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Scoreboards - Tv For Mlb2K12 V 1.1


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I know thank you
Do you intend to do other overlays?
I will look forward to your work Super praise

Ty ty,

Yes, I hope to make some ore scoreboards, unfortunately those which are left are pretty ugly imo...

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If I only knew what and where the "3D Camera" was, or if I just knew how to determine whether size values exist for an object -- and if they do exist, how to identify them and change them to what I want them to be.

This can not be described for all objects all together with a single word..This is very imdividual depending on object and various methods could be chosen depending on various factors (is it a single object, in group of objects, is it connected with other objects, etc,)

For some objects size can be changed via DiffuseTint section,, for some not.

Some are controlled with size values, some not

All (or at least all) can be resized by changing distance from camera.

Some can be resized by recalculating verticles, some not

Can you give me any helpful info from viewing this image of the location in the hex editor I'm working with? I used the same color method as you did earlier to define with outlines.

Can you identify what any of the other numbers in this section mean with regards to the DXT1 I'm trying to make appear larger?


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I've purchased the game on Steam..

I receive the official mlb 2k12 patch via automatic download on steam.

but Thank you for reply and your mod.


I see..

finally understand.. all working very well. thank you.


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Well, it is mostly experimentation to help me learn as much as I can, and I was curious to see if that image from the hex editor showed any info regarding the size of that DXT1 image.

What I wanted to try is to see how it would look if I took the rectangle which displays the Power/Contact data for the hitter, and made it larger. Then I was going to see if the text inside the rectangle automatically got larger as a result, and if it did not, I was going to ask whether making that text large enough to properly fill the larger rectangle would require a very difficult explanation.

To give you a visual idea, I thought it would be interesting to see how your CSN scoreboard would look with an adjustment something like what you see in the attached image moving from the top version to the lower one.



To move the whole block:

4f708e - X coordinates
4f7092 - y coordinates
4f7096 - Z coordinates

How to work with coordinates already explained few pages earlier

BTW imo it looks very bad, I'd cut the fingers for such designer :)

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I tried increasing the dimensions of the sky textures in the game and it's messing things up for me. I wanted to jump from 2048x512 to 4096x1024, but the sky texture ends up being corrupt.

If it matters, the offset for sky_cloudy.iff is 000004E0. I'm trying to increase the resolution from 00 08 00 02 to 00 10 00 04 which is twice the resolution.

Looks like the game will not show an image of this size, sadly.

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I tried increasing the dimensions of the sky textures in the game and it's messing things up for me. I wanted to jump from 2048x512 to 4096x1024, but the sky texture ends up being corrupt.

If it matters, the offset for sky_cloudy.iff is 000004E0. I'm trying to increase the resolution from 00 08 00 02 to 00 10 00 04 which is twice the resolution.

Looks like the game will not show an image of this size, sadly.

Yes, you made it correct 4096x1024 - 00 10 00 04

I trully believe that things could be messed after that, as you have added twice more information to the file.

Working with scoreboard, after increased slot's No, 49 size from 512x512 to 768x768, slots after No.49 becomes messed too, I have to mannually reimport later No. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. But impossible to reimport 50, 51, 52, 53 as it will corrupt No.49.

Will take a look to the clouds...

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Yes, you made it correct 4096x1024 - 00 10 00 04

I trully believe that things could be messed after that, as you have added twice more information to the file.

Working with scoreboard, after increased slot's No, 49 size from 512x512 to 768x768, slots after No.49 becomes messed too, I have to mannually reimport later No. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. But impossible to reimport 50, 51, 52, 53 as it will corrupt No.49.

Will take a look to the clouds...

Cool. Any progress?

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What changes were made that distinguish the CSN Comcast TV Scoreboard version 4.0 from version 3.3 (with Stats & standard timing)?

PITCHES BOX as in real in v4.0 (look at the picture)

In v3.3 it was pitcher names for both teams

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PITCHES BOX as in real in v4.0 (look at the picture)

In v3.3 it was pitcher names for both teams

Yeah, I did see that, but wasn't sure if that was the change.

So basically, if we prefer the method you introduced first for the pitch count, with just one pitcher's number displayed but with the outs in the proper place, we should use version 4.0.

If we prefer the style that you improved it to at one point along the way, where both pitchers' counts are always showing, we should use version 3.3.

Very good to have options and choices for personal preferences.

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Yeah, I did see that, but wasn't sure if that was the change.

So basically, if we prefer the method you introduced first for the pitch count, with just one pitcher's number displayed but with the outs in the proper place, we should use version 4.0.

If we prefer the style that you improved it to at one point along the way, where both pitchers' counts are always showing, we should use version 3.3.

