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Wudl's Rating Edited Roster (Beta)


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Need help please

are the Astros in American League West ?

load the roster, start Franchise but astros in the old league and no small logo now.

what made i wrong ?

thanks for answer

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Wudl, when you get a chance, some of the players are still rookie eligible from last season in your roster (e.g. Harper, Cespedes, Aoki). Can you take care of that, or I can do it quickly and send it to you?

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@joern: normal einfach das roster im spiel laden. das wars. sofern es im richtigen Ordner ist und nicht überschrieben wird, sollte es funktionieren.

@camden: i am aware of that. i still have to edit the service time of about 600 guys. that can't be done in a quick fix sadly since i always have to check things because 2k made even mistakes in their official roster. so i can't add simply 1 year to each player because sometimes it got to be 2.

IMO either I do it for all players or I let it be. but as I said it's quite time consuming (no complain, simply an explanation). the first teams I started to edit back some months ago already got the right service time and correct rookie eligibility. but as the start of the season came closer and closer I wanted to release the roster. ;)

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I have been updating the whole Angels and Astros system (along with service time and rookie eligibilty) over the last few days. I think I gonna do it division after division and post an update when I got the AL West nonetheless.


Oh damn sorry. Gonna upload it along with the next update. Thanks for the info.

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Hey guys, only wanted to let you know that I've been quite busy over the past few days and that I wasn't able to make one single edit, let alone play a game. I hope it will get better by the weekend. Really would like to continue doing the work asap.

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Thank you for the information. Keep informing me about such things so I can correct them. :)

I have completed the whole Angels, Astros, Athletics and Blue Jays franchises by now. Gonna keep on working today.

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Thank you for the information. Keep informing me about such things so I can correct them. :)

I have completed the whole Angels, Astros, Athletics and Blue Jays franchises by now. Gonna keep on working today.

Thank you for the information. Keep informing me about such things so I can correct them. :)

I have completed the whole Angels, Astros, Athletics and Blue Jays franchises by now. Gonna keep on working today.

Long time no update!
Taiwan players list?
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I said that I maybe would make a complete update before releasing the next version. This future version should be massive and could be considered complete. At least this is what I was thinking.

Taiwan players list???

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I said that I maybe would make a complete update before releasing the next version. This future version should be massive and could be considered complete. At least this is what I was thinking.

Taiwan players list???

There are many Taiwan players in minor leagues
List but you are the only major league player + 3 minor league players
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Thank you for the information. Keep informing me about such things so I can correct them. :)

I have completed the whole Angels, Astros, Athletics and Blue Jays franchises by now. Gonna keep on working today.


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There are many Taiwan players in minor leagues
List but you are the only major league player + 3 minor league players

I took the players that are listed under "minor leaguers you should know" @mlbdepthcharts.com If those Taiwanese players weren't listed in those lists then I feel sorry. But I won't start over and edit some players in only because they are Taiwanese. The lists over there mostly make sense.

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Hey guys. How is the weather over there in the USA? Here in Germany it keeps on raining and raining and raining. :D

One little more information on what I am planning to do:

I would like to give pitchers and batters who are currently on the 40-man rosters or who are top prospects new batting stances. Those generic type sucks and I want to get rid of that. Because of that the final update will be even more massive, but maybe it also will take a little bit more time to get there.

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If you want me to do it I can do it of course.

If you think (we trust your decisions) there's a better version of a face (example: recently released Reyes) than it would be much better experience.


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Yeah of course including those faces is really only a minor thing for me since I download and use them myself. ;)

Two points:


Editing the Indians a few minutes ago I came about an (maybe very weird) idea. You know that the game ratings differ in single digits.

But ingame you won't realize a difference between somebody who has a speed rating of 71 compared to someone who has a speed rating of 72. I could draw much more examples. Know what I mean?

So my idea was to back away from the single digt system and revamp it to something like this:

99 - 95 - 90 - 85 - 80 - 75 - 70 - ... - 45 - 40 - 35 - 30

as the only possible ratings for everything (pitching, batting, speed, bla).

I know that after one season or with hot streaks occuring those five point differences would be gone but we would gain one major advantage: I could finish the roster much, much, much quicker.

What do you think about that?


I tested it for the Giants (don't be afraid, everything is backed up) and as I expected the OVR don't change drastically.


After reading a thread over at OS where they talked about that after setting the fielding anticipation rating to 25 for every player the game would look much smoother I gave this a try and set the Angels and Astros fielding anticipation to 25. Only thing I can say is: holy mother of good does this game look smoother now. :good:

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Definitely, the defense is moving smoother and the defensive plays are looking more realistic. Especially in the infield. I can not say it by 100% but I think I saw 1 or 2 animations that I had never seen before in this game, too. Way less diving plays IMO.

If I remember it correctly the anticipation attribute had not been in the game for too long. They implemented it for either 2k11 or 2k12. To be honest I do not know what they wanted to accomplish with this anticipation attribute. Normally you would think with every fielder having an anticipation of 25 they would field like crap. But they don't. lol

As far as I could find out in that thread I was talking about, the anticipation is something like a guessing rating. This means the higher the anticipation rating the quicker a defender will recognize how the ball is hit. And sometimes you could have noticed that fielders were even moving before the ball was even hit...because they "knew" it. With anticipation at 25 it s gone. Fielders are moving. But they only move when they know where the ball is hit at. Not before it.

Maybe Brandon Crawford may have the same anticipation rating like Nick Noonan but Crawford still is the superior defender because of his range, arm and glove.

This is the thread I am talking about: http://www.operationsports.com/forums/mlb-2k/602663-anticipation-attribute.html

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