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Only reason I said that was because he asked me the other day if Mods was still around. Told him yeah, but, has slowed an awful bit and a lot of the people are long gone. It was as if I was breaking some bad news to him the feeling I felt haha.

Tell him that the Total Classics mods are still going strong, with many new additions since he was last here. He'll be happy to hear that since he was so instrumental in getting the original Total Classics mod going.

Only reason I said that was because he asked me the other day if Mods was still around. Told him yeah, but, has slowed an awful bit and a lot of the people are long gone. It was as if I was breaking some bad news to him the feeling I felt haha.

Tell the great man the next time you talk to him that his number one fan is still here and says hello to him.

Scrubbed from history...

No, not at all. You actually were in the top ten when I was starting this thread but there are only two of your mods hosted on this site (your accessories pack and glove pack) and that wasn't enough choices. As you know a lot of your mods aren't here so I really couldn't do anything. The newer people here really have no idea about how good your uniforms were.

This week we look at a modder who made wonderful looking overlays and datafiles that completely changed your game and a popular uniform modder who has made some of the nicest uniforms for Mvp Baseball in recent years.


Ksmlove000 was a South Korean modder who created some of the most involved datafiles for this game that anyone has ever attempted to do. His last one, linked below, is probably his best one although the others he has in the download section are very good too. They just have different tweaks to them. Besides the datafile work he made some very good overlays for the game, some which are listed below. The XSports one has to be seen to be believed.

Ksmlove000 Datafile 2007 v4.7.

Ksm (MLB on FOX) Overlay & ETC v3.2 -no infobar.

Ksm Stadium Theme v.3.

Ksm TBS Overlay v2.

KSM XSports Overlay v1.
This unique overlay actually has a small Asian girl as part of the display.


While being away for months at at time due to military service commitments, bctrackboi11 has created some of the most popular uniforms Mvp users have downloaded over the past few years. This coming February he will have been a member here for four years and during that time has contributed his time and uniforms in the creation of the Mvp 12 and 13 mods and currently is one of the many modders working on the NCAA mod.

Seattle Rainers Throwbacks.

1962 Los Angeles Angels.

2011 Padres Digital Camo.

1956 Miami Marlins (Away.)

1939 New York Knights. (from the movie The Natural)

2013 Boston Red Sox "Boston Strong" Uniform.

1942 St. Louis Browns (home and away.)

No, not at all. You actually were in the top ten when I was starting this thread but there are only two of your mods hosted on this site (your accessories pack and glove pack) and that wasn't enough choices. As you know a lot of your mods aren't here so I really couldn't do anything. The newer people here really have no idea about how good your uniforms were.

Thanks to Homer, who shared my work with the community here at my request, every single uniform modder working today is either using my uniform templates as a base, and/or my many uniform accessories. Even years after I've left, my fingerprints are all over this game and every single uniform release featured on this site and will continue to be for the life of this community.

Scrubbed from history.... but not from your hearts.

Love you all.


Thanks to Homer, who shared my work with the community here at my request, every single uniform modder working today is either using my uniform templates as a base, and/or my many uniform accessories. Even years after I've left, my fingerprints are all over this game and every single uniform release featured on this site and will continue to be for the life of this community.

Scrubbed from history.... but not from your hearts.

Love you all.


Spungo, I am not arguing what you said but that is not the issue here. My idea some months ago was to show the people here and especially the newer ones what we have in the download section and I went through and made a list of modders that I was going to cover, modders who are no longer here and modders that currently are. That's it.

I will be the first one to tell everyone that you made excellent uniforms. I even bought your uniforms some years ago so I could use them. That's how much I liked them. But you don't have that many mods that I can tell everyone to go and take a look at because you pulled your mods from this website and brought them over to the now defunct Eamods. You know this for a fact. The problem with your lack of mods here is the same for people like UncleMo, Kgbaseball and piratesmvp04, just to name three. All you guys did great work but there is nothing here for people to go to and check out for themselves.

