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Does It Ever Snow In The Mvp Universe?


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Having seen the Mets-Rockies game cancelled because of snow yesterday, and probably today, made me wonder, has anyone ever seen it snow in any game of MVP? I am guessing the answer is no, as I've played with the Rockies so many times and never seen it, but curious if anyone knows if snow exists in the game at all?

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I don't see that as really necessary. In football games, yes, but not needed in baseball.

You're right. It's not really something that should be a part of this game but now I got to thinking if EA had never lost the license and kept making Mvp they may have added this especially with Minnesota having an outside ballpark now. Of course this is just a guess on my part on something that will never happen. :)

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I don't recall ever seeing it rain in the game either. I guess the only weather effects in the game are when you go to play a game and it says it has been rained out. Would be interesting to play in the rain or snow, but probably not that interesting, Probably would be similar to Madden, where the snow or rain effects have an overexaggerated impact on several aspects of the game, and lead to stupid mistakes. Would be kinda cool to see batters shivering or players slipping on the field, but my guys make enough errors as it is.

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The only time I remember hearing about rain in the game was games played in Seattle, and even that was rare.

Same here Jim. That's the only time I ever saw it rain in the game and that was in Seattle. I just haven't seen this happen in years.

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