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Mvp 13?


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Hello everyone!

It was rumored that a new total mod was coming out, or maybe just an updated roster for 2013. Has anyone heard anything on this?

I haven't heard anything about this. Are you sure?

yes its coming out when nobody asks for 2 weeks.


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It's being worked on, but there's never an ETA. Guys working on their respective parts have jobs and other duties, so you can't put a time frame on it. Sorry, but that's how it is.

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I talked with kyleb more yesterday/today and we're going to release a complete MLB/AAA roster set hopefully by late weekend/early next week since the projection for a full roster set would be sometime in May. Of course, not going to give an exact date since we have 2 guys now figuring things out. My hopes then would be to have a full MLB through Single A available for the MVP13 TC mod! :) But since there are no more attribute changes to do on a grand scale, the things I noted in the preview section will be there! Also, players who already have season ending injuries will remain in the roster set for easier access than having to mess with MVPedit. .......Stay tuned!!

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