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This thread that I plan on updating weekly will feature some of the work that he has contributed to the website that you can find in the download section. Modders from the past who are no longer active on the site will be covered as well as our current more well-known modders of today. My purpose is to give recognition to different modders each week and to show new users and those who have been here for awhile what is in our download area.

If there are any modders you feel should be in this thread please make a post in here. I've compiled a list but it is not completed.

I'm going to start off this week by calling attention to some of the mods created by Trues and Jim825.




If you are looking for a good looking overlay to put in your game chances are Trues has already made it. While he is known for making various overlays for Mvp and now 2K12 this is not all he is known for.


These two mods alter the appearance of the ball in MVP:

Hi-Res MLB Baseball

Hi-Res MLB Baseball (Dirty Version)

Some overlays

ESPN Overlay

Chicago Cubs Custom Team Overlay

FOX Sports Network Overlay Bay Area. This is one of many he made for Fox Sports Net.


Some mods for 2K12:

Fielding and pitching markers for MLB 2K12

Wrigley Field for MLB 2K12

Mvp Mods Overlay for MLB 2K12



Where do you start? If you are a Total Classics fan you know all about him and the work he has done with those mods. You can be sure that when you download one of his classic season mods that everything included in it is accurate because of his attention to detail.

Besides creating these mods he has a datafile that he has updated many times and it is one of the best ones out there to use.


Combo Datafile version 5.0

Classic Overlay installer

Jim's Total Classics mods: 1941,1946, 1951, 1956, 1974, 1975 and 1978.


Total Classics Best of the 50s & 60s
Total Classics Best of the 70s & 80s
Total Classics Best of the 80s & 90s

Total Classics Walk Through History

and lastly Total Classics Phase 10


(The links for these season mods were not provided here because they are on the main page for easy access.)

Thank you.

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Great idea. There are a ton of modders both past and present that deserve to be singled out!

Thank you.

I've already compiled a list but if you or anyone has someone in mind just go ahead and mention the person's name. :)

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I nominate Companiac and his endless, crazy mods he made... :rofl:

...I think that was his name....didn't he make title screen, after title screen....etc. etc.

He was a good kid. And if you mean CTS screens, there was a guy named abc006 that for awhile there was churning them out like crazy. Some others were too

Didnt Companiac once make a schedule generator? Or is my memory worse than I thought....?

He sure did, among many other useful mods.

What a great nod of acknowledgement to modders of the game. And what 2 excellent choices to kick off this thread with... Thanks for this idea Y4L! :clapping:

Thank you Dennis. :)

How about a Moderator of the Week....Y4L ? Hehe

With Jim around? No way! :D

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Another week, another two modders. One guy is someone well known to everyone here and the other guy who was one of the best stadium modders this website has ever seen.

Dennis James

No matter where you look around in the download section, whether it is in the Mvp 2005 area or the MLB 2K area you are going to see mods made by Dennis James. Uniforms, stadiums, total season mods, you name it and Dennis has been a part of it. If you were among the thousands of people who downloaded Mvp 12 and Mvp 13 you have already seen his work. Dennis, among with many others who worked on these two mods helped bring back Mvp Baseball for the first time since the 2008 mod was released. His work on combined projects and his individual work has made his work very popular on this website.

1967 Kansas City Athletics.

2013 Atlanta Braves Spring/BP uniforms.

Total Classics 1969 Uniform Pack

2013 Canada Day Toronto Blue Jays uniforms

Root Sports Seattle Pitch/Score Overlay

Total Classics mods created by Dennis James

Total Classics 1915
Negro League Baseball Mod

Total Classics Mods created by Dennis James and redeck

Total Classics 1927 Integrated

Total Classics 1927 MLB/Negro Leagues

All four mods are on the main page of the site for easy access downloading.


2k12 Coors Field (recolored/textured) (One of many)

2k13 Stadium Pack 2.0.

2k13 Pittsburgh Pirates throwbacks.

Fictional (Outdoor) Tampa Bay Rays Stadium.


