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Hey ex, question for you if you know the answer. outside of your "with stats" mods, why is it that if you play a "play now" game, the pop up under the scoreboard updates the batters tendencies etc after every pitch, but it does not do that in franchise games. it just shows the contact/ power info before the first pitch ?

I don't know if you have the answer but thought you might know since you can see how the game works to do your scoreboard work.


Hey ex, question for you if you know the answer. outside of your "with stats" mods, why is it that if you play a "play now" game, the pop up under the scoreboard updates the batters tendencies etc after every pitch, but it does not do that in franchise games. it just shows the contact/ power info before the first pitch ?

I don't know if you have the answer but thought you might know since you can see how the game works to do your scoreboard work.


This is pretty simple

Line, which ID is 24 A0 AA 91 is responsible fpr the following stat:

- Contact 50, Power 40

But this statr is not steady, it has more than one meaning, Therefore before first pitch it is Contact and Power value, later on it switches to other other texts (but as I said this the same stat with just one control for position, size, color, etc.)

In Franczhize stats are more logic due to task entered by 2K - as example I remember text from NBA2K13 which was something like :

Task: show stats in beggining of 3rd quarter

Value text: jeremy Lin is the #? from Harward in NBA.

So, for Play now games stats are given without thinking, but in Franchize algorythm has to choose wether to display generic stat or "live" depending how deep you are in the season,

Thus especcialy could be said about "After count 0-1 24 HR, 11 SO...." what would fit Ok for Play now, but to calcuylate it in Franchize is much more difficult stats, plus it will confuse the player because of the question does this stats is "life stat" or "season stat"


This ,ight be not true, but this is how I understand the game

Thank you my friend. When it didn't happen in franchise mode, I thought it might be because it was the first season and it didn't have any info to reference to show the "after 1-0 count" etc. But now that I am in the second season of the franchise, I thought it would be able to draw the info from season one, but it doesn't. Your answer explains it.

Also, I have no problem running your CSN 3.2 "without stats" scoreboard with the patch, for anyone that wants the best of both worlds: the patch and your great scoreboard. I think the CSN version that you have made is the best looking one anyway with the colors etc. I have Comcast and get Phillies home games on CSN and your scoreboard is exact.

Thanks again for your help EX.

That looks amazing ex.

It would be amazing if the batter intro can somehow stay on permanently. That would be the absolute tops ! (Like in the top corner or something like that).

Yeah, I thought about that many times. I can resize it to small piece, move to some corner, but can't find how to force it to stay visible permanently



Bottom placement of SN scoreboard conqueres with Batter Intro.

Therefore I resized it and moved to fit scoreboard.

BTW. Now scoreboard can work "Permanently" or "Standard disspapearing time".

When can I download is so coll i very look forward


Download link - 1st page

I don't know how to install
Why not download a compressed file there is only TV MLB 2k12
After opening is DOS
You can show off your way to install it?
I'm Taiwan people I do not know how to install

I don't know how to install
Why not download a compressed file there is only TV MLB 2k12
After opening is DOS
You can show off your way to install it?
I'm Taiwan people I do not know how to install

Type number from 1 to 6 and hit Enter. Look what happens next and read further instructions

how are you gys getting the yellow dots to be squares?

This could be very easy to change pictures inside global.iff, but if I do that it will require to change global.iff file everytime you chamge scoreboard (CSN to SN or FOX).

To avoid that I change the shape of information that being displayed for round dots - by changing verticles data via hex editing I tell the file to dispaly only partial information which we see as squares, i.e. we see only about 60-70% of round yellow dots that are in global.iff


Hey ex--

I was wondering how you go about changing the pre-defined size for any of the slots where a dds image goes in an iff file.

For example, the location where you now have the CSN scoreboard's basic structure is 768 x 768 (you mentioned that you needed a wider image to make the thing easy enough to see). Just to share a frame of reference, when using the NBA/MLB Mod Tool this dds image I refer to fills slot 54:49 in the overlay_static_preload.iff file. Before you got started with this project, the dds image in that same spot needed to have dimensions of 512 x 512.

Clearly you were able to change things so that the iff file now wants an image of 768 x 768 there.

How did you do that? What steps would you take if you wanted to change the dimensions of a different slot in an iff file where a dds image goes?



(At first I want to correct that I needed larger image for better quality (less pixalated), but not for "easier to see" - these are different things)
This is my personal discovery and I have no idea if someone used that method before.
First you have to find in any *.iff file (must be decompressed) where these sectors are.
Easiest way is to hex-search for 44 58 54 35, what in latin letters would be DXT5.
Those who tried modding some pics have to know that DDS images are compressed with DXT1 or DXT5 method usually, therefore you will meet these 44 58 54 35 in any *.iff which has textures inside.
LEt;s analyze texture from SN scoreboard.
If you know that when looking with NBA2Kmodtool scoreboard's main texture is in section 54, subsection 49, then it is the same when exploring the file with hex editor. We need to find 49th DXT from beggining of the file (it might be 48th or 50th actually, don't remember which one is correct, you'll find out it by testing).
So, in our case the main scoreboards Identity is 77 A5 95 86 - this is the beggining of sector.
Next we see compression method (green frames).
Here we have DXT5 - 44 58 54 35.
We can change those numbers to 44 58 54 31, what would mean DXT1.
Or even can change to BMP, it would be 15 00 00 00.
Data with blue frames is size. 2K Default sceboards has 512x512 here in that file, I changed texture;s size to 1024x1024 in SN Scoreboard.
You can change that data to any size according to the following values (but note that you have to maintain picture ratio, if it is 512x26, then I really advise to change keeping aspect ratio - 1024x52, 1568x78, etc.).
40 00 - 64 px
80 00 - 128 px
00 01 - 256 px
00 02 - 512 px
00 03 - 768 px
00 04 -1024 px
00 05 - 1280 px
00 06 - 1536 px
00 07 - 1792 px
00 08 - 2048 px
00 0C - 3072 px
00 10 - 4096 px
There some more data to control here, but if write it here, this post will look too complicated I afraid :)

Type number from 1 to 6 and hit Enter. Look what happens next and read further instructions

Just tried it has been successfully installed
But why does it have to adjust time to enter the game
No transfer time will stop at the main screen

Just tried it has been successfully installed
But why does it have to adjust time to enter the game
No transfer time will stop at the main screen

If I understand correctly, you are confused by word "timing" ?