So, you were not snubbed or ignored or intentionally left out. End of story.

we could actually post some of his uniform packs in the downloads if that's ok. i'm sure i can dig them up. they are still my favorite uniforms ever made, along with redsox's. their mods are mostly found in the total conversion mods. truth be said, his uniforms are being used as the base for the majority of the uniform mods. this isn't a condemnation in any fashion of those modders, but it's just that spungo's were pretty sweet.

we could actually post some of his uniform packs in the downloads if that's ok. i'm sure i can dig them up. they are still my favorite uniforms ever made, along with redsox's. their mods are mostly found in the total conversion mods. truth be said, his uniforms are being used as the base for the majority of the uniform mods. this isn't a condemnation in any fashion of those modders, but it's just that spungo's were pretty sweet.

I agree with what you are saying Homer and I want to say again he is not being snubbed in here. I have some of his uniform packs too but we need permission from him to do it, just like with anyone else.


While being away for months at at time due to military service commitments, bctrackboi11 has created some of the most popular uniforms Mvp users have downloaded over the past few years. This coming February he will have been a member here for four years and during that time has contributed his time and uniforms in the creation of the Mvp 12 and 13 mods and currently is one of the many modders working on the NCAA mod.

Seattle Rainers Throwbacks.

1962 Los Angeles Angels.

2011 Padres Digital Camo.

1956 Miami Marlins (Away.)

1939 New York Knights. (from the movie The Natural)

2013 Boston Red Sox "Boston Strong" Uniform.

1942 St. Louis Browns (home and away.)

Bctrackboi11 (John) was a HUGE influence to me when I was working on my Negro League mod. Back when I first met him a couple of years ago; we traded some of our ideas about making uniforms for a league that had very little information and usable photos concerning their uniforms. John truly came up with a lot of the alternative ideas about making uniforms for these teams which in turn forced me to take a different approach and use more creative ideas. I was happy with my uniforms for the Negro League mod but John shared with me a set he made for a future project of his and I enjoy his Negro League uniforms much more than mine. The previews of his and rroy’s superb work on their NCAA project are a testament to his expert skills.

This week we look at a modder who, as strange as it may sound, has mods that no one needs to download any longer (which I will explain) and at the same time was responsible for an idea that is still going strong today and a modder that used his imagination to create some of the best fantasy uniforms around.


The next time you are on the main page of this website and you see the impressive number of Total Classics mods available you have Fuzzone here to thank for that. Not many people here know but Total Classics began with an idea from Fuzzone to import the rosters and portraits of famous teams into Mvp Baseball 2004. That's right, Total Classics began with Mvp 2004 when Fuzzone and many others I should add created the first Total Classics mod for that game. The first release did not have 120 teams as you see today as it only replaced some of the minor league teams in the AAA slot. This idea proved to be so popular that eventually a complete game overhaul was created as it replaced every team from the majors down to A ball with famous "classic" teams of the past. Later versions of course were made for Mvp 2005 and eventually over time Jim825 has taken over the lead with the Total Classics series, now in its tenth version. The popularity of Total Classics paved the way for the eventual creation of the classic season mods here, a practice that is still going on today.

To explain why I said that he has mods that you don't need to download any longer is a lot of his work here is for Mvp 2004 and the portrait sets and team packages that he made for that game you have already if you have Total Classics. And as popular as Total Classics was his Mvp Studio program for Mvp 2005 was just as good. But it was made before the newer operating systems like Vista and Windows 7 and 8.

For Mvp 2005

Mvp Studio 2006 Uniform Editor Final.
Does not work well with Vista, Win 7 or 8. This was made for Windows XP.

For Mvp 2004

1966 Houston Astros Uniforms.


Thome25 is another one of those uniform modders who is not well known these days among the newer users but that does not mean to say his uniform contributions should be dismissed because his fantasy and retro uniforms are among the best ever made and his 1869 Red Stockings set (featured below) may have been his best work of all.

