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Does the calendar mess up for anyone else? The series all end on Saturday.

When I used this roster, the 2nd season also has some games where I'll lose, but it's not listed in calendar. (I started season 3-0 but the game listed me in standings as 3-1) Eventually the save corrupts and I have to restart another franchise.

I really like the updated rosters, but I have difficulty using them properly in franchise mode.

Edited by ixcuincle
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I haven't had a save corrupt, but the schedule does get messed up after the first season. Yankees played 171 games, while Blue Jays played 155 in the 2nd season. Only 4 teams actually played 162 games. And this went on in the 3rd season i simmed as well.

This happens with every roster that has the 2013 schedule included that I've tried. Also, the minor league schedule is completely messed up as well (from the first season) for those who play myplayer mode.

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