously with my work when I first got here, so I cant thank you enough.

good luck!


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