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I wonder if it's possible to edit the uniform names in the .ROS file. For example, I'm looking to rename both the Rays and the D'Backs throwback uniforms from "1998" to "2001".

Hey Bro--

You can change any of the names shown for uniforms with Vlad's editor.

The only thing is that you're limited to using what's in the list of names already entered as strings for this purpose. I took a quick look and I did not see the year 2001 on the list.

I guess it's possible that there's another way to go about this which would allow you to add additional names to the list, but regarding that, I currently know nothing,

Here is the list of Uniform Names that we know you can select from because they're already in there:

00000000 - *No Name*

002513B8 - 1975 Road

0125EA12 - Alternate Home

052966D5 - 1973 Home

0A82B72F - 1980 Road

0CD2F971 - 1942 Road

190EFEC0 - 1963 Home

1F2AAC82 - 1904 Road

24FD9F71 - 1998 Road

271180B4 - 1981 Home

28BA514E - 1972 Road

2B927661 - 1913 Road

38DA0764 - 1988 Road

417BC07E - 1981 Road

4297DFBB - 1998 Home

4DF836AB - 1913 Home

4ED01184 - 1972 Home

50BD1477 - Alternate Home 2

59A10BB3 - Alternate Camo

5EB047AE - 1988 Home

6343261F - 1973 Road

664F5372 - 1975 Home

674FAAD8 - Alternate Road

6AB8B9BB - 1942 Home

6CE8F7E5 - 1980 Home

7940EC48 - 1904 Home

7F64BE0A - 1963 Road

820BFAAB - 1956 Home

842FA8E9 - 1931 Road

845BB4F5 - 1994 Home

88D84220 - 1906 Road

8D100FA7 - 1978 Road

8DD4374D - 1900 Home

97D7FD1A - 1977 Road

9D70598D - 1982 Road

ACC4F603 - 1993 Home

AFA5C61D - Batting Practice Road

B0E36E16 - 1983 Home

B5EF1B7B - 1985 Road

B7E8E31A - Home

BA44CA81 - 1976 Home

C9CF86D7 - Batting Practice Home

CAAEB6C9 - 1993 Road

D182A3D0 - Road

D3855BB1 - 1985 Home

D6892EDC - 1983 Road

DC2E8A4B - 1976 Road

E231F43F - 1994 Road

E245E823 - 1931 Home

E461BA61 - 1956 Road

EB7A4F6D - 1978 Home

EBBE7787 - 1900 Road

EEB202EA - 1906 Home

F1BDBDD0 - 1977 Home

F45673DE - Away

FB1A1947 - 1982 Home


As in QBRICK808 list few posts above, the ID (or link) for 1998 Road is 24FD9F71.

24FD9F71 - 1998 Road

4297DFBB - 1998 Home

You can find it in Roster file, but you need to use correct hex-language, not adopted for users in Vlads Editor.

Correct hex reading is from right to left, not from left to right.

Therefore we can find these bytes in roster file if we search for

24 DF 9F 71 (wrong) -> 71 9F DF 24 (correct.

So both ARIZONA and TAMPA uniforms from 1998 has the same 71 9F DF 24.

But this data does not mean anything by itself, it is not number 1998, it is just a link to English.iff file.

You can find 71 9F DF 24 there too surrounded by more information which probably mean where is placed "the actual meaning in latin letters" of this link.

Don;t know how it works, but we can find the meaning manually as in the pic as we know that we have to search for 1998.


Unfortuanetlly as QBRICK808 mentioned there is no 2001 uniforms in the game, therefore we can't simply change hex numbers in ROSTER file which will be directed to 2001 home or 2001 as they do not exist.


IF you follow all these steps you will change all 1998 unifroms to 2001. I do not know how many of them are in the game.

If only ARI and TB than it's bingo, tho it is to complicated for wide use for everybody unless you upload modified English.iff file.

P.s you have to relaunch game in order see effect after moding English.iff

P.s. this is also possible to create other line for year 2001 uniform in order not to affect 1998 unis

Holy crap.

So from what I read, English.iff has lines that the .ROS file references?

Since I have added uniform slots to the rosters, would I have to hex edit the .ROS file to reference the right bytes from English.iff, like Home Alternate, Road Alternate, etc?

Do you think it's possible to create lines in the English.iff file and reference them in the .ROS file?

I'm hoping I make sense, it's 4:26 in the morning here in New York :sad:

* Yes, Roster has XXX link, the game then goes to English.iff to find this XXX, and inside English.iff this XXX somewhere below has a meaning in "latin letters".

Simply English.iff has all the texts you see in the game.

* If you added new slot for uniform in Roster file and in game menu it is named wrong (year or home, or alternative, whatever), you can change link to other one. Thus would lead to display different name for uniform.

* I do not think we can create new lines in English,iff because it is impossible to find the system how XXX links from Roster finds that text in English.iff.

But we can use those texts that are not important at all in the game.

It is possible to use unnecessary texts and transform them to importan ones.

Let's say there is text "You won 2012 World Series". If you do not expect to win them ever, so you safely change it to "2074 Home" and use it's XXX link in Roster file for team uniform. I believe there are plenty of useless texts that you never meet.


Not sure if I explained it OK.

If something particular is needed we can develope that idea

* Yes, Roster has XXX link, the game then goes to English.iff to find this XXX, and inside English.iff this XXX somewhere below has a meaning in "latin letters".

Simply English.iff has all the texts you see in the game.

* If you added new slot for uniform in Roster file and in game menu it is named wrong (year or home, or alternative, whatever), you can change link to other one. Thus would lead to display different name for uniform.

* I do not think we can create new lines in English,iff because it is impossible to find the system how XXX links from Roster finds that text in English.iff.

But we can use those texts that are not important at all in the game.

It is possible to use unnecessary texts and transform them to importan ones.

Let's say there is text "You won 2012 World Series". If you do not expect to win them ever, so you safely change it to "2074 Home" and use it's XXX link in Roster file for team uniform. I believe there are plenty of useless texts that you never meet.


Not sure if I explained it OK.

If something particular is needed we can develope that idea


Okay, so let's say I want to add a brand new Uniform Name by replacing some text in the English.iff file that I won't ever need.

There is still one thing that's not clear.

Let me illustrate using the following example of a reference to a string which is already in the English file.

In the list above, you can see that '1998 Road' is associated with 24FD9F71. I understand that the Hex is actually backwards so we need to make that 719FFD24.

So if I do a search for the text-string '1998 Road' as you showed above, I get this result:


Making an edit there would allow me to change '1998 Road' throughout the game, but I want to ADD a new text-string of '2001 Road.'

As you said, I can find some text in the English file that is useless and overwrite it with my desired '2001 Road' text, but I don't see how I'm going to reference it when I want to place it above the display of the uniform I'm adding.

Remember that the list of text-strings I posted last night had a Hex reference for each item. We established that 1998 Road is associated with 24FD9F71 which we must adjust to 719FFD24.

When I do a search for the Hex-Value 719FFD24, I get this result:


So, after I add a new string to the English file, how will I know what the 8-digit Hex value is which will be associated with it?

