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Modding Another Game


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im in need a little help with modding another game its nba2k13.

ive asked this at anothersite for the game, but i havnet and answer back, so im asking her.

anyone know why whem i mod the iff files for it, the green tenxutre file appears as id want it in the 3dm tool, but when i play then ib game some of the green layer of the orignal green texture appears, specially closer virew of the jersey.

i should add the green im attpeing to use were already made i just imported them inot the file, so i dont nkow why i seeing eolentemts a differnt green

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Hey there mcoll,

Are you trying to create new NBA uniforms from scratch or are you attempting to edit/modify existing ones? The reason I ask is because I have modified a handful of basketball uniforms since NBA 2K11 and I’ve basically just followed the basic tutorials like DonSpa released a while back: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6633

I obviously know you are skilled in creating 2K baseball uniforms; but are you having these problems with the green layers showing up in the game when making NBA uniforms from scratch or only modding them? I modded some Houston Rockets and Seattle Supersonics uniforms for the NBA 2K13 game and I didn’t have any troubles after I made the changes.

Have you tried to import your uniform components using the “NBA 2K10 Mod Tool” rather than the 3DM Mod Tool? I was getting some weird graphics anomalies SOMETIMES when importing into the 3DM Mod Tool but when I imported using the older “NBA 2K10 Mod Tool” into my IFF file, everything looked just fine. And I’ve had these issues with both the MLB and NBA 2K games.

I don’t know if this information helps at all; but you might want to give it a try and see if there’s any difference. :good:


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Coll....GL in your efforts. Have you found if anyone made any full season mods? I'm really interested in the '83 season, primarily because I was a 6'ers fan back then. Also....is PC online play worthwhile?

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Hey, not to butt-in Gordo…but there is an entire Mega-Roster/Full-Mod project currently being updated for NBA 2K12 (last year’s game). This project is called the “Ultimate Base Rosters” and it’s all over at NLSC (Nba Live Series Center): http://www.nba-live.com/

They update this project almost every few weeks and add another season (or more) with every update. The most current update enables you to play EVERY NBA season from 1975-2013. This includes cyber-faces, accurate rosters, and arenas. They even include an ABA mod which I play all of the time since I am a huge Dr. J fan. I can make a couple of quick videos for your ’83 Sixers and try to get them posted ASAP tonight. :good:


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only the iff file is carried over from each jersey. the jersey itself im making from sratch. ill try the older mod tool. that wired the oder one would work to fix this issue, but if fixes the issue, it be great.

ill let y know if these works for me. thanks

it any help or ideads helps. you didnt hijack this, its fine.

as for seasons or anything, i don't know what im doing yet, just started doing basketball, so im starting with jerseys, something i know basically how to do.

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you guys know how deal with this error from the nba 2k10 modtool

java.lang.arryindexoutofboundsexcpetion: 2

Hey mcoll,

Hmmm...you're right...I got that error when trying to open a uniform IFF file with NBA 2K10 Mod Tool; but I didn't when I tried to edit some of the arena or floor IFF files.

Another thing to try with the 3DM Mod Tool is to save your work as a DDS (not PNG or BMP) and import the DDS into the uniform IFF file. I remember having some weird graphic issues when making some uniforms last year when I tried to import PNGs; but when I saved the same work as a DDS and imported it...then everything turned out fine. I hope some of this info helps.

Here are a few screenshots of my Rockets uniform and I have included the uniform IFF file if you want to test things out with my example. I made this uniform from scratch and using a template.


My Fictional Houston Rockets Uniform.zip

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you dont happan to remeber the save settings? that would aslo effect the it proper apperance. im going back on this but think it maybe a alhpa layer issue. iill ket you know

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Hey, I've been trying to figure out how to edit the warmups. Is that .dds too or just png

I believe that all 7 uniform files in the IFF are natively in DDS format. You can certainly edit the DDS in Photoshop (with the DDS filter) or PNG. I just happen to save my finished work as a DDS and import it that way. It seems to minimize any graphic glitches that may occur.

and the plus with the warmups, is that we don't have to worry about an Alpha layer.

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dds is right for the files, excpet for the numbers and letters. they must be png saved as.. at least in the peices im worked on so far.

im getting working onward and there coming along, but still dont have the green texutre issues figured out enough to make it work right. if do the green and create them from strach from other layers, they come out to flat looking. i've had no luck with exixting greens yet, be i think i know why the old are still appearing in the game. i open open an exsiting one that i had over written with one i did, and looked at the channels, and the alpha leyer still as the orginal mips in it, but dont i know how to reverse it so it will take the orignal stuff. that i will half to work on.

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