You're forgiven if you do not know who Paulw is. He's been a member here a very long time and doesn't post a lot but what he does is create some of the most beautiful classic stadiums you have ever seen. You can find his work in many of the classic mods and in Total Classics Phase 10. I highly recommend you check out the Ebbets Field that he made. It is stadium modding at its finest.

Ebbets Field Classic.

Crosley Field Classic.

Wrigley Field Classic.

Shibe Park/Connie Mack Stadium.

Comiskey Park Classic.

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These are great choices and they are two of my favorite modders. Each one is definitely a stickler for details and their mods reflect this. Most of my TC mods include their work and you've only touched the tip of the iceberg on the mods they've each created.

Dennis created ALL the uniforms and ALL of the menu / loading screens for TC1941. He created a full set of uniforms for TC1946, TC1956, TC1964, TC1969 and TC1978. Dennis also created numerous stadium updates. Search the downloads and enter his name in the "author" field and you will get 10 pages of results!

Paul's stadiums are true works of art. His Yankee Stadium classic and 1950's Milwaukee County Stadium are two of my favorites. He also created a number of other TC year-specific stadiums that only appear in some of my TC mods. Paul also collaborated with SeanO, another favorite stadium modder of mine, to create some great stadiums.

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I agree Jim...Paul's stadiums are masterpieces and I think that any of the Total Classics games wouldn't be the same with out his Comiskey Park, Milwaukee County Stadium, and one of my all-time favorites, Ebbet's Field. I happen to think that the mass environment of these stadiums are the key components in "immersing" the game player into whatever era we are trying to portray. The cyber-faces and uniforms are certainly important pieces of the pie; but these wonderful stadiums literally "make" the games true classics. Thank you Paul for giving these stadiums to the community.

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These are great choices and they are two of my favorite modders. Each one is definitely a stickler for details and their mods reflect this. Most of my TC mods include their work and you've only touched the tip of the iceberg on the mods they've each created.

Dennis created ALL the uniforms and ALL of the menu / loading screens for TC1941. He created a full set of uniforms for TC1946, TC1956, TC1964, TC1969 and TC1978. Dennis also created numerous stadium updates. Search the downloads and enter his name in the "author" field and you will get 10 pages of results!

Paul's stadiums are true works of art. His Yankee Stadium classic and 1950's Milwaukee County Stadium are two of my favorites. He also created a number of other TC year-specific stadiums that only appear in some of my TC mods. Paul also collaborated with SeanO, another favorite stadium modder of mine, to create some great stadiums.

Two good choices and I agree Jim they are sticklers for detail, which is something that I really admire.

I only showcased a very small part of his work here Jim! I saw for myself that he had ten pages of mods in the download section and hopefully after this it will get people curious as to see what other stuff this guy has in there. :)

I do recall that SeanO and Paul did work together on other stadiums and Sean will be featured too in the weeks to come.

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We are on our third week now in this thread and just like last week it features a modder that people are familiar with and one that newcomers to the website will not know. Again,the purpose of this thread.


Most people know who Krawhitham is. First from his involvement with Mvp Baseball and lately with his work in 2k12. Kraw's specialty was not making stadiums or cyberfaces or uniforms for the game. The programs he made were utilities that you used with the game and his Total installer Thingy was the most popular one to date. It is a program that has helped thousands of people install mods in their game with only a few clicks of the mouse. Kraw was a guy who provided a lot of technical support to people here and over at his website Eamods, later known as Mlbmods. He also was the project leader of the Mvp 06, 07 and 08 mods.

Total Installer Thingy.

Simple Portrait Maker for Mvp v1.1.

Mvp 08.


Simple Portrait Maker for MLB 2k.

MLB Portrait installer.

2013 Los Angeles Dodgers 2X Portraits. (One of many.)


Hory has two uploads to his credit in the download section. The one I have listed below and the Mvp 2007 mod, which he was given credit for uploading it to the site. For people who have been here for a long time you will recall that Hory was the modder behind Total Portraits, which was a series of mods where he individually updated the portraits of each team in the majors. At the end of the season he would package all of the teams as one mod and release it as one big download. While his individual mods can not be downloaded anymore you can still see his work and his high-quality portraits in the Mvp '06, '07 and '08 mods.