Look at this next image where the English file has the word 'Barbarian' for one of the teams you can create:


Let's say I decide that I'll never need to use the team name 'Barbarian' so I replace that with '2008 Road' as shown here:


How am I to determine the 8-digit Hex value (like 719FFD24 was used earlier) to enter as my replacement for the Hex value which references 1998 Road?

ja ja, I did not finished reading it yet, but I can really advise you sign to imagehack.com or somewhere else in order you be able to import large pics to the post as it impossible to understand what's in the picture

Try to create Barbarians and look if they appear in Reeditor.

If yes then you know how to make further changes I hope.

I will search for other methods.

ja ja, I did not finished reading it yet, but I can really advise you sign to imagehack.com or somewhere else in order you be able to import large pics to the post as it impossible to understand what's in the picture

Try to create Barbarians and look if they appear in Reeditor.

If yes then you know how to make further changes I hope.

I will search for other methods.

Barbarians/Vikings are some of the teams you can create in MLB 2K12. Their uniforms/logos are readily available to use in the game so I wouldn't really want to remove that since it's a feature of the game itself.

What I want to be able to do is add a uniform slot in a roster and cross reference that uniform slot with text from the English.iff file.

For example: The Cardinals Home Alternate is not in the game. I added a uniform slot for them, but it's not labeled or ID'd as a Home Alternate.

What I want to is be able to link that slot to the text that reads Home Alternate in the English.iff file.

It's probably something small for me but it would be cool to add slots and label them accordingly instead of having a blank label on a uniform slot.

ja ja, I did not finished reading it yet, but I can really advise you sign to imagehack.com or somewhere else in order you be able to import large pics to the post as it impossible to understand what's in the picture

If you click on the pictures I include in my posts, they immediately expand to full size. What you initially see are merely thumbnails.

If you click on the pictures I include in my posts, they immediately expand to full size. What you initially see are merely thumbnails.

My bad. :)

I never view pictures in the same window but right mouse click for open in new tab. And they stay small size for some reason

My bad. :)

I never view pictures in the same window but right mouse click for open in new tab. And they stay small size for some reason

No problem. But now that you viewed my pictures in that post, what do you have to say about the question I was asking?

But I pretty much answered imo earler.

As I said

* try to create Barbariaans

* Open Roster with Reeditor

* Look if some change re. Barbarians

* If yes, use that hex ID for other teams also.

You can change texts in English.iff

Also you can swap HEX ID's in Roster file.

How to find these links - blind testing only at first.

There many more info available everywhere, Think about some ideas and make testing.

ROSTER data (links/rfferences/ID) from Reeditor:

