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TV for MLB2k12 v 1.1





CSN TV v 3.3



FOX TV v 1.0




Edited by exrxixxx
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ya, it is possible. just need to move every single element to new position:

- team ID text

- team ID 3D structure

- Score text

- Score 3D structure

- inning arewa ....

- ball caount area...

- logos ...

- main background 3D verticles

- main bacground effect (plenty of them, better to dissable them)

- all info text and their 3D structures

- and many many more elements

Edited by exrxixxx

ya, it is possible. just need to move every single element to new position:

- team ID text

- team ID 3D structure

- Score text

- Score 3D structure

- inning arewa ....

- ball caount area...

- logos ...

- main background 3D verticles

- main bacground effect (plenty of them, better to dissable them)

- all info text and their 3D structures

- and many many more elements

Hey Exrxixxx--

That's a lot of really tremendous work you've been doing with the scoreboard.

I have a couple of more detailed questions that I'll get back to you with soon, but for now I was just wondering what tools and what software you use to manipulate the models and the underlying effects. I assume you're using the 3DM Mod Tool and maybe the NBA/MLB Mod Tool as well, and I can guess that you use Photoshop or something similar to alter dds and bmp files, but what are the tools that allow you to extract and make changes to the models within the iff files?

Thanks, and I hope you'll keep up with the brilliant enhancements.


Hey Exrxixxx--

That's a lot of really tremendous work you've been doing with the scoreboard.

I have a couple of more detailed questions that I'll get back to you with soon, but for now I was just wondering what tools and what software you use to manipulate the models and the underlying effects. I assume you're using the 3DM Mod Tool and maybe the NBA/MLB Mod Tool as well, and I can guess that you use Photoshop or something similar to alter dds and bmp files, but what are the tools that allow you to extract and make changes to the models within the iff files?

Thanks, and I hope you'll keep up with the brilliant enhancements.


Hey hey,

sure I have ready to use 3DM tool (and/or NBA2K12 MOD Tool), but I am not interested in pictures we can find in the file. I need 3D structures, those elements that are shown on the bottom left corner of 3DM tool. Esport them to DDS, than open with Blender (together with Python).

Unfortunatelly they did not help much this time as either I did not find what I was looking for or some subfiles were not extracted correctly by 3DM tool.

I do not use Photoshop, I use Fireworks for image editing, but as I said, image editing is not important here - it takes less than 1 % of time needed for scoreboard editing.

The only picture in version 05 is "a field / place holder", even this black big background is collection of 3D verticles edited manualy via hex editing

So the only tool that makes sence here is hex editor (any hex editor).

Everything is done here.

Edited by exrxixxx


Some more proggress....

Thanks fellas for kind words.

As user DYousa asked for tutorial - if something particular is needed you may always ask and I will be glad to help you/everybody

I will not write tutorial as this is impossible, too much data. There are thousands of bytes that have to be edited manually via hex editing.

Unfortunately scoreboards use team logos that are in uniform files (uniform_ard.iff "diamonbacks home, etc.)

And very often these logos has no colors (ATL, NY, etc.) - just white color.

If someone could update main uniform files to correct logos that CSN use.... :) ... that would be nice.

If no, will have to figure it out by myself.

I will try to add white background behind team scores and change score color to black as in original.

And will try somehow to activate total pitches number to be shown always at top right box (that's extremely difficult I suppose and no guarantee I'll succeed)

Plus need to find good place for batter stats "vRHP CONTACT 81 POWER53". I can change shape, lenght, width of it, just need think where it could fit best.

And of course... need activate team colors and make it as close to original as possible. BTW the color's color is regulated in roster file - I'll not touch it.

If someone want Oakland yellow instead of green, modify roster file (this is just to explain how team colors works)

Edited by exrxixxx

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