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Scoreboards - Tv For Mlb2K12 V 1.1


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Does anyone wants to write more detailed instuctions how to update mlb2k12.exe or even shoot a video in order to help ppl who are not successfull so far updating mlb2k12.exe ? If yes you may always shoot this info here. GL GL

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IT looks like either you did not updated mlb2k12.exe att all, but looking to missing team ID iI am almost sure you updated your mlb2k12.exe wrong (pasted information not from the good startmg point. Correct starting point is when mouse cursos is in the left side of the first instance in the file of AD91CFFE7D )

Main Scoreboard file looks like is intalled OK.

So now delete you modded mlb2k12.exe, bring back your backup'ed one and try updating mlb..exe again.

This happened to me --- I was not using the most current files together ("to replace" file as well as overlay file). You need to use the most recent versions of both.

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Have found very sexy stat for a pitcher, but I also like WHIP very much.

Don't know what to do

wow! very good pitching stats. Personally, looks good better than WHIP.

What should I do? like this...

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I will hold up from this for a while what you just mentioned as still investigating for some else.

It loks OK, but stats are not so informative as they could be

Pitch count is already on top

Innings pitch - for stater that makes no sence

ER - almost alway the same as score

K - very giid

BB - very good.

I miss Hits allowed there, but this does not depend on me, that is a single stat with collection that can't be changed

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I will hold up from this for a while what you just mentioned as still investigating for some else.

It loks OK, but stats are not so informative as they could be

Pitch count is already on top

Innings pitch - for stater that makes no sence

ER - almost alway the same as score

K - very giid

BB - very good.

I miss Hits allowed there, but this does not depend on me, that is a single stat with collection that can't be changed

That's the right move. The only stats you'd really want from that group are BB and K, and if you really want to know those numbers, you can always access them during the game via the stats screen (plus the announcers often mention the number of Ks for a pitcher during the game).

There is no way to look up the WHIP of a pitcher during the game on a separate page so that info is only available when on screen as you have it.

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As I announce SportsNEt Canada TV few pages earlier ... I struck with some technical difficulties which are almost impossible to solve. That is related with Single objects that are dispalyed for both teams.

There is only one object For both Teams ID, one both both scores, one for both colors, etc.

I can't replace correctly postitioning of Team ID and Scores

Default 2K format is

AWAYteam AWAYscore HOMEteam Homescore

and I need

AWAYteam AWAYscore Homescore HOMEteam

Maybe somedaty later....

So far first attempt for FOX SPORTNET TV (not sure if I will not meet some more unsolvable stuff)

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I like the stat for a pitcher.how to do it?

1- You have to update MLB2K12.exe as CSN 3.2 STATS v1.

2- Intall new scoreboard file (note that you always have to use scoreboard file that fits mlb2k12.exe modifying version. If you want to switch back, then you have to swtich back both files mlb..exe and screboard file)

here new scrbd file that replaces WHIP

WHIP replaced.rar

3- some more addition updates in mlb2k.exe required

Find first instance of

17 c0 c6 67 3f 0f 7e 7e 20 ec 89 00 24 d6 ac 00

Replace it with

17 c0 c6 67 3f 0f 7e 7e 20 b4 8c 00 94 4c b4 00

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1- You have to update MLB2K12.exe as CSN 3.2 STATS v1.

2- Intall new scoreboard file (note that you always have to use scoreboard file that fits mlb2k12.exe modifying version. If you want to switch back, then you have to swtich back both files mlb..exe and screboard file)

here new scrbd file that replaces WHIP

WHIP replaced.rar

3- some more addition updates in mlb2k.exe required

Find first instance of

17 c0 c6 67 3f 0f 7e 7e 20 ec 89 00 24 d6 ac 00

Replace it with

17 c0 c6 67 3f 0f 7e 7e 20 b4 8c 00 94 4c b4 00

Thank you so much Ex!!

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There is "Read Me" inside the download stuff that you dowloaded from MVPMODS Downloads section.

Also read last ~4-5 pages of this thread to find some advises.

Then ask for something particular, we are here to help

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IT looks like either you did not updated mlb2k12.exe att all, but looking to missing team ID iI am almost sure you updated your mlb2k12.exe wrong (pasted information not from the good startmg point. Correct starting point is when mouse cursos is in the left side of the first instance in the file of AD91CFFE7D )

Main Scoreboard file looks like is intalled OK.

So now delete you modded mlb2k12.exe, bring back your backup'ed one and try updating mlb..exe again.

Got it working, just as you said I had the cursor on wrong side. It's pure awesomeness man thanks for your work. Truly Outstanding.

On a seperate note since you know how to work with hex. I wonder if the problem we have with the Astros not showing in the Standings, well let me rephrase that the last placed team not showing up in the team standings with the hardcoded 14 teams in AL 16 in NL. I wonder if we could change that through hex editing.

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I don't mean to misdirect the thread in any way, but since you are the hex guy here, I have a question:

I am trying to make the logo on the hats bigger on a uniform, but I am not sure how to do that through a hex edit. If I send you the .IFF file, would you take a look at what the offset could be?

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So I have a question

For stats, why does it sometimes show season total AVG, HR, and RBI for the batter...