Last_Name;Last Name;Player's last name
First_Name;First Name;Player's first name
NickName;NickName;Player's nickname
Jersey_Name;Jersey Name;The name, which is imprinted on the player's jersey
PlType;Player Type;Defines Player's Type (CAP, Regular, Hidden, etc.)
Position;Position;Player's Position
Height;Height;Represents player’s height. Metric system used (centimeters)
Weight;Weight;Represents player’s weight. Imperial system used (pounds)
BirthDay;Birth Day;Player’s birth day of the month
BirthMonth;Birth Month;Player’s birth month
BirthYear;Birth Year;Player’s birth year
BatSide;Batting Side;The side, this player bats from
ThrowArm;Throwing Arm;The arm, this player throws with. Note: Some positions require player to throw with his right arm
YearsPro;Years Pro;How many years the player have played in MLB
IsRookElg;Is Rookie Eligible;Defines, if the player is rookie eligible
RegionFrm;Region From;Defines the player's home region
CAP_Nick;CAP Nickname;Player's Nickname, which is selectable via Create-A-Player menu
Amb_Time;Playing Time;The more the value, the more important it is for the player to have enough playing time to be happy
Amb_P4W;Play For Winner;The more the value, the more important it is for the player to win games to be happy
Amb_TmPr;Team Prestige;If the value is big, the player will refuse to play for teams with low prestige
Amb_FinS;Financial Security;Bigger value means, the player will be more focused towards signing long and big contracts despite other factors
Global_ID;Global ID;Defines Player's Portait Face ID and is also used to assign Awards and Box Scores Stats to the player
AppID;Appearance ID;Defines player's Appearance. This links to Appearances tab
Number;Number;Player's Jersey Number
IsFA;Is Free Agent;Defines if the player is in the free agent pool
TeamID;Team ID;Defines a team, the player is assigned to. Though, the purpose of this field is unknown of now
Energy;Energy;Determines, how fresh the player currently is
ChrInj;Chronic Injury;Assigns chronic injury to the player. Different values probably give different Chronic Injuries
IsInjured;Is Injured;Defines, if the player is healthy (0) or injured (1)
InjType;Injury Type;Type of injury the player has. MAKE SURE, you do NOT use other values, than prescribed in the tutorial, as the game will probably crash otherwise
InjDaysLeft;Injury Days Left;Days, left until recovery (used, when InjType <> 0)
DLStatus;Disable List Status;Defines player's DL Status
DLDaysLeft;Disabled List Days Left;Amount of days left, while the player is being included into his team's DL
InjBD_Day;Begin Date Day;When the player started to suffer from an injury for the last time. Day
InjBD_Mnth;Begin Date Month;When the player started to suffer from an injury for the last time. Month
InjBD_Year;Begin Date Year;When the player started to suffer from an injury for the last time. Year
InjED_Day;End Date Day;When the player recovered from his last injury. Day
InjED_Mnth;End Date Month;When the player recovered from his last injury. Month
InjED_Year;End Date Year;When the player recovered from his last injury. Year
Stats1;Stats 1;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats2;Stats 2;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats3;Stats 3;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats4;Stats 4;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats5;Stats 5;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats6;Stats 6;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats7;Stats 7;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats8;Stats 8;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats9;Stats 9;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats10;Stats 10;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats11;Stats 11;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats12;Stats 12;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats13;Stats 13;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats14;Stats 14;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats15;Stats 15;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats16;Stats 16;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats17;Stats 17;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats18;Stats 18;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats19;Stats 19;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats20;Stats 20;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats21;Stats 21;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats22;Stats 22;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats23;Stats 23;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats24;Stats 24;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats25;Stats 25;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats26;Stats 26;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats27;Stats 27;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats28;Stats 28;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats29;Stats 29;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Stats30;Stats 30;Link to Player_Stats tab. Defines the player's statistics for one of the seasons, he played
Overall;Overall;Player's overall. This value is the duplicate of the real player's overall. The real overall is recalculated automatically by the game, so it is not editable. This overall is used, when sorting players by their overall, and to determine how close the player got to his maximum potential (affects the number of golden stars shown)
Rank_Pos;Rank (Position);Player's rank among others in his position
Rank_Ovr;Rank (Overall);Player's rank among all other players in the league
Potential;Potential;Player's potential
PeakAgeS;Peak Age Start;How old the player is, when his Peak Years start
PeakAgeE;Peak Age End;How old the player is, when his Peak Years are about to finish
AClutch;Clutch;Ability - General - Clutch
ADurab;Durability;Ability - General - Durability
APComposr;Composure;Ability - Pitching - Composure
APStamina;Stamina;Ability - Pitching - Stamina
APPickOff;PickOff;Ability - Pitching - PickOff
APAgLeftBat;Against Lefties;Ability - Pitching - Against Left Batters
APAgLftDbls;Doubles vs. Lefties;Ability - Pitching - Against Left Batters - Doubles
APAgLftTrps;Triples vs. Lefties;Ability - Pitching - Against Left Batters - Triples
APAgLftHRns;Home Runs vs. Lefties;Ability - Pitching - Against Left Batters - Home Runs
APAgRghtBat;Against Righties;Ability - Pitching - Against Right Batters
APAgRgtDbls;Doubles vs. Righties;Ability - Pitching - Against Right Batters - Doubles
APAgRgtTrps;Triples vs. Righties;Ability - Pitching - Against Right Batters - Triples
APAgRgtHRns;Home Runs vs. Righties;Ability - Pitching - Against Right Batters - Home Runs
ABAgLefties;Against Lefties;Ability - Batting - Against Lefties
ABAgLftDbls;Doubles vs. Lefties;Ability - Batting - Against Lefties - Doubles
ABAgLftTrps;Triples vs. Lefties;Ability - Batting - Against Lefties - Triples
ABAgLftHRns;Home Runs vs. Lefties;Ability - Batting - Against Lefties - Home Runs
ABAgRghties;Against Righties;Ability - Batting - Against Righties
ABAgRgtDbls;Doubles vs. Righties;Ability - Batting - Against Righties - Doubles
ABAgRgtTrps;Triples vs. Righties;Ability - Batting - Against Righties - Triples
ABAgRgtHRns;Home Runs vs. Righties;Ability - Batting - Against Righties - Home Runs
ABEyeVLft;Eye vs. Lefties;Ability - Batting - Eye vs. Lefties
ABEyeVRgt;Eye vs. Righties;Ability - Batting - Eye vs. Righties
ABBunting;Bunting;Ability - Batting - Bunting
ABDragBunt;Drag Bunting;Ability - Batting - Drag Bunting
ASpeed;Speed;Ability - Baserunning - Speed
AAggress;Aggressivness;Ability - Baserunning - Aggressivness
AAwareness;Awareness;Ability - Baserunning - Awareness
AAccel;Acceleration;Ability - Baserunning - Acceleration
ABlcknPlate;Blocking The Plate;Ability - Fielding - Blocking The Plate
ABlcknPtchs;Blocking Pitches;Ability - Fielding - Blocking Pitches
AGmCalling;Game Calling;Ability - Fielding - Game Calling
AGlove;Glove;Ability - Fielding - Glove
AThrowAcc;Throwing Accuracy;Ability - Fielding - Throwing Accuracy