Red Sox History Pack.

Marlins Fantasy Home Uniform.

Braves Alternate Home Uniform.

2X Reds Home Fantasy Uniform.

InSainn's Fantasy Cubs Uniform.

1869 Cincinnati Red Stocking Uniforms.

This week, another modder that made extremely popular uniforms during the time he was here and a modder who was responsible for making some of the most accurate and visually impressive stadiums that were uploaded to this website.


If you enjoyed the other uniforms that were highlighted from other modders in the past weeks and months here then you will enjoy the contributions from BigBully. His main concentration was present day (at that time) Major League uniforms and minor league uniform, many of which can now be considered throwbacks due to team affiliation change or new uniform concepts over the years.

Modern Brooklyn Dodgers uniforms.

2007 Syracuse Chiefs Uniforms.

2006 Springfield Cardinals.

2006 Norfolk Tides.

2006 Brewers Sunday Home Uniforms.

Vintage Astros Pack.

The Big O

The Big O was a precise, attention-to-detail stadium modder and the constant updating of his stadium mods were reminiscent of PaulW, who has already been featured here. His Oriole Park at Camden Yards and Fenway Park have been downloaded over ten thousand times making it one of most popular mods on the website.

Oriole Park at Camden Yards v5.5.

The Big O's Fenway Park.

The Big O's Fenway Park Lite.
Lighter texture version that solved crashing problems on some machines.

The Big O's Fort Lauderdale Stadium.

I agree with what you are saying Homer and I want to say again he is not being snubbed in here. I have some of his uniform packs too but we need permission from him to do it, just like with anyone else.

I bequeathed all my files to Homer. He is the executor of my estate and may do with my work whatever he sees fit.

Love you all.

I bequeathed all my files to Homer. He is the executor of my estate and may do with my work whatever he sees fit.

Love you all.

Thank you. Obviously he is more than welcome to do it. I hope you had a nice holiday.

This week we recognize a modder that arguably has made the best set of rosters seen here on this website and a Latino modder who had a talent for making popular overlays.


There have been previous rosters in the past that were very popular such as Swingin' Soriano's Epic Rosters and the Ultimate Rosters that were put out by Totte but as good as both of them were they do not compare to the Base Up! roster series that daflyboys has been doing for the past few years now. It was these rosters that were featured in the Mvp 12 and 13 mods and they are also periodically updated throughout the year to feature the latest changes, both in roster moves and attributes. Accuracy is what these rosters are all about and that is what every different version of the Base Up rosters have been all about.

As much as daflyboys is known for his rosters he has made other mods for users who want challenging game play. Mvp Level sliders and his Sim Game Play Pack (both featured below) will promise to make your game more difficult and enjoyable at the same time.

Season Theme Front End & In-Game Text.

Vector Circle (Catch Circle) Baseball.

Mvp Level Sliders 2.0.

Daflyboys' Sim Game Play Pack 1.3.

BaseUp! Rosters 2013 - End of Season 2.0.

This is the latest roster in the BaseUp! Roster series.


Members over at Mvp Caribe are more familiar with DLCV since he is a member of the Caribe modding team and a moderator there and as a member here he shared some of his overlays that he created. Some had a Latin style to it that looked very well in any mod you'd want to put it in. If you liked the Caribe mods and the overlays included in there you may want to give some of these a try since they are the work of the same modder.

ESPN Classic Overlay.

ESPN 2007 Overlay.

Old MLB Overlay.

Used in the World Series and Championship Division between 2000 and 2005.

DirecTV Overlay.

Hiram Bithorn Stadium.

