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  On 3/29/2013 at 3:36 PM, wudl83 said:

Like I said in the comments below the download I will go on like this:

1) finish all the 40-man rosters and some top-prospects for all teams, but not editing the contracts and service time, otherwise I won't be able to complete the 40-man rosters until opening day; 6 teams are left right now (Marlins, Nats, Padres, Pirates, Rays Rockies); the last 5 or 6 teams I have been editing already haven't gotten any coontract or service time edits;

2) when I got those 40-man rosters I will edit the contracts and service time for the teams that are missing

3) after that I will go on with free agents (ratings, service time, add some FAs)

4) then I gonna try to edit full minor league systems

5) maybe then I will go to the managers

I do not know right now in which version I will include the schedule and Houston in the AL. But I will do it, I only don't know when.

I also plan to edit some managers, but to be honest the work on the roster is killing me right now. I am working 3-4 hours on the rosters every day and it starts to get annoying. After the opening day rosters I think I gonna take a little break but I will release new versions with 3), 4) and 5) - I promise.

you need a break :) if you lived in chicago i would send you a case of beer to your house :)

@MercyLord, that is hilarious. I was also thinking about saying I was gonna hook Wudl up with a case of beer..... @Wudl, I know that roster work gets boring, but the monotony that you go through makes this game SO MUCH BETTER! Keep up the great work.


Sad to say this but I won't be able to complete the 40-man rosters until the first pitch of opening day :(

It simply takes too much time. :mad:

I gonna finish those 40-man rosters as fast as possible and I think I can drop them at least by Monday...

all good man ill take what you have ! i think its great right now with the last update ...... im going to start tonight so im keeping my fingers crossed that you have it done :) either way .... all systems gooooooooooooo for me :)

Should of put Roster been released LOL instead ! :) i hope nothing wrong ? everything cool on his end , figure he would of released something for us for opening day . i been checking hour to hour since yesterday to get my Franchise going . All is good i know he is busy and he worked his *** off on this roster so i will go with his last update for now and have to just sim to my currant franchise Outcomes .

Great roster i do agree I'm 3 games in so far with 3 teams Cubs 1-2 Seattle 1-2 Baltimore 2-1 ...... Gave up waiting for updated roster i have a feeling we wont see one for a while if we have not seen any since the 25th . He Been busting his *** it seems he needs a break He done a great job and plenty of hard work shows in his roster being the best out right now ... all you need to do is add a few minor league players for a few teams and adjust the contracts as you go along in the season with the 1.9 version . PLAY BALL :)

Woah guys I feel so sorry...

My internet provider had a big problem in the telephone switch (I do not know if this is the right word for it in English) and I was without internet from Easter Sunday until now. In fact I did not even see the MLB games on sunday and yesterday. :(

I wanna apologize for the delay but I am back at work now and currently working on the Padres.

  On 4/3/2013 at 12:14 PM, wudl83 said:

Woah guys I feel so sorry...

My internet provider had a big problem in the telephone switch (I do not know if this is the right word for it in English) and I was without internet from Easter Sunday until now. In fact I did not even see the MLB games on sunday and yesterday. :sad:

I wanna apologize for the delay but I am back at work now and currently working on the Padres.

Apology accepted. Things like that absolutely suck. Take as much time as you need on the Padres. ;)


I had been very interested in soccer for a really long time. I played soccer myself from age 4-18. Numerous injuries (especially knees) caused me to stop. Since then my interest was constantly shrinking. I can not tell you exactly why, but while I was watching every soccer game I could get into my TV a few years ago (independent of how meaningless the game itself was), I have not seen one complete soccer game in 2013. I simply don't care anymore.



Back in 2003 or 2004 I found Triple Play (the one with Giambi on the cover) for a special price of 5 Euros in a computer store. Because of boredom I bought it. I never ever had something to do with baseball before. I did not know the rules, I did not know the difference between infield and outfield, I did not understand what was going on in this game but I simply liked to hit. And although I did not understand anything I liked the game. I played it a few months before I got quite busy and then never restarted playing it. In 2005 a good friend of mine was visitting the US (especially the Bay Area, but hitting other places, too). He bought a Giants baseball cap for me as a gift since he was visitting a game of them. After that we started to watch baseball games (especially Giants games, man did they suck back then). We started to learn the rules by simply watching games and we got heavily addicted.

Funny thing: in our hometown (about 16.000 residents) a baseball team was founded at that time and we joined it. We really sucked hard. :D

Sadly the team only existed about 8-10 months, after that numerous players left.

Wonderful story man . most people from the USA Grew into Baseball by there dads bringing them and watching the games when we were kids . This story Is unique :) With Soccer i tried to get into it when i was around 7 but i guess the 4 Major sports Football/baseball/basketball/Hockey were to much to handle for me to get into soccer . If people in Germany new how much of a great game baseball is im sure everyone would know about the game .

I'm from Portugal, where there is no baseball at all despite great weather for it. My story isn't much different from wudl's.

ESPN and video games turned me into a fan many years ago, but I've only followed baseball seriously for the last 5-6 years. I've always been intrigued about the matchup between pitcher and hitter, and how it's still a team game with so many one on one situations. I learned the rules by playing and then used the internet to learn as much as I could about the game's history and how it developed. Ken Burns' Baseball also helped.

The last thing I do before I go to bed is check the scores. And it's also the first thing I do when I turn on the computer/tv in the morning.

Liking baseball is something totally weird for my friends and people in general, but I don't mind.

As for soccer, I'm still a big fan. I watch Benfica's (a big soccer team here and in Europe) every single game. But the Yankees are not that far in my heart.

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