AArmStrngth;Arm Strength;Ability - Fielding - Arm Strength
ARange;Range;Ability - Fielding - Range
AAnticipatn;Anticipation;Ability - Fielding - Anticipation
AFldAbAtC;Fielding At C;Ability - Fielding - At C
AFldAbAt1B;Fielding At 1B;Ability - Fielding - At 1B
AFldAbAt2B;Fielding At 2B;Ability - Fielding - At 2B
AFldAbAt3B;Fielding At 3B;Ability - Fielding - At 3B
AFldAbAtSS;Fielding At SS;Ability - Fielding - At SS
AFldAbAtLF;Fielding At LF;Ability - Fielding - At LF
AFldAbAtCF;Fielding At CF;Ability - Fielding - At CF
AFldAbAtRF;Fielding At RF;Ability - Fielding - At RF
TBsOnBllsAl;Base On Balls Allowed;Tendency - Base On Balls Allowed
TStrikeout;Strikeout Tendency;Tendency - Strikeout Tendency
TGroundBall;Groundball Tendency;Tendency - Groundball Tendency
TBunting;Bunting;Tendency - Bunting
TOutBStrOut;Out By Strikeout;Tendency - Out By Strikeout
TOutBGrndBl;Out By Ground Ball;Tendency - Out By Ground Ball
TBaseOnBlls;Base On Balls;Tendency - Base On Balls
TStealing;Stealing;Tendency - Stealing
Pitch1;Pitch;One of the pitches in the player's arsenal
P1Speed;Speed;Defines the maximum speed, the player can perform the pitch at
P1Mvmnt;Movement;How well the pitch is moved
P1Control;Control;How well the ball is controlled by the player, while performing this pitch
P1Tend;Tendency;How often the player performs this pitch (should be 100 in summary for all pitches, the player can perform)
Pitch2;Pitch;One of the pitches in the player's arsenal
P2Speed;Speed;Defines the maximum speed, the player can perform the pitch at
P2Mvmnt;Movement;How well the pitch is moved
P2Control;Control;How well the ball is controlled by the player, while performing this pitch
P2Tend;Tendency;How often the player performs this pitch (should be 100 in summary for all pitches, the player can perform)
Pitch3;Pitch;One of the pitches in the player's arsenal
P3Speed;Speed;Defines the maximum speed, the player can perform the pitch at
P3Mvmnt;Movement;How well the pitch is moved
P3Control;Control;How well the ball is controlled by the player, while performing this pitch
P3Tend;Tendency;How often the player performs this pitch (should be 100 in summary for all pitches, the player can perform)
Pitch4;Pitch;One of the pitches in the player's arsenal
P4Speed;Speed;Defines the maximum speed, the player can perform the pitch at
P4Mvmnt;Movement;How well the pitch is moved
P4Control;Control;How well the ball is controlled by the player, while performing this pitch
P4Tend;Tendency;How often the player performs this pitch (should be 100 in summary for all pitches, the player can perform)
Pitch5;Pitch;One of the pitches in the player's arsenal
P5Speed;Speed;Defines the maximum speed, the player can perform the pitch at
P5Mvmnt;Movement;How well the pitch is moved
P5Control;Control;How well the ball is controlled by the player, while performing this pitch
P5Tend;Tendency;How often the player performs this pitch (should be 100 in summary for all pitches, the player can perform)
BatBarSize;Barrel Size;Bat Barrel Size
BatColor;Color;Bat Color
BatPineTar;Pine Tar;Bat ine Tar
BatTapeStl;Tape Style;Bat Tape Style
BatTapeCol;Tape Color;Bat Tape Color
APitchingID;Animation ID;Animations - Pitching Animation ID Note: Some values are ineligible and may cause the game to crash
APitFrmStr;From The Stretch;Animations - Pitching From The Stretch
APitFrmWup;From The Windup;Animations - Pitching From The Windup
ABattingID;Animation ID;Animations - Batting Animation ID. Note: Some values are ineligible and may cause the game to crash
ABatStncStl;Stance Style;Animations - Batting Stance Style
ABatStncHgt;Stance Height;Animations - Batting Stance Height
ABatSwngTp;Swing Type;Animations - Batting Swing Type
ABatStepTp;Step Type;Animations - Batting Step Type
CSalMult;Multiply Salary x100;If enabled, all the salary values from the next 10 fields will be multiplied by 100 IN-GAME.
CYear1;Year 1 Money;Contract money for the 1st year
CYear2;Year 2 Money;Contract money for the 2nd year
CYear3;Year 3 Money;Contract money for the 3rd year
CYear4;Year 4 Money;Contract money for the 4th year
CYear5;Year 5 Money;Contract money for the 5th year
CYear6;Year 6 Money;Contract money for the 6th year
CYear7;Year 7 Money;Contract money for the 7th year
CYear8;Year 8 Money;Contract money for the 8th year
CYear9;Year 9 Money;Contract money for the 9th year
CYear10;Year 10 Money;Contract money for the 10th year
Graphics;Graphics;This field defines graphics and 3D Model, used for the arena
Name;Name;This field stands for Arena's Name. Using values, which are not included into the tutorial will most probably lead to an empty string. You can view the full list of possible values in a separate file of the tutorial
TM_Sign;TM Sign;Defines, if Trademark sign is displayed along with Arena's Name
City;City;This field stands for the city, the arena is located in. Using values, which are not included into the tutorial will most probably lead to an empty string. You can view the full list of possible values in a separate file of the tutorial
State;State;This field stands for the state name, the arena is located in. Using values, which are not included into the tutorial will most probably lead to an empty string. You can view the full list of possible values in a separate file of the tutorial
AudioID;Audio ID;Audio, assigned to the arena
Capacity;Capacity;Arena’s capacity. Doesn't affect the visual side.
City;City;This field indicates team’s City
Name;Name;This field indicates team’s Name
Abbreviation;Abbreviation;This field stands for the team's abbreviation, shown in-game
AbbrID;Abbreviation ID;This field is used for several internal purposes by the game
Internal_Name;Internal Name;This field is used for several internal purposes by the game
TType;Team Type;Defines Team Type
NonMLB;Non MLB;Defines, if the team is not in MLB
Division;Division;Defines the division the team belongs to
GID;Graphics ID;Team’s Graphics ID. This stands for the set of uniforms, used by the team
AudioID_PG;Audio ID - PreGame;Defines the audio, used for the team during pre-match announcements (on loading before each match)
AudioID_Cm;Audio ID - Commentary;Defines the audio, used for the team by the commentators during games
SomeID1;Some ID 1;Some unknown ID
SomeID2;Some ID 2;Some unknown ID
SomeID3;Some ID 3;Some unknown ID
ArenaID;Arena ID;Default arena for the team
Rival1;Rival 1;Defines one of team's rivals
Rival2;Rival 2;Defines one of team's rivals
Rival3;Rival 3;Defines one of team's rivals
Rival4;Rival 4;Defines one of team's rivals
Rival5;Rival 5;Defines one of team's rivals
MLB_Team;MLB Team;Affiliation system: MLB affiliated Team
AAA_Team;AAA Team;Affiliation system: AAA-League affiliated Team
AA_Team;AA Team;AAffiliation system: A-League affiliated Team
A_Team;A Team;Affiliation system: A-League affiliated Team
PlNum;Number Of Players;Total Number of players on the Team’s roster.!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!Change this value, if you wish to change the actual number of players.!!!Remember, that setting -1 for Subs’ and Reserves’ IDs will lead to game crash, if this value is not adjusted
Player1;Player 1;
Player2;Player 2;
Player3;Player 3;
Player4;Player 4;
Player5;Player 5;
Player6;Player 6;
Player7;Player 7;
Player8;Player 8;
Player9;Player 9;
Player10;Player 10;
Player11;Player 11;
Player12;Player 12;
Player13;Player 13;
Player14;Player 14;
Player15;Player 15;
Player16;Player 16;
Player17;Player 17;
Player18;Player 18;
Player19;Player 19;
Player20;Player 20;
Player21;Player 21;
Player22;Player 22;
Player23;Player 23;
Player24;Player 24;
Player25;Player 25;
Player26;Player 26;
Player27;Player 27;
Player28;Player 28;
Player29;Player 29;
Player30;Player 30;
Player31;Player 31;
Player32;Player 32;
Player33;Player 33;
Player34;Player 34;
Player35;Player 35;
Player36;Player 36;
Player37;Player 37;
Player38;Player 38;
Player39;Player 39;
Player40;Player 40;
Player41;Player 41;
Player42;Player 42;
Player43;Player 43;
Player44;Player 44;
Player45;Player 45;
Player46;Player 46;
Player47;Player 47;
Player48;Player 48;
Player49;Player 49;
Player50;Player 50;
