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White Face On Black Player?


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Hello all, new to the group. Loving the game so far. So I'm running windows 7 on a Samsung laptop from last year, bought MVP 05 specifically so I can play the mod. I did the "Total Conversion" mod for MVP 13, which worked INCREDIBLY, everything was perfect, no issues at all. Then I added the "BaseUp! Rosters 2013 ~ End of Season 2.0" (and as I'm playing a season with the Mets) the first thing I noticed (because I had no problems up until this point) was Eric Young Jr. goes to lead off the season, and he's got a face of a white guy! Check out the two pictures I attached. Then I started to notice this on other players too, Ozuna on the Marlins, etc. Any idea why this might be happening? Is there an easy fix? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



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I appreciate the reply. Do you have one for Eric Young Jr. too? Sorry for the amateur-ish reply, but when I download the cyber face, how do I apply it? Is there a specific file location it goes to? Thanks again for the help, means a lot to me.

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Eric Young Jr. face 2013


Download TIT program, and install the file with it....


Ok, this looks promising. I apologize again for the amatuer-ish question, but what is the "TIT Program" and where can I find it? I searched through the Downloads section but didn't get a match. Thanks again so much for your help and for bearing with me!

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OK cool, I will download this for sure. I am so sorry that I have to keep asking questions to the responses, but I am VERY thankful for all of the help. What are the ancillary programs and where can I find them? Hopefully after this, I should be all set.

And are these the correct steps?

1) Download ancillary programs
2) Download "TIT" (haha) program
3) Download the 2 cyberfaces (Ozuna & Young Jr.)

Here's the other question I have, I just looked at the "Eric Young Jr." .rar file & see the 3 files in it, where do I extract those files to after I've downloaded the ancillary programs & TIT program?

Thanks again!

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Yes, install the ancillary programs. I would unzip TiT to the primary folder of your MVP install. TiT isn't a program you install.

As far as any file that can be installed with TiT, you don't want to unzip it. Just open TiT and point it to the zipped (rar, 7z, etc.) file. Then run it. Some files will take several minutes and others will be almost instant. When completed, your browser will open to a defunct web page. It used to go to EAmods.

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OK, almost there. But what exactly are the ancillary programs & where can I find them? After this, I feel like I should be all set. Thanks again so much for the help!

From the file description:

Make sure to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package and .net framework pack first.

Also I noticed how you took your screenshots. It looks like you took a picture of your monitor. There's a better way to do it if you download a program called Fraps.

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I am so sorry, I know how dumb I sound (and certainly feel), but where can I get the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package and .net framework pack"?

For the record, I'm running Windows 7 Pro. Don't know if that makes a difference in any way shape or form. Thanks again to everyone whose been so helpful!

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I am so sorry, I know how dumb I sound (and certainly feel), but where can I get the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package and .net framework pack"?

For the record, I'm running Windows 7 Pro. Don't know if that makes a difference in any way shape or form. Thanks again to everyone whose been so helpful!

Both are downloaded from the Microsoft site.

Microsoft Visual C++2005 Redistributable Package right here and the Microsoft Net Framework site is right here.

it has been years since I grabbed these files and I don't know anything about them except that I needed them to run this program.

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OK cool, got everything downloaded. Now, I have the EY Jr. & Ozuna cyberfaces downloaded. I see 3 files in the Eric Young Jr. .rar file. Where do I extract them to? After this, I should be good to go...thanks again!

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Go back and read daflyboy's earlier comment. You don't have to extract anything from the .rar file. Start TiT and then point it to the .rar file you want to install and it does the rest.

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Sweet. I had figured that out right before your reply was written. After following all of the instructions to the best of my ability, here's what I'm looking at (see the attachment below).

Hopefully I've done everything correctly. I feel like I'm on the right track, but the only issue is, that it's been hanging like this for 20 minutes now. I'd seen that it was said that some are pretty quick & some take a while, but this seems a bit long, no? Any ideas, or am I all good?

Thanks again to everyone for all of their help!


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FYI, I re-ran the program this morning, it's been hanging on the same screenshot (above) for the last hour. I run Task Manager and the status on it is "Running", so it's not frozen, but I can not do anything but minimize it. When I click on the "..." button & "Start" buttons, nothing happens either. Just hanging on the same screen. Not sure where I could've gone wrong.

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