Hory is also responsible for creating the Mvp Baseball 1994 mod, a mod that took him eighteen months to complete.

Mvp Baseball 1994.

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Hory was also one of the originals for audio and did the total audio mods for player audios. Pretty much all of his work has been the basis of the total conversion mods that everyone built on top of.

Isn't it something Homer that work from these modders are still a big part of these mods whether people know it or not?

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It's the fourth week of this thread and it's time for some more modders to be featured and recognized. The first one is someone that is more well known these days for his work with the 2k games and the second one is a stadium modder that was one of the best we have ever seen in here.


When you compare the uniforms that you get when you first install a baseball video game to the uniforms that Kccitystar makes for the same game there is no comparison. Kc's uniforms have always made computer baseball games look so much better and as long as there are computer baseball games and he has the desire to do so, his uniforms always will.

KC has been making uniforms even longer than this website has been around. Before his work on Mvp baseball he made uniforms for Triple Play baseball. So if any of you who owned that game years ago and downloaded some uniform mods for that game, chances are you saw some of his work already.

Lately KC has been concentrating on 2k baseball but before that he spent many years making Mvp baseball look better. His Total MLB Uniform set for Mvp were a series of mods that were one of the most highly downloaded mods on this website. This uniform set was so good that it was also converted to Xbox format. Most of his work for Mvp is no longer available. KC is also known for his wonderful cyberface work and artwork and luckily there are many examples of those in the download area.

Uniform Template

TMP Uniform Update AL West (throwback uniforms)


Total MLB Uniforms

Total Stadiums 2012

Kccitystar's TruHD Photo Mod

1994 Houston Astros


Pirate is another modder that is unknown to people who have joined here in the past four years or so but for people who were around when this guy was making stadiums, everyone knew who he was and how good he was too. Pirate made stadiums and he did that so well that sometimes people forgot that he made other things like uniforms, portraits and stadium select screens. But as good as each one of those things were his signature work was his stadium creations. He covered them all during his time here and he also graphically improved the classic stadiums too.

Great American Ballpark ZMod

Stadium Editing Tutorial


Citi Field

Olympic Stadium

For 2k9

Wrigley Field

Progressive Field

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As we go to week number five we have two modders that are well known by everyone who plays Mvp baseball.

Dylan Bradbury

For the many dynasty players in here Dylan's work is very well known to them and his utilities that he created have been an invaluable tool for them in their dynasty play. His other specialty is the creation of accurate schedules for season mods.

Schedule Generator.

Schedules (1933-2005)

Pitcher Rating Calculator.

Batter Rating Calculator.

Baseball Split Estimator.


Where do you start with this modder? If you have played just about any season mod or total classic mod available here you have seen Jogar's work. His talent is cyberface making and his cyberfaces are so life-like and accurate that they are some of the most downloaded mods on the website.

I have highlighted here his work on Yankee reliever Mariano Rivera. Check out the subtle differences in his 2007 version as compared to this year's version. That right there should give you an appreciation of his attention to detail.

Besides creating cyberfaces Jogar has released audio enhancements for Mvp baseball.

The Essential Cyberface Making Tutorial.

Missing Audio for Mvp 12.

Ichiro Face Mvp 12.

Mariano Rivera (2007)

Mariano Rivera (2013)

Ryne Sandberg (2013) Manager's face.

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since you brought up jogar, i just have to highlight this face he did of ryan howard: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2676

jogar was one of those guys i remembered seeing that really stepped up the quality of cyberfaces, and this was one that stood out to me. it was and still is one of the most realistic faces ever made for the game.

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since you brought up jogar, i just have to highlight this face he did of ryan howard: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2676

That one was so life like it almost looked like a picture of the guy. This is the purpose of my modder spotlights. Jogar has eleven pages of his work in the download section and what I am trying to do by linking a few of the modder's work each week is to encourage people to check out their other contributions.

jogar was one of those guys i remembered seeing that really stepped up the quality of cyberfaces, and this was one that stood out to me. it was and still is one of the most realistic faces ever made for the game.

You are no slouch yourself. Stay tuned.

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