HdnPlr1;Hidden Player 1;Some character from Players1 tab, assigned to the team
HdnPlr2_1;Hidden Player 2_1;Some character from Players2 tab, assigned to the team
HdnPlr2_2;Hidden Player 2_2;Some character from Players2 tab, assigned to the team
Pitcher1;Pitcher 1;1st pitcher on the team's rotation
Pitcher2;Pitcher 2;2nd pitcher on the team's rotation
Pitcher3;Pitcher 3;3rd pitcher on the team's rotation
Pitcher4;Pitcher 4;4th pitcher on the team's rotation
Pitcher5;Pitcher 5;5th pitcher on the team's rotation
vRHP_C;Catcher;vs. RHP - Starting Catcher
vRHP_1B;First Baseman;vs. RHP - Starting First Baseman
vRHP_2B;Second Baseman;vs. RHP - Starting Second Baseman
vRHP_3B;Third Baseman;vs. RHP - Starting Third Baseman
vRHP_SS;ShortStop;vs. RHP - Starting ShortStop
vRHP_LF;Left Field;vs. RHP - Starting Left Field
vRHP_CF;Center Field;vs. RHP - Starting Center Field
vRHP_RF;Right Field;vs. RHP - Starting Right Field
vRHPDH_C;Catcher;vs. RHPDH - Starting Catcher
vRHPDH_1B;First Baseman;vs. RHPDH - Starting First Baseman
vRHPDH_2B;Second Baseman;vs. RHPDH - Starting Second Baseman
vRHPDH_3B;Third Baseman;vs. RHPDH - Starting Third Baseman
vRHPDH_SS;ShortStop;vs. RHPDH - Starting ShortStop
vRHPDH_LF;Left Field;vs. RHPDH - Starting Left Field
vRHPDH_CF;Center Field;vs. RHPDH - Starting Center Field
vRHPDH_RF;Right Field;vs. RHPDH - Starting Right Field
vRHPDH_DH;Designated Hitter;vs. RHPDH - Starting Designated Hitter
vLHP_C;Catcher;vs. LHP - Starting Catcher
vLHP_1B;First Baseman;vs. LHP - Starting First Baseman
vLHP_2B;Second Baseman;vs. LHP - Starting Second Baseman
vLHP_3B;Third Baseman;vs. LHP - Starting Third Baseman
vLHP_SS;ShortStop;vs. LHP - Starting ShortStop
vLHP_LF;Left Field;vs. LHP - Starting Left Field
vLHP_CF;Center Field;vs. LHP - Starting Center Field
vLHP_RF;Right Field;vs. LHP - Starting Right Field
vLHPDH_C;Catcher;vs. LHPDH - Starting Catcher
vLHPDH_1B;First Baseman;vs. LHPDH - Starting First Baseman
vLHPDH_2B;Second Baseman;vs. LHPDH - Starting Second Baseman
vLHPDH_3B;Third Baseman;vs. LHPDH - Starting Third Baseman
vLHPDH_SS;ShortStop;vs. LHPDH - Starting ShortStop
vLHPDH_LF;Left Field;vs. LHPDH - Starting Left Field
vLHPDH_CF;Center Field;vs. LHPDH - Starting Center Field
vLHPDH_RF;Right Field;vs. LHPDH - Starting Right Field
vLHPDH_DH;Designated Hitter;vs. LHPDH - Starting Designated Hitter
vRHP_B1;Batter 1;vs. RHP - Batter 1
vRHP_B2;Batter 2;vs. RHP - Batter 2
vRHP_B3;Batter 3;vs. RHP - Batter 3
vRHP_B4;Batter 4;vs. RHP - Batter 4
vRHP_B5;Batter 5;vs. RHP - Batter 5
vRHP_B6;Batter 6;vs. RHP - Batter 6
vRHP_B7;Batter 7;vs. RHP - Batter 7
vRHP_B8;Batter 8;vs. RHP - Batter 8
vRHPDH_B1;Batter 1;vs. RHPDH - Batter 1
vRHPDH_B2;Batter 2;vs. RHPDH - Batter 2
vRHPDH_B3;Batter 3;vs. RHPDH - Batter 3
vRHPDH_B4;Batter 4;vs. RHPDH - Batter 4
vRHPDH_B5;Batter 5;vs. RHPDH - Batter 5
vRHPDH_B6;Batter 6;vs. RHPDH - Batter 6
vRHPDH_B7;Batter 7;vs. RHPDH - Batter 7
vRHPDH_B8;Batter 8;vs. RHPDH - Batter 8
vRHPDH_B9;Batter 9;vs. RHPDH - Batter 9
vLHPDH_B1;Batter 1;vs. LHPDH - Batter 1
vLHPDH_B2;Batter 2;vs. LHPDH - Batter 2
vLHPDH_B3;Batter 3;vs. LHPDH - Batter 3
vLHPDH_B4;Batter 4;vs. LHPDH - Batter 4
vLHPDH_B5;Batter 5;vs. LHPDH - Batter 5
vLHPDH_B6;Batter 6;vs. LHPDH - Batter 6
vLHPDH_B7;Batter 7;vs. LHPDH - Batter 7
vLHPDH_B8;Batter 8;vs. LHPDH - Batter 8
vLHPDH_B9;Batter 9;vs. LHPDH - Batter 9
vLHP_B1;Batter 1;vs. LHP - Batter 1
vLHP_B2;Batter 2;vs. LHP - Batter 2
vLHP_B3;Batter 3;vs. LHP - Batter 3
vLHP_B4;Batter 4;vs. LHP - Batter 4
vLHP_B5;Batter 5;vs. LHP - Batter 5
vLHP_B6;Batter 6;vs. LHP - Batter 6
vLHP_B7;Batter 7;vs. LHP - Batter 7
vLHP_B8;Batter 8;vs. LHP - Batter 8
Manager;Manager;Staff - Manager
BatCoach;Batting Coach;Staff - Batting Coach
PitCoach;Pitching Coach;Staff - Pitching Coach
Trainer;Trainer;Staff - Trainer
Scout;Scout;Staff - Scout
Record0;Record 0;
Record1;Record 1;
Record2;Record 2;
Record3;Record 3;
Record4;Record 4;
Record5;Record 5;
Record6;Record 6;
Record7;Record 7;
Record8;Record 8;
Record9;Record 9;
Record10;Record 10;
Record11;Record 11;
Record12;Record 12;
Record13;Record 13;
Record14;Record 14;
Record15;Record 15;
Record16;Record 16;
Record17;Record 17;
Record18;Record 18;
Record19;Record 19;
Record20;Record 20;
Record21;Record 21;
Record22;Record 22;
Record23;Record 23;
Record24;Record 24;
Record25;Record 25;
Record26;Record 26;
Record27;Record 27;
Record28;Record 28;
Record29;Record 29;
Record30;Record 30;
Record31;Record 31;
Record32;Record 32;
Record33;Record 33;
Record34;Record 34;
Record35;Record 35;
Record36;Record 36;
S_S_Wins;Wins;Team's Season Wins
S_S_Loss;Losses;Team's Season Losses
S_S_HWins;Home Wins;Team's Season Home Wins
S_S_HLoss;Home Losses;Team's Season Home Losses
S_B_AB;At Bats;Stats - Batting - At Bats
S_B_H;Hits;Stats - Batting - Hits
S_B_2B;Doubles;Stats - Batting - Doubles
S_B_3B;Triples;Stats - Batting - Triples
S_B_HR;Home Runs;Stats - Batting - Home Runs
S_B_RBI;Runs Batted In;Stats - Batting - Runs Batted In
S_B_R;Runs;Stats - Batting - Runs
S_B_BB;Walks;Stats - Batting - Walks
S_B_SO;Strikeouts;Stats - Batting - Strikeouts
S_B_SB;Stolen Bases;Stats - Batting - Stolen Bases
S_B_CS;Caught Stealing;Stats - Batting - Caught Stealing
S_P_CG;Complete Games;Stats - Pitching - Complete Games
S_P_SHO;Shutouts;Stats - Pitching - Shutouts
S_P_SV;Saves;Stats - Pitching - Saves
S_P_SVO;Save Opportunities;Stats - Pitching - Save Opportunities
S_P_IP;Innings Pitched;Stats - Pitching - Innings Pitched
S_P_IPP;Innings Parts Pitched;Stats - Pitching - Innings Pitched. This is used for partially pitched innings (the value after point in the Innings Pitched stat). Each 3 parts result in a whole inning.
S_P_K;Strikeouts Made;Stats - Pitching - Strikeouts Made
S_P_BB;Walks;Stats - Pitching - Walks Given Up
S_P_HB;Hit Batters;Stats - Pitching - Hit Batters
S_P_ER;Earned Runs;Stats - Pitching - Earned Runs
S_P_R;Runs;Stats - Pitching - Runs
S_P_H;Hits;Stats - Pitching - Hits
S_F_E;Errors;Stats - Fielding - Errors
S_F_A;Assists;Stats - Fielding - Assists
S_F_P;Putouts;Stats - Fielding - Putouts
S_pS_W;Wins;Previous Season Stats - Wins
S_pS_L;Losses;Previous Season Stats - Losses
S_pS_HW;Home Wins;Previous Season Stats - Wins
S_pS_HL;Home Losses;Previous Season Stats - Losses
S_pB_AB;B. At Bats;Previous Season Stats - Batting - At Bats
S_pB_H;B. Hits;Previous Season Stats - Batting - Hits
S_pB_2B;B. Doubles;Previous Season Stats - Batting - Doubles
S_pB_3B;B. Triples;Previous Season Stats - Batting - Triples
S_pB_HR;B. Home Runs;Previous Season Stats - Batting - Home Runs
S_pB_R;B. Runs;Previous Season Stats - Batting - Runs
S_pB_SB;B. Stolen Bases;Previous Season Stats - Batting - Stolen Bases
S_pP_IP;P. Innings Pitched;Previous Season Stats - Pitching - Innings Pitched
S_pP_R;P. Runs;Previous Season Stats - Pitching - Runs
Last_Name;Last Name;Staff member's last name
First_Name;First Name;Staff member's first name
Jersey_Name;Jersey Name;The name, which is imprinted on the staff member's jersey
SType;Staff Type;Stands for the type of the staff member
ExpTotal;Total Experience;How many years the person has spent in MLB in total as a player and as a staff member
ExpMLB;MLB Experience;How many years the person has spent in MLB as a staff member
Height;Height;Represents staff member’s height
Weight;Weight;Represents staff member’s weight
AudioID;Audio ID;Audio stories, told by commentators about the staff member during matches
AppID;Appearance ID;Defines staff member's Appearance. This links to Appearances tab
STeaching;Teaching;Teaching Skill (used by managers and coaches)
SMotivat;Motivation;Motivation Skill (used by managers)
SRecovery;Recovery;Recovery Skill (used by trainers)
SDurab;Durability;Durability Skill (used by trainers)
SScouting;Scouting;Scouting Skill (used by scouts)
TeamID;Team ID;Team ID, which the staff member is assigned to
CYears;Years;Number of staff member’s contract years
TeamName;Team Name;Name or abbreviation of a team/teams, the player played the season for
TeamID;Team ID;Link to Teams tab. Defines a team, the player finished his season at
Year;Year;The year, when the season took place
G_B;G;Games played as a batter
