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1977 World Series Rosters


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For all The Show players out there, was just curious if anyone would be interested in having the 1977 World Series Roster set (Dodgers vs Yankees). I've obtained the 1971-1975 Classic's Team Rosters, the 1984 Roster Set, the 1988 and 1989 Roster set, but didn't see these available anywhere so I've decided to create them myself.

This is my first piece of the Dodger's roster, third baseman Ron Cey (announced as Ron Seay in the game). I did most of the research necessary to create him and even though I watched him play when I was younger, there was much more to the eye than I remember, which really enhances the finished product.

For example, Cey wore a batting glove on his left hand (index finger out) while batting and fielding, no armor, no long sleeves most of the time, this screen shot is early in the season and at night. No eye grease, a light bit of tar oh his helmet and bat, and so on. Height, weight, and age are obviously easy to duplicate, but creating the face and assigning a batting stance probably took the most time, of both which I'm fairly new at. I'll be assigning attributes last, probably the most difficult part of creating the player.

Anyway, If anyone is interested, post feedback and/or suggestions in this thread.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Any Yankee fans out there know why I can't assign Chris Chambliss #10? I assume it's a retired number, and without digging can't think of who it would be. He also wore #50 (Baseball Reference) apparently, so I'll have to give him that number. Not sure what's going on with it, but I assumed Munson's #15 would have been retired too.


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Any Yankee fans out there know why I can't assign Chris Chambliss #10? I assume it's a retired number, and without digging can't think of who it would be. He also wore #50 (Baseball Reference) apparently, so I'll have to give him that number. Not sure what's going on with it, but I assumed Munson's #15 would have been retired too.


Phil Rizzuto wore #10.Munson's #15 is retired too.

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I don't own the game, but is Rizzuto present in it? Maybe in some classic team or something?

If Rizzuto appears in the game, maybe you can't assign #10 because it is 'locked'.

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I don't own the game, but is Rizzuto present in it? Maybe in some classic team or something?

If Rizzuto appears in the game, maybe you can't assign #10 because it is 'locked'.

There aren't any classic teams that come with the game, just guys that create the rosters themselves that you can upload online. Usually the reason you can't assign a number is because someone on the team already has it, but I've checked many times and no one else has it. Like I said, very strange because it let's me add Munson's retired #15.

Chambliss also wore #50 at some point, I might have to go that route.

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Chambliss also wore #50 at some point, I might have to go that route.

Damned if you weren't right about that. Chambliss came back to the Yankees after a one year layoff in 1988 and had one at-bat for them. (He struck out.) That was his only at-bat in 1988 and he then called it a career. He wore #50 instead of #10 because in 1985 the Yankees retired Phil Rizzuto's number so that meant his old uniform number was unavailable.

Chambliss wore #14 for Cleveland and #10 for the Yankees and Braves.

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Damned if you weren't right about that. Chambliss came back to the Yankees after a one year layoff in 1988 and had one at-bat for them. (He struck out.) That was his only at-bat in 1988 and he then called it a career. He wore #50 instead of #10 because in 1985 the Yankees retired Phil Rizzuto's number so that meant his old uniform number was unavailable.

Chambliss wore #14 for Cleveland and #10 for the Yankees and Braves.

Thanks for the info, Y4L. I remember him wearing #10, but when I pulled up Baseball Reference to get his information, they had him listed as #50. At first, I thought it was some kind of mistake. To be honest, I don't remember him wearing that number but apparently he did.

I need to get this figured out. Chris Chambliss wore #10 in those days and I can't have it any other way. :) It just "looks" right.

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Thanks for the info, Y4L. I remember him wearing #10, but when I pulled up Baseball Reference to get his information, they had him listed as #50. At first, I thought it was some kind of mistake. To be honest, I don't remember him wearing that number but apparently he did.

I need to get this figured out. Chris Chambliss wore #10 in those days and I can't have it any other way. :) It just "looks" right.

I don't remember this either. So I got curious and looked it up and his last game was on May 8, 1988 in a 10-8 loss to the Rangers at Texas. I have no recollection of ever seeing that game since watching the Yankees during that time period was even worse than now.

But I agree, he needs to have #10. He can't even have his Cleveland number because Lou Piniella has that.

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Agreed. I'm going to work on the Yankees tonight and I'll look it up if I have to. Nettles, I believe was #9, which also may be Maris' retired number, I haven't checked yet.

I've gone too far to give up on this now, these guys were my heros at the ripe old age of 11. Can't wait to get this done and play some games with them. :)

But I agree, he needs to have #10. He can't even have his Cleveland number because Lou Piniella has that.

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It's a killer machine that does much more than play games. I've got the 360 and haven't touched it in years. The Show is so versatile in what you can do. Creating these teams has been one of the funnest things I've done in many, many years. The face creator alone was worth the price of the game to me, not to mention -- for a console baseball game -- it's also one of the best, most realistic sims I've ever played.

If this game was on the PC and moddable, it would be over as we know it. :)

Roger Maris' #9 was retired on July 21, 1984.

And you're making me want to buy a ps3...

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Just to add, I've been saving video clips of different ball physics in the game; balls hitting and popping off the bags, short bloopers into the shallow outfield, ropes hit down the line, and so on. I'll have to upload them sometime, it's truly very realistic -- depending on the type of pitch, the pitch location, where you make contact and how much you "get" of the ball, all combined with the speed of the pitch -- just feels right.

Here's a small example, but I've got a bunch more on a flash drive somewhere.

This was pretty cool too, watch how Crisp cuffs this ball off the wall. Another excellent "little thing" The Show show has put in, playing the ball off the wall is truly an art. And as well all know, most every fence in the Majors is different. No two games are even close to the same.

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Hey there Jay,

First off, I want to say that I love this work with your 1977 World Series Rosters and your face/player creation is dead-on. I'd be excited to play these in old Yankee Stadium once you're all finished. So, I've been looking into the "Chris Chambliss / Phil Rizzuto uniform number Mystery" and I think I've solved it.

So, some facts: Phil Rizzuto's #10 was retired by the Yankees in 1985 and obviously that's why Chambliss is wearing this # in the 1970s but not in 1988 as Y4L pointed out.

I went ahead and downloaded a 1955 roster from the vault tonight which has Rizzuto on the team with his #10 uniform number. Now, playing around with the "Edit Player" option; I check to see if I could change Mantle's # to someone else's (not a retired #) as we see here...and it's not a problem.


Then I tried to change Rizzuto's # to #15 (Munson's) and it wouldn't let me (it defaulted to something else) since it's a "Retired Number".


Finally the acid test was that I suspected it had something to do with the NAME of the player. I created a generic player (named Joe Random) and put him in the free-agent pool with uniform #10. I put him on the Yankees and it automatically gave him another (non-retired) uniform #. Then I simply re-named my player "Phil Rizzuto" and it automatically gave him #10. From this screenshot, you can see that my created player looks nothing like Rizzuto but the "link" is with the name.


I thought I had read sometime on "The Show Nation" that certain teams lock-out retired numbers; but it seems that if we actually give them the retired player's name...then they are 'allowed' to use that number. I wish I had better news so that you could use #10 for Chambliss, but I don't think it's possible.

*Also, I wanted to add that in my experiment I made sure to remove the real Phil Rizzuto from the Yankees...but it still didn't allow my created player to use #10 until I changed his name to Phil Rizzuto.


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