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May I Please Have Some Faces?


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Is this what you mean?


That's not bad at all. But keep in mind that there is a problem with getting player photos from this era. You won't find hi-resolution pictures. Either the pictures will be black and white, too small or the color will be grainy.

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Here's couple more. The rest that I have probably would be great for my portraits but too small for the cyberfaces. I'll do some google searches. I would love to have one of Stargell without his mustache of course and with his long muttonchops. I think that I was able to increase the resolution on the one of Bufe if you can use that one.






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it's exactly as y4l said. it's big, but the resolution is poor. resizing a photo doesn't increase the resolution. take a look at the photo i posted here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=54726&hl=

compare it to yours and you'll see the resolution is way better. if you zoom in, you can see a lot of details on the skin and hair. bear in mind that even this pressbox photo i posted is low resolution compared to some of the better photos they've posted. the best ones are so finite that when you zoom in, you can see every individual pore in their skin.

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long story short...very carefully. not to be a jerk, but it takes a ton of work to do it from a bad picture. most of them weren't possible, and the ones that were took weeks. a few of them i was fortunate enough to get decent pictures. getty images has a ton of really useful pictures, but they cost a lot to get the full images. unless someone finds a gold mine of new images, i've pretty much exhausted all classic faces.

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