Thanks very much for the mention. I set out trying to bring more realistic attributes in as many areas as possible based on actual statistics, firstly to assist our online league and then for use in general for the community. It's been enjoyable and sometimes tedious and frustrating, and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up with all of the different areas, so we'll see how it goes. From here out I'll be only focusing on prominent MLB players as well as up and coming/significant stars. Thanks to kyleb for the great amount of work he did on the minor league end of things this past year. His creation of lower level players was incredible. And thanks to this community for all of the great mods from the past and the way guys have been keeping up with faces, stadiums, uniforms, etc. The game still looks and plays great thanks to you!

This week a stadium modder whose mods were featured in the very first season mods beginning in 2006 and a modder whose work with Z-Mod produced some of the most beautiful modern stadiums ever made.


Hyman's stadiums have been included in every season mod beginning with the 2006 Total Conversion mod. His excellent rendition of the Marlins first ballpark is now considered to be a throwback ballpark after the opening of their new park before the start of the 2012 season.

2008 Dolphin Stadium.

2008 Yankee Stadium.


Harry Carey Take me out to the Ballgame.


To see how beautiful a stadium can look in Mvp when it is done with Z-Mod all you have to do is check out Rolie's Dodger Stadium to see for yourself. It is a difficult thing to work with but Rolie made it seem easy. His HDR Bloom mod (shown below) visually enhances your game and it is something to be seen to be believed.

For Mvp 2005

Citizen's Bank Park 2008 World Series Edition.

Z Mod Stadium Guide.

HDR Bloom Mod Mvp v1.

Dodger Stadium 2007.

WoW ! What a wonderful walk down memory lane. Thanks so much Yankee4Life.


Yes, there has been so many great contributions to Trues MVPMODS site over the years actually starting back in 2003 ..... so that is like 10 years in the making and still providing such lasting memories to so many of us !




Let's not forget a couple others who were key members of the original Total Classics Team such as:

AlexTony (who created all the player audios (major task & such a significant contribution) and many many of the portraits along with loading screens; rosters etc.)


Yankee763 (Frank Bruno who created many portraits, loading screens, uniforms etc.)


Those two fellows along with FuzZ, Jim825 & yours truly made up our initial Total Classics Team in those early days of it's creation.


Then later we were joined by OTBJoel (Joel Deleon) who had been in the Old Time Baseball modding scene for many years with previous games and he diligently worked on his tremendous "Legends from the Booth" mod for 3 years which truly transformed the game for many of us. AlexTony contributed many of his player audios to that project as well.


Many other superb modders like DennisJames helped continue these wonderful early efforts.


Thanks Again Yankee4Life as I have read and reread this thread several times and it brings smiles to my face and truly touches me.


Happy Holidays to All & to each I say "Keep swinging that old Bat !",



Don my friend,

It was a pleasure to read your comments about this thread and I am glad you can appreciate what I have been trying to do here. By re-introducing some of these great mods that we have here that have been off the radar for years now I am hoping that it can generate some interest from the newer people to spend some time in the download section because there are some really wonderful mods hidden in the back pages there.


Those two modders that you mentioned (AlexTony and Yanks763) have not been overlooked by me in this thread but they do present me with a minor problem as to "featuring" them. I have a list of names of modders and those two are on that list but the files that that have done by themselves or with others have either been incorporated into Total Classics over the years or not on the website any longer.


For example let's take Yanks763. He worked with Rolie on six different uniforms for Mvp 2004 but all six are not hosted anymore on here. All the other work he has done like the work he did in Total Classics '64 and '69 were contributions for that mod. I can not point to one mod that he uploaded on his own. And right here is a problem I have been working on over the past few weeks. I also want to recognize people like Yanks763 who was like you said a key member of Total Classics.


Another guy is AlexTony. He does have ten individual mods in the download section but as you can see they are all mods made for Total Classics and when you look at them you will notice that they all are included in the past and current release of Total Classics. Another purpose of this mod is to encourage newer people to try these mods and trying one of AlexTony's mods that were made for TC would not be the best thing to do as a stand-alone mod. You need all of Total Classics to appreciate his contributions.