... and then later show only the AVG with no label?

Is there any way to make the AVG, HR, and RBI permanent and not randomly changing? Like the stats for the pitcher?


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I don't mean to misdirect the thread in any way, but since you are the hex guy here, I have a question:

I am trying to make the logo on the hats bigger on a uniform, but I am not sure how to do that through a hex edit. If I send you the .IFF file, would you take a look at what the offset could be?

This thread is also OK for various stuff so don't worry about missdirection.

It is not only about scoreboards, but about modding proccesses too.

ja please send it, will check it

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Is the latest version permanent or standard timing ?


Standard timing only.

I can't get Permanent version to work correctly now as the game crashes between inings. Probably because these stats conflicts somehow, I don't know yet how to fix that...

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This thread is also OK for various stuff so don't worry about missdirection.

It is not only about scoreboards, but about modding proccesses too.

ja please send it, will check it

great. Here's the away and home alternate for the cleveland indians. The away jersey has a big "C" logo, and the home alernate has a small "C" logo.

I want to try and make all the hat logos the same size. Any help would be appreciated :)


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So I have a question

For stats, why does it sometimes show season total AVG, HR, and RBI for the batter...

... and then later show only the AVG with no label?

Is there any way to make the AVG, HR, and RBI permanent and not randomly changing? Like the stats for the pitcher?


For stats, why does it sometimes show season total AVG, HR, and RBI for the batter...

... and then later show only the AVG with no label?

It always has some label. I think you mean



It is splitted in two line sometimes.

These line are interactive and gives more info than usual

Is there any way to make the AVG, HR, and RBI permanent and not randomly changing? Like the stats for the pitcher?,

Yes it is very easy to do, but only by replacing something from the screen.

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great. Here's the away and home alternate for the cleveland indians. The away jersey has a big "C" logo, and the home alernate has a small "C" logo.

I want to try and make all the hat logos the same size. Any help would be appreciated :)


I did not find the correct way to fully control hat's logo yet as it requires some time to understand the logic inside as I never explored uniform files, but for now I hope you could use this result as in picture if you like.

Not sure why Away uniform is Bold (logo), while home_alt is not so fat.

Teere are million ways to achieve that result, so let's say it could be




You'll find here

54 00 00 00

make it let's say...

54 00 20 c5

No need to relaculate checksum

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Hi exrxixxx--

Just a quick question here.

When you moved the location of the CSN watermark during replays from the lower left corner to the upper right, was that task accomplished by simply changing a value (or perhaps more than just one value) with a hex editor?

If it was, could you please tell me the procedure for that single element of change?

For example, if I wanted to alter my version so that the watermark would appear back in its original location in the lower left corner, what would I specifically need to do?





X- Coordinates

4f6f1e - percentage in that proportion

4f6f1f - proportion

Y- Coordinates

4f6f22 - percentage in that proportion

4f6f23 - proportion

Proportion is like "myles/kilometeres", while percentage is like "yeard/meters).

Sure there are "centimeters" and milimeters" but you'll not need them for watermark

To make it simple.... you'll ahcieve all results using these proportions

C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

Percentage is always in a range 00-FF (this is 256 variations, google for hex numbers)

P.s. if you do not see watermark anymore, that means it is out of bounds.

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Hi exrxixxx--

Just a quick question here.

When you moved the location of the CSN watermark during replays from the lower left corner to the upper right, was that task accomplished by simply changing a value (or perhaps more than just one value) with a hex editor?

If it was, could you please tell me the procedure for that single element of change?

For example, if I wanted to alter my version so that the watermark would appear back in its original location in the lower left corner, what would I specifically need to do?





X- Coordinates

4f6f1e - percentage in that proportion

4f6f1f - proportion

Y- Coordinates

4f6f22 - percentage in that proportion

4f6f23 - proportion

Proportion is like "myles/kilometeres", while percentage is like "yeard/meters).

Sure there are "centimeters" and milimeters" but you'll not need them for watermark

To make it simple.... you'll ahcieve all results using these proportions

C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

Percentage is always in a range 00-FF (this is 256 variations, google for hex numbers)

P.s. if you do not see watermark anymore, that means it is out of bounds.

Thank you very much, my friend.

That was exactly what I was looking for.

I did notice something when making a change to those coordinates.

Once again, like when making the changes for the "Batter Name" text, there was no need to use the CRC32 Checksum and change the first 4 bytes of the file in the hex editor.

I remember that we had to do that when changing the team colors. At that time I thought you said we needed to perform that step every time we edited a file with the hex editor. Obviously that is not the case.

Can you tell me what the difference is between hex edits which require the Checksum overwrite and hex edits which don't need it?

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Hey hey,

I really do not why. Probably google would give an answer.

Normally only those files need checksum rechecking which are doing something, calculating, writing, etc.

Scoreboard file does not affect game processes, therefore we do not need to recalculatre checksum.

Strange byt mlb2k12.exe does not require for checksum recalculation. Maybe because it is just an archive file with several files inside

Personally I use simple logic - never relalculate cheksum first

If it crashes then I know that I have to do that for this file.

So what we have for mlb2k12 that requires relaculation:

- roster.ros

- difficulty siliders

- do not met others yet

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