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the rating system you have is by far the best i seen . I hope BSU use the system you have because the roster that is out now is pretty horrible when it comes to the rating system if people have not notice players like marlon bryd with a 88 rating ... pretty unrealistic in my opinion ... BSU didsay he was going to adjust the ratings ,,, looking foward to your work wudl by far nothing compares to the roster you put out last year keep up the good work . Maybe you and BSU can team up and put maybe the best roster ever invented :) im sure you two brilliant minds can put out a BEAST !!! keep up teh good work and sorry to hear about the crap that happen to you

My rating system is 100% statistical based. "Horrible" is such a funny word to use. You are the 1st person to have any negative comment on the rating system and i have had well over 1000 downloads. Me and Wudl83 both agree that you shouldn't pay attention to overall ratings as much as the individual ratings. 2K puts more value on certain ratings and speedy outfielders have some of the most overrated overalls out there. Also.. Byrd had very solid year in 2013...just saying. Thanks for the feedback but i would appreciate it if you were more constructive with your comments. And thanks Jim :hi:

My rating system is 100% statistical based. "Horrible" is such a funny word to use. You are the 1st person to have any negative comment on the rating system and i have had well over 1000 downloads. Me and Wudl83 both agree that you shouldn't pay attention to overall ratings as much as the individual ratings. 2K puts more value on certain ratings and speedy outfielders have some of the most overrated overalls out there. Also.. Byrd had very solid year in 2013...just saying. Thanks for the feedback but i would appreciate it if you were more constructive with your comments. And thanks Jim :hi:

I am just 15-20 games away from completing my first franchise season with BSU's roster, and I think the rating system is very, very good. I think WudL's will be great also. I cannot find anything to criticize, I'm enjoying my franchise very much.

I personally thought that the ratings were fine. In response to MercyLord, Marlon Byrd had a strong campaign in 2013, batting .285 in the Mets and .318 in the Pirates with 24 homers and 88 RBIs to go with. Anyways, thanks BSU-FAN for putting effort and time into his roster and I am looking forward to Wudls Roster

I personally thought that the ratings were fine. In response to MercyLord, Marlon Byrd had a strong campaign in 2013, batting .285 in the Mets and .318 in the Pirates with 24 homers and 88 RBIs to go with. Anyways, thanks BSU-FAN for putting effort and time into his roster and I am looking forward to Wudls Roster

If you plan on spending any quality time here on this site you will find that there are a lot of people very willing to put down a mod and criticize the work of a modder. This isn't something that is brand new around here. We've had people doing this for years because it's so much easier to insult someone else's work then doing the work itself.

This is coming from someone who has never used wudl's rosters or BSU's rosters only because I don't own 2K12 but I do have a very good idea how much time it takes to put together a roster so in that respect I salute their efforts.

sorry about that did not want to make it sound so direct ! just was being honest in my opinion .... I did use the word Brilliant when i mentioned BSU so i cant see when i mention horrible ratings and unrealistic a insult when you praise the person . Just trying to help ! . It helps to hear people that tested the work to be honest about it GOOD OR BAD because it could help improve the work . Just my opinion :) only thing i'm wrong about is my choice of words . Bit shocked with some of the responses i seen like i tried to criticize or put down the modder , pretty clear besides my choice of words i did not ! I changed the msg from Horrible to (( I don't care for the rating system )) that's the only thing i'm wrong for . Did anyone notice the part when i said BSU was Brilliant ? seems like those quotes seem to be missing that part .

so ratings don't matter that much ? .. cool ill see what kinda results i get after a season with them

That's not at all what we are saying. I understand that you were only speaking your opinion. The part that is a bit confusing to me is you are claiming you were " Just trying to help ! . It helps to hear people that tested the work to be honest about it GOOD OR BAD because it could help improve the work ." But you posted the non constructive comments of my work in another modders roster feed? I have asked for feedback on my roster since early October and this was the first I have heard from you(actually the first negative comment out of many). You made no attempt to ask me how I came up with ratings or even checked to see the legitimacy of it in action. In my current franchise Byrd is batting .256 with 5 Hr's, 20 RBI's, and 1 SB through 65 games. According to those numbers he wont even reach what he actually did in 2013. If you want to continue to see people like Wudl83 and myself put this kind of effort into something we do for free...you may want to think about what you are saying before you type it. We are all free to an opinion...but there is a community here that believes in expressing it in constructive ways. I apologize to Wudl83 because we have hi-jacked his thread now and that is not right either. His work is very very good, and while many have suggested that we work together on a roster I find co-authoring very difficult with the method I use in editing. Anyway, thanks again for the support from MVPmods.com and the support of the community that appreciates and helps encourage the hard work that goes on with very little appreciation. Happy Holidays to all!!! MercyLord there is no hard feelings...just don't expect some of us not to jump to defend ourselves or scold those that take a wrong approach at helping.

LOL this is going to funny but i must say why i responded with the Horrible comment ...... i asked about the roster ratings on the Download feedback and someone posted this ......

"""""I only move players to new team ! I don't have time to ratings them

I will ratings players next year 1 months if MLB2K14 not going out for PC verison """""""

i thought that was you , and you took some version and just messed with somethings LOL ..... opps now i know why . i thought you did not work on them :) oh well all good keep up the good work

  • 3 weeks later...

LOL this is going to funny but i must say why i responded with the Horrible comment ...... i asked about the roster ratings on the Download feedback and someone posted this ......

"""""I only move players to new team ! I don't have time to ratings them

I will ratings players next year 1 months if MLB2K14 not going out for PC verison """""""

i thought that was you , and you took some version and just messed with somethings LOL ..... opps now i know why . i thought you did not work on them :) oh well all good keep up the good work

That statement was from lifo80050917 who is just making trades to my end of season roster and re-releasing it on his own. He didn't adjust the ratings at all, but I did on every single MLB and MILB in the same roster. And those ratings are based entirely off of a statically based rating system that I have found to be incredibly accurate when playing a franchise using my sliders. To call them "horrible" is a sorrily uneducated and unappreciative comment...especially when not one other person has ever released a final roster with ratings included for MLB2k12 besides myself. These kinds of comments are why I am stepping away from roster editing. I have gone back to doing it only for my own franchise but probably wont release anything in 2014, and you can see what you get as an alternative. Wudl's ratings are very good too, but he has never released a final version due to the enormous amount of work this kind of thing takes. I spent my entire summer and a 2 week vacation on my last roster just so the community would have a final completed version with ratings included to play with. Most are extremely thankful, but if you don't like one or two ratings you are more than welcome to take 10 mins to change them in your game. I would love it if I only had to spend 10 mins vs. 4 months to have a complete and updated roster. I don't think you meant to be so offensive, but I would suggest looking into things before you make those kinds of comments in the future. No hard feelings but trying to justify it doesn't make it any better.

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