AB;AB;At Bats
HR;HR;Home Runs
RBI;RBI;Runs Batted in
R;R;Runs Scored
ABWP;ABWP;At Bats With Runners In Scoring Positions
HWP;HWP;Hits With Runners In Scoring Positions
BB_B;BB;Walks as a batter
SO;SO;Strikeouts (as a batter)
SF;SF;Sacrifice Flies
SB;SB;Stolen Bases
CS;CS;Caught Stealing
PO;PO;Putouts Made
A;A;Defensive Assists
G_P;G;Games played as a pitcher
GS;GS;Games started as a pitcher
IP;IP;Innings Pitched
K;K;Strike Outs (as a pitcher)
BB_P;BB;Walks as a pitcher
HA;H;Hits Allowed
HRA;HR;Home Runs Allowed
RA;R;Runs Allowed
ER;ER;Earned Runs
CG;CG;Complete Games
SVO;SVO;Save Opportunities
HOLD;HOLD;Reliever Holds
AL_AS;AL All-Star;Defines, how many times the player has played for American League team at All-Star Game during the season. Values above 1 are not recommended
NL_AS;NL All-Star;Defines, how many times the player has played for National League team at All-Star Game during the season. Values above 1 are not recommended
WSWinner;Word Series Winner;Defines, how many times the player has won the World Series during the season. Values above 1 are not recommended
Name;Name;Voiced Name Or Name, available for the game to generate players like draft class
AudioID1;Audio ID 1;Audio 1 used in-game for the associated name
AudioID2;Audio ID 2;Audio 2 used in-game for the associated name
Texture;Texture;This field stands for uniform texture file name
AbbrID;Abbreviation ID;This field is used for some internal game purposes. It also affects uniforms' assignations in some cases (better change this field along with GID, when reassigning a jersey)
GID;Graphics ID;Jersey’s Graphics ID. All uniforms with the same GID form one uniform set, which is used by teams with the same GID value
Name;Name;ID of a text string from English.iff file, used as a uniform in-game name. Using values, which are not included into the tutorial will most probably lead to an empty string. You can view the full list of possible values in a separate file of the tutorial
TmplName;Template Name;ID of a text string from English.iff file. Used for CAT template jerseys on CAT screen. Using values, which are not included into the tutorial will most probably lead to an empty string. You can view the full list of possible values in a separate file of the tutorial
CATType;Uniform CAT Type;Uniform Create-A-Team Type
LSlvNumV;Left Sleeve Number Visibile;Toggles Left Sleeve Number Visiblity
FrontNumST;Front Number Show Type;Front Number Show Type
HlmBckNmV;Helmet Back Number Visible;Toggles Helmet Back Number Visiblity
HlmBllNmV;Helmet Bill Number Visible;Toggles Helmet Bill Number Visiblity
TColor1;Team Color 1;Team Color 1
TColor2;Team Color 2;Team Color 2
TColor3;Team Color 3;Team Color 3
NameColor;Name Color;
NmBrdC1;Name Border Color 1;Name Border Color 1
NmBrdC2;Name Border Color 2;Name Border Color 2
BNumColor;Back Number Color;Back Number Color
BNumBrdC1;Back Number Border Color 1;Back Number Border Color 1
BNumBrdC2;Back Number Border Color 2;Back Number Border Color 2
FNumColor;Front Number Color;Front Number Color
FNumBrdC1;Front Number Border Color 1;Front Number Border Color 1
FNumBrdC2;Front Number Border Color 2;Front Number Border Color 2
JerseyCol;Jersey Color;Jersey Color
PantsCol;Pants Color;Pants Color
TrimCol;Trim Color;Trim Color
HatCrnCol;Hat Crown Color;Hat Crown Color
HatBrmCol;Hat Brim Color;Hat Brim Color
Name1Col;Name Color 1;Name Color 1
Name2Col;Name Color 2;Name Color 2
Num1Col;Number Color 1;Number Color 1
Num2Col;Number Color 2;Number Color 2
UnderSCol;Undershirt Color;Undershirt Color
Helm1Col;Helmet Color 1;Helmet Color 1
Helm2Col;Helmet Color 2;Helmet Color 2
Helm3Col;Helmet Color 3;Helmet Color 3
ShoesCol;Shoes Color;Shoes Color
Last_Name;Last Name;Person's Last Name
First_Name;First Name;Person's First Name
AppID;Appearance ID;Define's person's Appearance. This links to Appearances tab
Name;Name;This field stands for the pitch's name
Abbr;Abbreviation;Short pitch abbreviation
PType;Pitch Type;Pitch Type
MinSpeed;Min Speed;Minimal speed, which the pitch can be thrown at
MaxSpeed;Max Speed;Maximal speed, which the pitch can be thrown at
DefSpeed;Default Speed;Default (or average) pitch throwing Speed. This value is assigned by default to CAP pitchers + used by the game, when generating new players
Trajectory;Trajectory;Pitch trajectory in degrees, 0 stands for upwards direction, 180 - for downwards direction. Gain in value moves the trajectory counter-clockwise for Right-handed pitchers, but clockwise for Left-handed pitchers. See the appropriate picture in the tutorials for a visual tutorial
DownImp1;Down Impulse 1;This controls, how much the ball will go down during the first phase of the flight
DownImp2;Down Impulse 2;This controls, how much the ball will go down during the first phase of the flight
HorizImp;Horizontal Impulse;This controls, how much the ball will go left or right (depending on Trajcetory parameter and pitcher's handness) in the middle of its flight
Param4;Parameter 4;Some unknown parameter
DifVeloc;DifVeloc;Pitch difficulty, caused by its velocity (probably, unsure)
DifUnexp;DifUnexp;Pitch difficulty, caused by it being unordinary and unexpected (probably, unsure)
DifTraj;DifTraj;Pitch difficulty, caused by its trajectory (probably, unsure)
HdHdWdth;Head Width;Head - Head - Width
HdHdBack;Head Back;Head - Head - Back
HdHdLen;Head Length;Head - Head - Length
HdHdRnd;Head Round;Head - Head - Round
HdHdPnts;Head Pointedness;Head - Head - Pointedness
HdNkThck;Neck Thickness (deprecated);Head - Neck - Thickness(deprecated - doesn't actually affect anything)
HdNkFat;Neck Fat;Head - Neck - Fat
HdBrwHght;Brow Height;Head - Brow - Height
HdBrwCntr;Brow Center;Head - Brow - Center
HdBrwWdth;Brow Width;Head - Brow - Width
HdBrwSlo;Brow Sloped;Head - Brow - Sloped
FcChnLen;Chin Length;Face - Chin - Length
FcChnWdth;Chin Width;Face - Chin - Width
FcChnPrst;Chin Protrusion;Face - Chin - Protrusion
FcJawWdth;Jaw Width;Face - Jaw - Width
FcJawSqr;Jaw Squareness;Face - Jaw - Squareness
FcChkHght;Cheek Height;Face - Cheek - Height
FcChkWdth;Cheek Width;Face - Cheek - Width
FcChkFull;Cheek Fullness;Face - Cheek - Fullness
MtULThick;Upper lip Thickness;Mouth - Upper lip - Thickness
MtULCurve;Upper lip Curve;Mouth - Upper lip - Curve
MtULPrstr;Upper lip Protrusion;Mouth - Upper lip - Protrusion
MtLLThick;Lower lip Thickness;Mouth - Lower lip - Thickness
MtLLCurve;Lower lip Curve;Mouth - Lower lip - Curve
MtLLPrstr;Lower lip Protrusion;Mouth - Lower lip - Protrusion
MtMthHght;Mouth Height;Mouth - Mouth - Height
MtMthWdth;Mouth Width;Mouth - Mouth - Width
MtMtgCorn;Mouth Corners;Mouth - Mouth - Corners
ErErHght;Ears Height;Ears - Ears - Height
ErErWdth;Ears Width;Ears - Ears - Width
ErErTilt;Ears Tilt;Ears - Ears - Tilt
NsNsWdth;Nose Width;Nose - Nose - Width
NsNsHght;Nose Height;Nose - Nose - Height
NsNsPrst;Nose Protrusion;Nose - Nose - Protrusion
NsBoneDef;Bone Definition;Nose - Bone - Definition
NsBoneBrd;Bone Bridge;Nose - Bone - Bridge
NsTipHght;Tip Height;Nose - Tip - Height
NsTipTip;Tip Tip;Nose - Tip - Tip
EsFrmSpac;Form Spacing;Eyes - Form - Spacing
EsFrmOpen;Form Openness;Eyes - Form - Openness
EsPlcHght;Placement Height;Eyes - Placement - Height
EsPlcPrst;Placement Protrusion;Eyes - Placement - Protrusion
EsPlcRot;Placement Rotation;Eyes - Placement - Rotation
EsPlcWdth;Placement Width;Eyes - Placement - Width
Last_Name;Last Name;Player's (recordsman's) last name
First_Name;First Name;Player's (recordsman's) first name
RecType;Category;Record Category
RecSType;Stat;Stat Type
Value;Value;Record value
Day;Day;Record’s day
Month;Month;Record’s month
Year;Year;Record’s year
UserSet;User Set;If enabled, the record was set during a gaming process (not a real MLB record)
CF_ID;CyberFace ID;Defines CyberFace, assigned to the current appearance. If it’s set to "0" or "-1", no CF is assigned, so Generic Face is used instead
HS_ID;HeadShape ID;Represented as a Headshape's ID from Headshape tab-sheet (not implemented yet). If non-generic face is used, this doesn't affect anything
EyeColor;Eye Color;
HairStyle;Hair Style;
HairLngth;Hair Length;
HairCvrErs;Hair Covers Ears;Hair Covers Ears
