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I'm still looking for the team colors. The rosters have 3 values to my knowledge for team colors, but no mention of colors assigned to overlays or anything like that.



As predicted, these colors are in *.ROS file.

Offset for Houston Astros Theme color is


Format simple hex color xxxxxx (don't forget in hex everything is upside down (left to right/right to left), so if your color in image editing software is 12 34 56, you have to type 56 34 12 in roster file)


As predicted, these colors are in *.ROS file.

Offset for Houston Astros Theme color is


Format simple hex color xxxxxx (don't forget in hex everything is upside down (left to right/right to left), so if your color in image editing software is 12 34 56, you have to type 56 34 12 in roster file)

Could you please provide a little more of a detailed explanation about how to make this color change. I don't need help determining what the new value should be, but I'm not quite sure how to go about the process.

Start from this point:

  • I have a ROS file.
  • I have a Hex Editor.

Okay... what do I do next?

How do I identify which MLB team I want to change this color for (let's say I want to change the color for 5 specific teams)?

How do I specifically go about making the changes?

Thanks for the help.

Could you please provide a little more of a detailed explanation about how to make this color change. I don't need help determining what the new value should be, but I'm not quite sure how to go about the process.

Start from this point:

  • I have a ROS file.
  • I have a Hex Editor.

Okay... what do I do next?

How do I identify which MLB team I want to change this color for (let's say I want to change the color for 5 specific teams)?

How do I specifically go about making the changes?

Thanks for the help.

This. I'd love to edit all the colors if possible. I hope there is a section for the theme colors in a future version of the Reditor, because this is a great find. Great job exrxixxx


Open ROS with hex editor

It goes like Angels, Astros, Athletics, etc.

As I said earlier, Astros offset is 13EAF4

Next team (if you scroll down) is Athletics

Offset 13EF18

I am pretty sure you can recognize a pattern from these two..


I do not have any list with Where/When/How. I just checked is it possible to change colors and answer is yes as you see.


BTW, in order ROS file would not crash you have to recalculate checksum and eneter new values in the beggining of the Ros file after you made any changes.

I recomend to download any CRC 32 calculator, and choose "Dynamic Assembly" method

Read here http://www.codeproje...ksum-for-a-file


"How do I specifically go about making the changes?"

By pressing keyboard buttons with the fingers. :) What to press is described two or three posts above.


Do not hesitate to ask if sth is uncliear


This. I'd love to edit all the colors if possible. I hope there is a section for the theme colors in a future version of the Reditor, because this is a great find. Great job exrxixxx

I am pretty you can do it manually before Reeditor will come out.

Just ask if sth is unclear.

Some instruction how tyo change already are posted


In order you need only HOUSTON, send me your Roster, I'l change the color

BTW, I check official Astros web page, and orange color that is coded here is EB6E1F.

Absolutely same tone as in other official Astro sreleases




Offset is chosen correctly as I wrote.

But now I understand that ROS file is not steady, data is moving though the file.

That means my offset for Astros is 13EAF4, but your pointers is in Oakland Athletics area.

If you could make one more screenshot with data that is not visible above, I'd tell you where is your target.

Fromw what I see it should be about 8 lines to the top. Upload that area


Offset is chosen correctly as I wrote.

But now I understand that ROS file is not steady, data is moving though the file.

That means my offset for Astros is 13EAF4, but your pointers is in Oakland Athletics area.

If you could make one more screenshot with data that is not visible above, I'd tell you where is your target.

Fromw what I see it should be about 8 lines to the top. Upload that area

attached is the roster I'm using for my mods. I'm not sure where to look at now that the offsets are different from yours.



Offset is chosen correctly as I wrote.

But now I understand that ROS file is not steady, data is moving though the file.

That means my offset for Astros is 13EAF4, but your pointers is in Oakland Athletics area.

If you could make one more screenshot with data that is not visible above, I'd tell you where is your target.

Fromw what I see it should be about 8 lines to the top. Upload that area

Ok scrolling further up...where your Astros offset is, I highlighted in red.


Regarding your latest picture.

Still out reach :) Two lines are missing.

But I hope you'l find it at offset 13E88C

Worked perfectly. The more offsets we can find, the better. To be specific:








For now I can teach everybody how to calculate checksum (CRC32) correctly.

This is needed everytime you make any change to *.ROS file

* Save the file after you made changes.

* Scroll to the very top of the document.

* Delete first 8 characters (4 bytes), egzample XX XX XX XX (not substitute with 0, but delete)

* Save the document again

* Let's say your hex editor is "HxD", them go to Analysis-Checksums,

* Find CRC32

* Press OK

* Result will be visible at the bottom of your screen under "Checksum"

* Result is 8 characters (4 bytes)

* Insert those characters to the beggining of the file (not overwrite data, but insert)

* For inserting go to Edit-Insert Bytes.

* Where "Bytecount" enter 4, confirm

* 00 00 00 00 will be added to the beggining of the document.

* Overwrite these zeros with Checksum result

* VERY IMPORTANT. If Checksum is 12 34 56 78, you have to enter everything in the following order:

78 56 34 12

More examples

Checksum result 1F 06 CE 25

YOu enter to file 25 CE 06 1F

Save the file.

I may have managed to get the hang of it, I changed the Oakland green to the one in my uniform update, #002319.

Hex editing is cool, except the part where you have to calculate the checksum, but other than that, SUCCESS.

Do you know if this works for any roster or just the one I uploaded?

Well done.

Regarding other roseters - if offsets are jumping then it will not be easy to find quickly teams.

I recommend to searh (CTRL+F usually) in hex window for 1C309B. It will direct you to the last block af Astros area, just few bytes away from important ones.

Then use your imagination how to find quicker other teams.

I'll just take baby steps and work this out with my roster and see if it's similar to any other roster sets.

This shouldn't be too hard to implement in a roster editor if the color value is consistent in a certain number of bytes/blocks in the data, honestly.

AN IDEA: What could be done so far is to identify all of the stock 2K overlay color values and work from there.

That shouldn't be too hard and I could get started on that later this week, since no roster that is out right now has the values changed/updated yet. This way, the values themselves could be changed via a hex editor directly from any roster :D

I'll just take baby steps and work this out with my roster and see if it's similar to any other roster sets.

This shouldn't be too hard to implement in a roster editor if the color value is consistent in a certain number of bytes/blocks in the data, honestly.

So far I've completed about 10 teams. I'm pretty pumped.


You say that you've identified about 10 teams so far.

Could you post the Hex values and the associated teams for those, and continue posting new ones as you discover them?

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