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Wow Dennis, that's scary. How accurate is that? The Yankees don't waste any time getting hurt in video games either. Damn man, now I want to play Mvp 13 but I was up late last night and I'm getting tired. It's past midnight where I am and right now my pillow is outranking my gamepad. :D

Thank you for this!

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Had a great exhibition game between the Twins and Rangers as I'm testing out the new hot/cold zones and looking for any other cosmetic needs. Attached the box score so that the realistic pitch counts and other stats could be seen. No bombs as I'm experimenting with zeroing out the HR% numbers as well. Though I don't know that it's going to keep any HR's from happening on the part of the cpu.

In the course of the game, I wanted to get Perimon on and this "gem" of a defensive sequence happened to the Rangers:



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I know it's a video game, but there's always that "unrealistic" element and that screenshot of Wieters is definitely one. He's just la-de-dum-de-dah non-chalantly tagging Longoria with one hand.

Nice screen shot, though.

What'ya gonna do? The catcher's behavior/positioning during the throw leaves some to be desired. But I swear Wieters yelled "**** YOU Longoria!" right before he applied the tag. It was pretty cool.

Saw another new one earlier but impossible to go back and do a screen capture. As I sent my manager out to "discuss" a call with the 2nd B ump on the last out of the inning, a fielder ran right in between us while we were "discussing". That was different.

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A moment ago I played an exhibition game against the Yankees. See this catch ... Mark seems pretty smoothly .... HA HA .... It's amazing that something like this done in real life.


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