HairColor;Hair Color;
BeardStyle;Beard Style;Define's beard style, if the face is generic. "0" stands for "no beard"
SkinTone;Skin Tone;Stands for a person's skin tone. The bigger the value, the lighter the skin is
MuscleDef;Muscle Definition;Muscle Definition
ChestSz;Chest Size;Chest Size
StomachSz;Stomach Size;Stomach Size
ButtSz;Butt Size;Butt Size
ThighSz;Thigh Size;Thigh Size
CalfSz;Calf Size;Calf Size
EHelmStl;Helmet Style;Equipment - Helmet Style
EHelmPnTar;Helmet Pine Tar;Equipment - Helmet Pine Tar
EHelmOvrHt;Helmet Over Hat;Equipment - Helmet Over Hat
EEyeBlack;Eye Black;Equipment - Eye Black
EShadesTp;Shades Type;Equipment - Shades Type
EShadesSit;Shades Situation;Equipment - Shades Situation
ESLensCol;Shades Lens Color;Equipment - Shades Lens Color
ESFrameCol;Shades Frame Color;Equipment - Shades Frame Color
ESEarSocks;Shades Ear Socks;Equipment - Shades Ear Socks
ENcklcStl;Necklace Style;Equipment - Neck - Necklace Style
ENcklcCol1;Necklace Color 1;Equipment - Neck - Necklace Color 1
ENcklcCol2;Necklace Color 2;Equipment - Neck - Necklace Color 2
EUndrSClrC;Collar (Cold Weather);Equipment - Undershirt - Collar (Cold Weather)
EUndrSSlvC;Sleeve (Cold Weather);Equipment - Undershirt - Sleeve (Cold Weather)
EUndrSSlvH;Sleeve (Hot Weather);Equipment - Undershirt - Sleeve (Hot Weather)
EArmSlvUsg;Arm Sleeve Usage;Equipment - Arm Sleeve Usage
EElbSlvUsg;Elbow Sleeve Usage;Equipment - Elbow Sleeve Usage
EElbGrdStl;Elbow Guard Style;Equipment - Elbow Guard Style
EElbBndUsg;Elbow Band Usage;Equipment - Elbow Band Usage
EElbBndCol;Elbow Band Color;Equipment - Elbow Band Color
EFrArmBndU;Forearm Band Usage;Equipment - Forearm Band Usage
EFrArmBndC;Forearm Band Color;Equipment - Forearm Band Color
EBtGlUsage;Usage;Equipment - Batting Gloves - Usage
EBtGlOnBs;On Base;Equipment - Batting Gloves - On Base
EBtGlUMitt;Under Mitt;Equipment - Batting Gloves - Under Mitt
EBtGlInPkt;In Pocket;Equipment - Batting Gloves - In Pocket
EBtGlStyle;Style;Equipment - Batting Gloves - Style
EBtGlLrCol;Leather Color;Equipment - Batting Gloves - Leather Color
EBtGlWrCol;Wrist Color;Equipment - Batting Gloves - Wrist Color
EBtGlBkCol;Back Color;Equipment - Batting Gloves - Back Color
EWrstBndU;Band Usage;Equipment - Wrist Band Usage
EWrstBndCl;Band Color;Equipment - Wrist Band Color
EWrstBndWd;Band Width;Equipment - Wrist Band Width
EWrstTape;Tape;Equipment - Wrists - Tape
EWrstTapeC;Tape Color;Equipment - Wrists - Tape Color
EWrstBrcU;Brace Usage;Equipment - Wrists - Brace Usage
EWrstBrcOB;Brace On Base;Equipment - Wrists - Brace On Base
EWrstBrcCl;Brace Color;Equipment - Wrists - Brace Color
EMittStyle;Style;Equipment - Mitt - Style
EMittC1;Main Color;Equipment - Mitt - Main Color
EMittC2;Accent Color;Equipment - Mitt - Accent Color
EMittC3;Stitching Color;Equipment - Mitt - Stitching Color
EMittPcktT;Pocket Type;Equipment - Mitt - Pocket Type
EMittFngPl;Finger Placement;Equipment - Mitt - Finger Placement
EPntsSocks;Pants/Socks;Equipment - Pants/Socks
EShoes;Shoes;Equipment - Shoes
EShAccCol;Shoes Accent Color;Equipment - Shoes Accent Color
EShLacSolC;Shoes Laces/Sole Color;Equipment - Shoes Laces/Sole Color
EShnGrdStl;Shin Guard Style;Equipment - Shin Guard Style
EShnGMainC;Shin Main Color;Equipment - Shin Guard Main Color
EShnGMetlC;Shin Metal Color;Equipment - Shin Guard Metal Color
EShnGAccC;Shin Accent Color;Equipment - Shin Guard Accent Color
ECatMaskT;Mask Type;Equipment - Catcher's Mask Type
ECatMaskC1;Mask Padding Color;Equipment - Catcher's Mask Padding Color
ECatMaskC2;Mask Chin Color;Equipment - Catcher's Mask Chin Color
ECatMaskC3;Mask Strap Color;Equipment - Catcher's Mask Strap Color
ECatLegGrd;Leg Guard;Equipment - Catcher's Leg Guard
ECatLegsC1;Legs Main Color;Equipment - Catcher's Legs Main Color
ECatLegsC2;Legs Metal Color;Equipment - Catcher's Legs Metal Color
ECatLegsC3;Legs Accent Color;Equipment - Catcher's Legs Accent Color
ECatVest;Vest;Equipment - Catcher's Vest
ECatVestSt;Vest Style;Equipment - Catcher's Vest Style
ECatVestC1;Vest Main Color;Equipment - Catcher's Vest Main Color
ECatVestC2;Vest Accent Color;Equipment - Catcher's Vest Accent Color
ECatVestC3;Vest Border Color;Equipment - Catcher's Vest Border Color
Team_City;Team City;City of the team the player winning the award played for
Team_Name;Team Name;Name of the team the player winning the award played for
Op_Team_City;Opponent Team City;City of the team the player winning the award played against. Only used for World Series award
Op_Team_Name;Opponent Team Name;Name of the team the player winning the award played against. Only used for World Series award
Person_FName;Award taker First Name;Award winning player's (coach'es) first name
Person_LName;Award taker Last Name;Award winning player's (coach'es) last name
AType;Award Type;Award Type
TeamGID;Team GID;Defines team logo to be shown near the award description. Corresponds with GID field of Teams tab
OpTeamGID;Opponent Team GID;Defines opponent team logo to be shown near the award description. Corresponds with GID field of Teams tab
Pl_Global_ID;Player Global ID;Assigns the award to a specific player, based on his Global_ID (the award will be listed on the player's Player Card)
Value;Value;Multipurpose field. Meanings: For World Series - number of games, won by the Champion during WS; For League Leaders & Award Takers - the appropriate stats value (ERA for Reliever award and Wins record for Cy Young Award)
Value2;Value 2;Multipurpose field. Meanings: For World Series - number of games, won by the opposing team during WS; For Reliever award - Saves stat; For Cy Young Award - Losses record
Year;Year;Year of the scheduled match. Note, that it is NOT possible to set the value below 2000 due to game limitations.
Month;Month;Month of the year of the scheduled match.
Day;Day;Day of the month of the scheduled match.
Hour;Hour;Hour of the day, when the match begins.
Minute;Minute;Minute of the hour, when the match begins.
Order;Order;If several matches take place at the same time, this is used by the game to define the order, which to handle the matches in. So, matches with lower values will be handled (simulated) first.
HTeam;Home Team;Match Home Team
ATeam;Away Team;Match Away Team
IsRegular;Is Regular;If true, then the fixture is regular MLB and actual
Innings;Innings;Number of innings, played during the game
HT_I1;Home I1;Runs, made by the home team in the 1st inning
HT_I2;Home I2;Runs, made by the home team in the 2nd inning
HT_I3;Home I3;Runs, made by the home team in the 3rd inning
HT_I4;Home I4;Runs, made by the home team in the 4th inning
HT_I5;Home I5;Runs, made by the home team in the 5th inning
HT_I6;Home I6;Runs, made by the home team in the 6th inning
HT_I7;Home I7;Runs, made by the home team in the 7th inning
HT_I8;Home I8;Runs, made by the home team in the 8th inning
HT_I9;Home I9;Runs, made by the home team in the 9th inning
HT_IL;Home IL;Runs, made by the home team in the last extra-inning.
HT_R;H. Total Runs;Total Runs, made by the home team during the game
AT_I1;Away I1;Runs, made by the away team in the 1st inning
AT_I2;Away I2;Runs, made by the away team in the 2nd inning
AT_I3;Away I3;Runs, made by the away team in the 3rd inning
AT_I4;Away I4;Runs, made by the away team in the 4th inning
AT_I5;Away I5;Runs, made by the away team in the 5th inning
AT_I6;Away I6;Runs, made by the away team in the 6th inning
AT_I7;Away I7;Runs, made by the away team in the 7th inning
AT_I8;Away I8;Runs, made by the away team in the 8th inning
AT_I9;Away I9;Runs, made by the away team in the 9th inning
AT_IL;Away IL;Runs, made by the away team in the last extra-inning.
AT_R;A. Total Runs;Total Runs, made by the away team during the game
HT_H;Home Hits;Hits, made by the home team during the game
AT_H;Away Hits;Hits, made by the away team during the game
HT_E;Home Errors;Erros, made by the home team during the game
AT_E;Away Errors;Erros, made by the away team during the game
Winner;Winner;Corresponds with the GlobalID of a player (pitcher), who won the game
Loser;Loser;Corresponds with the GlobalID of a player (pitcher), who lost the game