A few other guys are Tony3, who released individual mods and even had a roster set out but since it is many years old now it can't be used. PeterBernard, who made many classic cyberfaces. Once again his work is in Total Classics where his work belongs. Or someone like Zach, who before making mods for the 2K game made cyberfaces that were used in TC and the first season mods of '06, '07 and '08.

There are a lot of guys like this with work that should not be used with the latest season mods of 2012 and 2013 but if you have some of the older mods you already have seen how good these guys were.


Like I said, I am thinking of a way to recognize people like this.


Thank you for liking this thread and I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

You could recognize them as "Behind the Scenes" guys. This would be a category for those people who have made contributions that weren't released on their own, but which serve as a foundation or an integral part of many other mods. AlexTony and Tony3 fit that bill on the audio and portrait side, Yanks763 on the logo / portrait / loading screen side, etc.

You could recognize them as "Behind the Scenes" guys. This would be a category for those people who have made contributions that weren't released on their own, but which serve as a foundation or an integral part of many other mods. AlexTony and Tony3 fit that bill on the audio and portrait side, Yanks763 on the logo / portrait / loading screen side, etc.

Good idea, I like that. Even better than the honorable mention division I was kind of toying with. That's why Trues signed you to a six-year 160 million dollar contract. :D

Good idea, I like that. Even better than the honorable mention division I was kind of toying with. That's why Trues signed you to a six-year 160 million dollar contract. :D

Signing Scott Boras to be my agent turned out to be the best decision I ever made..... ;)

In addition to the two modders being featured this week there will be a new category of modders that will be called the Behind the Scenes group that Jim825 defined last week in this thread as "the category for those people who have made contributions that weren't released on their own, but which serve as a foundation or an integral part of many other mods." Read on to see what is meant by this.


Boricaupapi's main work in here was the creation of cyberfaces for players who are now retired. His excellent renditions of players such as Sammy Sosa, Miguel Cairo and Roger Clemens just to name three are all included in the 2006 and 2007 mods which of course are available for download here on the website. But besides the cyberfaces he made two very useful mods that visually improved the look of the game. The Hi-Res grass and dirt mod improves the texture of the grass and dirt on the infields and gives you the choice of installing brand new (clean) bases in your game or dirty game used ones.

Hi-Res Grass and Dirt mod v2.0.

Bases Mod.


If you are someone who likes to experiment with the many datafiles available here you should not overlook the contributions of Kumala. He made his own individual datafiles and also worked with KSM on updating some of his work such as adding new camera angles and other various adjustments. During his time here his datafiles were very popular. Of all the mods made on this website datafiles are the mods most geared for individual use and all that means is as much as one datafile is liked and used by people you will find the same amount that won't use it and are comfortable with another one that has different camera angles or default settings. And the people who used Kumala's work were always happy when he came out with an updated version.

Kumala datafile final.

KSM datafile with default fielding cams/value edits.

KSM Combo with Kumala edits.

Kumala 07 datafile.


Behind the Scenes


It would not be an overstatement on my part that with all the modders talked about so far in this thread that this modder right here would be the least familiar of them all. However if you are a Total Classics fan then you will know who Yankees763 is and how important he was to the creation of Total Classics, which is now currently in its tenth phase.

All of his mods were released when Mvp 2004 was still the number one game around and all of his mods are now currently unavailable for download but if that leads you to the assumption that you have never seen his work then you'll be surprised. Take a look right here at the download list from Yankees763. Some of you may be wondering what these "team packages" were. They were actual rosters of individual teams that you could drop into your Mvp 2004 game to replace a team that was already there. Look at the teams he made and you will see that they are very familiar to you. The 1965 Twins, the 1969 Senators, the 1978 Yankees, the 1982 Brewers, etc, etc. All teams that have been part of Total Classics to this day. Along with the many teams he contributed many portraits that helped make up that huge mod.

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