Very good to have options and choices for personal preferences.

ty ty,

yeah just to have more options to everyones liking

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I know that this may be found already, but I found something about getting rid of SecuRom components, and it can be found in the start menu on Windows for the CD-Rom version of the game. I hope this is of some help, but I have a feeling this has been found already.

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I know that this may be found already, but I found something about getting rid of SecuRom components, and it can be found in the start menu on Windows for the CD-Rom version of the game. I hope this is of some help, but I have a feeling this has been found already.

Uninstalling Securom Components probably will only lead to uniability to run the game.

I really do not know exactly what components are installed, but thinking logically system should be as follows:

- MBl2K12.exe and paul.dll has a lot of data which probably is needed to access CD-ROM, not directly as it would be easy to track and hack, but though various windows services and processes like Kernel and through it's pwn installed with the disc. Basicly it is encrypted data that check for the products autentification.

I do not know why there is an option to uninstall those compenets separately as they should be uninstalled anyway during game uninstallation, but anyway this can;t help us anyhow as mlb2k12.exe when you run it, the first thing is checking authetication with CD.

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Circumventing the Securom protection is a bit of a grey area in regards to piracy, which we do not discuss here at MVPmods.

We are not hacking it.

Just sharing info how it works.

By knowing more people get more clever (less stupid)


  • What Is SecuROM?


    SecuROM is a popular digital rights management software. Digital rights management software is included in some games in order to prevent piracy, and it comes in a variety of forms. Some games simply require that the player insert a serial key at installation, while others make more active attempts to verify the authenticity of the game by performing checks while the game is being run.

    Currently SecuROM is extremely popular with software developers, and it can be found protecting some of the best games on the market, such asFallout 3 and Crysis. If you're a gamer, you're probably going to run into it sooner or later. And considering the potential restrictions the software can put on your experience, it is important to understand what SecuROM does before buying a game which uses it.

  • How SecuROM Works

    At its core, SecuROM works by checking the density of data being read from a disk. Normally, data density of data accessed from a DVD would degrade from the inside of the DVD to the outside of the DVD, but SecuROM allows a vendor to add a specific pattern to the degradation of data density. If that pattern isn't found, then SecuROM will determine that the DVD is not valid and the game won't operate. This means that the large majority games which use SecuROM will require that the disk be in the drive whenever the program is used.

    SecuROM is a modular program however, which means that different vendors can add different restrictions on the way a program can be used.

    One of these restrictions is online activation. If online activation is enabled, SecuROM will have to verify the authenticity of the software being used with a server whenever the program is installed. In some cases, SecuROM will also authentic the program online whenever the program runs. This is meant to ensure that the version of the program being used is an authentic copy, without any modifications that might attempt to bypass SecuROM. Obviously, having this option activated will mean that you'll need to be online to install and/or run a program.

    Another restriction that can be enabled is a restriction on the number of activations. If this is enabled, an activation will be used up every time the program is installed. If the number of activations exceeds the limit, then the program can't be installed again. Typically the activation limit can be reset, but only if the customer contacts the vendor's customer service.

    Other restrictions such as limits on the amount of time a program can be used, or the number of times a program can run on a single activation are also available. These restrictions however, aren't commonly used in games.

  • Problems With SecuROM

    SecuROM - like any other software - isn't perfect. Bugs exist in any program. And since SecuROMprotects software, any bug related to SecuROM tends to disable the program SecuROM is protecting. Controversies have sprung up regarding several recently released games, such as the PC release of Grand Theft Auto IV, due to problems with SecuROM. For example, many people who have purchasedGTA IV for the PC have run into problems with the online activation process, and they have also ran into errors which prevent the game from launching after it has been installed.

    More problematic is the potential for damage to a PC as a whole. Players of The Sims 2 and related expansions have reported problems with their PCs after installing the SecuROM-protected game, including instability, disabling of software and hardware capable of burning CDs, and interference with anti-virus programs. These problems tend to be relatively rare, and it is difficult to pin down whySecuROM is causing these issues. Some have accused SecuROM of installed a rootkit, but evidence backing up that accusation remains thin.

  • Should I Buy a SecuROM-Protected Game?

    It is ultimately up to you to decide if the potential problems presented by SecuROM will prevent you from purchasing a game. Many games protected by SecuROM work fine, and there are alsoSecuROM protected games which use relatively tame versions of the software. Fallout 3 for example, only performs a DVD check.

    Considering the number of very good games which are protected by the software, you will probably at some point decide that the trade-offs are worthwhile, but before purchasing any game that usesSecuROM, do your home-work. Remember that activation limits - if implemented - will probably interfere with your ability to run the game years down the road, and that online activation will be difficult to deal with if you don't use an always-on internet connection or your are installing on a laptop which isn't wirelessly connected.

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