Here it is, with extra uniform slots for the Mets, Padres, Blue Jays, Royals, Cardinals, Nationals, D'backs and Brewers


Take a look at the attached ROS file with the names for the added uniforms inserted.

Roster - Uni Names Updated.zip

Holy crap.

OK, now let's tweak this further.

How about moving the additional uniform slots in front of the slot the game provides for the BP uniforms?

We might be on to making this version of MLB 2K12 the most amazing game yet if its' possible to move the new uniforms with labels in the right order ;)


Take a look at the attached ROS file with the names for the added uniforms inserted.

attachicon.gifRoster - Uni Names Updated.zip

I di not look to it yet, but I suppose you have to fill empty "uniform names" with Reedtitor.

Holy crap.

OK, now let's tweak this further.

How about moving the additional uniform slots in front of the slot the game provides for the BP uniforms?

We might be on to making this version of MLB 2K12 the most amazing game yet if its' possible to move the new uniforms with labels in the right order ;)

You asked, and now you shall receive.

Here is your roster file with the dozen or so new uniforms you added. The new uniforms have proper description names above them when you see the preview, and they are now in the proper order as you scroll through the choices for each team.


Roster - Uni Names Updated.zip

Holy crap.

OK, now let's tweak this further.

How about moving the additional uniform slots in front of the slot the game provides for the BP uniforms?

We might be on to making this version of MLB 2K12 the most amazing game yet if its' possible to move the new uniforms with labels in the right order ;)

How about moving the additional uniform slots in front of the slot the game provides for the BP uniforms?

I do not understand this question correctly. Please provide more details what exactly you mean.

How about moving the additional uniform slots in front of the slot the game provides for the BP uniforms?

I do not understand this question correctly. Please provide more details what exactly you mean.

He was asking if the order of the uniforms when you are choosing which one to play in could be something like:



--Home Alternate

--Home Alternate 2

--Road Alternate

--Batting Practice Home

--Batting Practice Road

--Classic Year Home

--Classic Year Road

That is what is in the file I just posted.

Earlier, the new alternate uniforms were displayed at the end after the classic year options. Now they are integrated just where they belong, although, I must say that it was a real tedious hassle to get it that way. Neither Ty's nor Vlad's editors allow for this process to be automated so it's pure manual adjusting via typing on each of the 486 lines.

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