If yes, then "timing" I use to describe if scoreboard is disspapearing after a hit or stays visible in all phases of the game, etc.

So you have few options during installation process to choose which "timing" you want to use


Hey ex--

I was wondering how you go about changing the pre-defined size for any of the slots where a dds image goes in an iff file.

For example, the location where you now have the CSN scoreboard's basic structure is 768 x 768 (you mentioned that you needed a wider image to make the thing easy enough to see). Just to share a frame of reference, when using the NBA/MLB Mod Tool this dds image I refer to fills slot 54:49 in the overlay_static_preload.iff file. Before you got started with this project, the dds image in that same spot needed to have dimensions of 512 x 512.

Clearly you were able to change things so that the iff file now wants an image of 768 x 768 there.

How did you do that? What steps would you take if you wanted to change the dimensions of a different slot in an iff file where a dds image goes?



(At first I want to correct that I needed larger image for better quality (less pixalated), but not for "easier to see" - these are different things)
This is my personal discovery and I have no idea if someone used that method before.
First you have to find in any *.iff file (must be decompressed) where these sectors are.
Easiest way is to hex-search for 44 58 54 35, what in latin letters would be DXT5.
Those who tried modding some pics have to know that DDS images are compressed with DXT1 or DXT5 method usually, therefore you will meet these 44 58 54 35 in any *.iff which has textures inside.
LEt;s analyze texture from SN scoreboard.
If you know that when looking with NBA2Kmodtool scoreboard's main texture is in section 54, subsection 49, then it is the same when exploring the file with hex editor. We need to find 49th DXT from beggining of the file (it might be 48th or 50th actually, don't remember which one is correct, you'll find out it by testing).
So, in our case the main scoreboards Identity is 77 A5 95 86 - this is the beggining of sector.
Next we see compression method (green frames).
Here we have DXT5 - 44 58 54 35.
We can change those numbers to 44 58 54 31, what would mean DXT1.
Or even can change to BMP, it would be 15 00 00 00.
Data with blue frames is size. 2K Default sceboards has 512x512 here in that file, I changed texture;s size to 1024x1024 in SN Scoreboard.
You can change that data to any size according to the following values (but note that you have to maintain picture ratio, if it is 512x26, then I really advise to change keeping aspect ratio - 1024x52, 1568x78, etc.).
40 00 - 64 px
80 00 - 128 px
00 01 - 256 px
00 02 - 512 px
00 03 - 768 px
00 04 -1024 px
00 05 - 1280 px
00 06 - 1536 px
00 07 - 1792 px
00 08 - 2048 px
00 0C - 3072 px
00 10 - 4096 px
There some more data to control here, but if write it here, this post will look too complicated I afraid :)

Excellent explanation! Thanks so much for the lesson.

I was able to find the image I wanted in the hex editor and I successfully changed the iff file to require a different sized dds image to fit in that slot.

However, I now think the first thing you said about the difference between "better quality" and "varying pixelation" is a key point for me on this issue.

I changed the size of the dds Import and was able to put a new larger image in the iff file.

Then I went into the game, and the image I changed remains in the same place at the same size.

So now the question becomes:

How do I get that image to be proportionately larger to a specific percentage on the screen during gameplay? It is already in the correct location, but I'm simply trying to make it 25% wider (horizontally from right to left) while doubling its height (vertically top to bottom).

Can the method to do this be explained in a manner as well as you covered the last question, or does it become much more complicated?

Importing larger or smaller textures to the file will not change size of image that is diplayed on screen.

Larger texture - more pixels in same area, better quality

Smaller texture - less pixels in same area, lower quality.

Size in pixels by any means can not describe the actual size of the object that will be displayed on your monitor, or newspaper or TV...

Pixels - quality unit, not size unit


How do I get that image to be proportionately larger to a specific percentage on the screen during gameplay?

Decrease distance from "3D Camera" or change size values if they exists for that object

How do I get that image to be proportionately larger to a specific percentage on the screen during gameplay?

Decrease distance from "3D Camera" or change size values if they exists for that object


If I only knew what and where the "3D Camera" was, or if I just knew how to determine whether size values exist for an object -- and if they do exist, how to identify them and change them to what I want them to be.

If I understand correctly, you are confused by word "timing" ?

If yes, then "timing" I use to describe if scoreboard is disspapearing after a hit or stays visible in all phases of the game, etc.

So you have few options during installation process to choose which "timing" you want to use

I know thank you
Do you intend to do other overlays?
I will look forward to your work Super praise


If I only knew what and where the "3D Camera" was, or if I just knew how to determine whether size values exist for an object -- and if they do exist, how to identify them and change them to what I want them to be.

This can not be described for all objects all together with a single word..This is very imdividual depending on object and various methods could be chosen depending on various factors (is it a single object, in group of objects, is it connected with other objects, etc,)

For some objects size can be changed via DiffuseTint section,, for some not.

Some are controlled with size values, some not

All (or at least all) can be resized by changing distance from camera.

Some can be resized by recalculating verticles, some not

Some can be opened with Blender and resized, most of them not.

And displaying size is never controlled in that DXT sectors we discussed earlier.

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