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OK so April 2012 I bought MLB 2k12 from the Amazon download center.

A few days ago the motherboard of my old PC went out and I had to get anther PC. I downloaded the game again and installed it but when I went to put in the serial key it tells me its no longer valid I contacted Amazon they told me I would have to contact 2k, So I contacted 2k they told me I need to go through Amazon. Any suggestions on what to do now? Just thought maybe someone could think of something that I haven't any help would be nice. Thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

KC, have you had any luck resolving this? I may be about to lose the computer I play 2K12 on to my daughter who is returning from Japan, so I could perhaps give you my key, but it may be "no longer valid" on any new PC as well. The support for this game is rather abysmal.

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The only thing I could do was get a crack for the game to be able to play. Neither Amazon or 2k were very helpful at all. 2k did give me anther cd key but when I tried to put it in it said that was not a vaild cd key and they refused to give me anther even though I gave them proof that's what it said from a screen capture. If it hadn't been a year after I bought the game I would have demanded my money back. But oh well. I found a way to get it running again I'm happy

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Well, this bothers me, but why am I not surprised? It's very possible I'll need to get a new PC in order to keep playing 2K12, and now it sounds as if I won't be able to successfully load the game on the new platform.

Has anyone else had any success moving 2K12 to a new PC in, say, the last 4 months? Specifically, reusing their key?

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You may be ok I think what got me was when I first download the game from Amazon something went wrong on there server or something and when I went to install the game something went wrong and I had to install it again. That's the only reason 2k eventually gave me anther key that turned out not to be a working one either. After that I just said to hell with it and got a crack.

If this is the first time you would change computers and have to use your key again you should be fine Otherwise I'm just as happy playing it after i got the crack and the forget beyondo tool I got on here :good:

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  • 9 months later...

Since I made this thread every now and then I get a PM about this same problem from some who has also ran into this.

First let me say that as of now it's pretty much certain that you will get no help from 2k or Amazon if you bought the game from there. Neither care anymore about a canceled game series.

But I did find a fix today that is so amazingly simple.

Download this http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7954 chose either a sn or csn scoreboard and install it. Then if you wish to go back to the normal scoreboard you can there is an option for that to. But do keep in mind you will need either beyondo or forget beyondo to get passed the title scree. I strongly recommend forget beyondo you set it once then you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Just something I thought I would share. I couldn't believe how simple it was :)

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