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Two organizations (Giants, Dodgers) are now completely updated. All ratings are accurate to the real life stats, all pitchers throw the right pitches (including accurate ratings and speeds) down from the A affiliate to the MLB ballclub.

Nonetheless I had to play a little game, I hadn't done that in a long long time.

Giants took the win at Dodgers stadium behind a phenomenal performance by Tim Lincecum.

(To be honest I don't know how I did that. I have never hit 3 homeruns in 1 inning before, nor are Lincecum's ratings so good or the Dodgers' ratings so bad lol. Since I hadn't played in a while I expected that I wouldn't get hits at all.)










As I said, don't know, sorry. I never have done portraits. I really have no clue how to do them. ;)

I think he means the cyberfaces... will you be including the new cyberfaces with the roster, like you did last time.

I believe that's what he means.

Hey, Is there a way i could get the excel file with all the equations? I'm trying to make one. and I'm having no luck with getting any good equations. It would be great if you could upload it for me. Thanks!

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys. Sorry again. Wasn't able to do anything with the roster because of a number of stupid happenings. First I broke my collarbone and got surgery 2 weeks later so I wasn't able to work with more than 1 hand for nearly 4 weeks. As a result of that I had a ton of work to catch up on. I am back at work again.

  • 1 month later...

Thank you. Sorry that I didn't respond in the last few weeks. Since BSU-Fan released his great roster I decided to take things slowly since there was no big need for a new roster.

But I kept things going and came up with a new rating system with new formulas based on way more stats than before. It produces way better ratings and the 30-35-40-...-85-90-95-99 system is gone. I included things like swing and miss rates or various defensive statistics into this calculator.

Since we got the offseason now I got a ton of time to work on the roster again until the season starts in 2014. Right now I updated all the 25 man rosters of the NL West (including ratings, years of experience, rookie status and so on). I based the lineups on mlbdepthcharts.com. Every batter now has a stance, every pitcher will get his own delivery. No more any custom things. Besides that I updated all contracts including salary and lengths.

Right now the team ratings of the NL West look like this (although I still would give the advice to not only look at THOSE numbers, the individual ratings are more important than the OVRs, which holds true for players and teams; but it gives at least something like a hint on skills):

1) Dodgers, 98 pitching, 89 batting, 96 overall

2) Giants: 97 pitching, 88 batting, 94 overall

3) Rockies: 86 pitching, 97 batting, 93 overall

4) Diamondbacks: 90 pitching, 88 batting, 92 overall

5) Rockies: 89 pitching, 88 batting, 90 overall

Some random picked players and their ratings:

1) Dodgers: Puig 93, Hanley 91, Guerrero 80, Kershaw 95, Jansen 90, Ryu 87

2) Giants: Posey 91, Sandoval 85, Morse 82, Bumgarner 94, Casilla 84, Lincecum 83

3) Rockies: Tulowitzki 95, Cuddyer 87, Morneau 82, de la Rosa 84, Hawkins 81, Lyles 75

4) Diamondbacks: Goldschmidt 93, Trumbo 86, Montero 78, Corbin 85, Cahill 82, Ziegler 81

5): Quentin 88, Headley 82, Alonso 80, Street 86, Johnson 81, Thayer 79

the rating system you have is by far the best i seen . I hope BSU use the system you have because the roster that is out now i dont care for the rating system if people have not notice players like marlon bryd with a 88 rating ... pretty unrealistic in my opinion ... BSU didsay he was going to adjust the ratings ,,, looking foward to your work wudl by far nothing compares to the roster you put out last year keep up the good work . Maybe you and BSU can team up and put maybe the best roster ever invented :) im sure you two brilliant minds can put out a BEAST !!! keep up teh good work and sorry to hear about the crap that happen to you

I hope BSU use the system you have because the roster that is out now is pretty horrible when it comes to the rating system if people have not notice players like marlon bryd with a 88 rating ... pretty unrealistic in my opinion ...

If you don't like the roster, then don't use it, but please do not criticize someone else's work. That's not what we like to see around here.

You are more than welcome to release your own rosters if you can do better.

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