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Kauffman Stadium: Wow!


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I normally look through the stadiums to see which one looks best to use for my Dynasty, since I'm not a huge fan of any one team.

Believe it or not, I think Kauffman is the best stock stadium this year. It looks absolutely sensational. All the ad boards are hi-res, I think, and the fountains and waterfall look fantastic.

Try it with the angle-2 view and a right-handed hitter. There's a hi-res, updating Jumbotron you see from that angle, and everything they put on it is relevant to what's going on.

Best default stadium I've ever seen in any baseball game.

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Definitely the best! In real life too :)
A buddy of mine and I went on a road trip to Colorado/Wyoming this summer and I on the way back we were going to stop in KC to catch a Royals game but we couldn't find the stadium. So finally we said screw it. As we left KC we drove right by Kaufman Stadium but it was already the 5th inning. :evil:
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Great comic strip (and nice alteration), by the way.

Wondered if anybody had noticed it, thought it was pretty funny when I saw it and I just had to alter it. 8)

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