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Mvp 13 Crashing

Peter Griffin

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Here's another suggestion - Open up the rosters in MVPEdit. On the MVPEdit menubar, select Tools->Options and then select the location of your data folder and then select the option to view player faces.

Go through every player, one by one, by clicking on the Appearance tab and checking to see whether a face shows up for the player. If the player's face ID is a standard EA face (#901 - #915), you won't see a face, but that's normal. If it's any other number, you should see a face. If you don't see a face (and get a message like "No image found" or something similar in the face window), it tells you that the face is missing in the models.big file. That would cause a crash to occur.

If every face shows up OK, then check the face assigned to the managers on each team. On the MVPEdit menu bar, select Team and then click on the Manager tab. I'm going from memory on that, so it might be slightly different, but it's close.

Look at the face ID assigned to the manager. MVPEdit doesn't display manager faces like it does for players, so you will need to write down the assigned face IDs and then open up the models.big file with a tool like EAGraph and make sure that the face files for each manager are in the file. Each face consists of three files, a .fsh file, a .ord file and a .orl file (eg. c007.fsh, c007.orl, c007.ord). This would also cause crashing to occur.

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  • 2 months later...

i'm also having problems with the game crashing with mvp13 installed. i'm using windows 7 and here are the steps i've done:

- installed a clean version (from discs) of mvp2005 and installed patch #2

- opened up and ran the game fine - played a couple of games & simmed a dozen games & they worked fine

- installed mvp13 as directed with the explodeme in the mvp2005 clean install folder and ran the game

- mvp13 loaded fine clicked on game modes (season) - clicked 'new season' - difficulty mvp

- clicked 'season schedule' and selected the game on the schedule and went to the game scheduled & clicked 'play/manage'

- clicked through the rotation & lineup editing screens & clicked 'go'

- clicked 'play' on the 'play-manage-sim' screen & clicked on 'play' when the teams came up - settings were keyboard 1 for

st. louis and cpu for arizona. clicked 'go' on that screen and clicked 'go' when the uniforms screen came up & also clicked

'go' when the stadium screen came up & left the setting on 'night'. then it crashed to the desktop with an error that said

-mvp2005.exe has stopped working - close program.

i've tried this several times with the same result. i thought it may have crashed the first time i tried to play the game because i changed the gameplay options and uniforms, but i tried it with just the same default settings that came on the screen as mentioned above, but it still crashed. because the rosters were current rosters when mvp13 started, i left the 'use default rosters' at NO just the way they were when i started mvp13. i haven't played this game in 4 or 5 years and erased everything i had on my computer (roster mods, stadium mods, one pitch mode, etc plus all of the tutorials) so i'm starting all over again

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Did you put the explodeme file in the MVP2005 folder and then run it from there? If so, that might cause a problem. Put the explodeme file somewhere else (some guys have put it on their desktop) and then run it.

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Did you put the explodeme file in the MVP2005 folder and then run it from there? If so, that might cause a problem. Put the explodeme file somewhere else (some guys have put it on their desktop) and then run it.

the instructions say to put the explodeme in the same folder that the fresh installation of mvp2005 is in. that's what i did, but i'll re-install the game and do it all over again putting the explodeme onto the desktop and running it there. the first time i installed this game, i made a separate folder and put the explodeme into that folder and ran it. wouldn't that be basically the same as running it from the desktop?

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the instructions say to put the explodeme in the same folder that the fresh installation of mvp2005 is in.

The instructions do not say that. This is what they say:

- After you have downloaded the "MVP13.7z" file, double-click to open it.

- Extract the contents of the MVP13.7z file into a folder. <-- This does not say "in the same folder as a fresh installation"

- Double-click the "explodeme.exe' file

- Select the folder that contains a CLEAN copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract". Note that a CLEAN copy is a fresh install or a patched, non-modded install of the game. <-- This is where you extract the files to. It is NOT where you copy the explodeme.exe.

- Allow the program to extract all of the new content. If the installer asks for your permission to overwrite files, select "Yes to All"

- When installation is complete, start the game and play the new MVP 13 mod!

Try again, doing what the instructions say to do.

Also, you never indicated whether you are using the actual game discs or trying to install on top of a downloaded version of the game.

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I'm hoping that one of the experts here can help me out. I've had a XP machine for years but last month jumped on the W7 wagon & had a new computer built. I had tried getting the schedule updater to work but I never could. I hadn't played a game on the new machine yet. So while watching my M's have their home opener against the Angels I decided to play a game but I had the same exact problem that RoadRanger is having.

I have a Windows 7 pro 32 bit machine. I have the orginal game disks. The game runs fine w/ a clean install & patch 3 & 5 applied. After I've installed MVP 13', I try to play a exhibition game & it crashes as Roadranger describes.

I have tried admin mode, compatabilty mode, etc.

I have installed the game on the desktop & in the orginal c:programfileseasportsmvp2005 folder & I get the same error.

Here's where the 20013 file is located:Desktopnew folderMVP2013. I then click on the explode me file & navigate to where MVP 2005 is located. It overrides a couple of files but then the game will crash.

I'm probably missing something that is obvious. I haven't tried 2012 or any of the other Mods yet. Ideas?

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I shut down my machine last night & when I got home from work I figured I'd try again. Will, much to my surpise, I was able to play a exhibition game. I saw the resolution was at 800 by 600 so I changed it to 1280 by 1024 & it worked. I then used the resolution changer to put it at 1920 by 1080 & I got the same crash as before. I then restarted my CPU & the game & I was able to play a exhibition game at 1920 by 1080.

Unfortunately, this little restart trick hasn't worked w/ the schedule changer- I'm still stuck in 2005 but that's much better then not being able to play at all:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

the instructions say to explode the file into the folder that contains a clean installation of mvp2005 and explains a clean version is the original version and patches. i installed the game into my C:programs folder and did the first 2 patches. i ran the game to make sure it ran ok as installed. it did - with no problems. i then exploded the mvp13 stuff into that folder and ran the game. it went fine all the way to the start of a game, then crashed to the desktop. i then ran the game in administrator mode and it did the same thing. i then exploded the mvp13 onto the desktop and ran the mvp2005 from there. it immediately crashed to the desktop after displaying the mvp13 opening screen. i completely uninstalled the game and will explode mvp13 into a different folder on my desktop again and try it again. i'm using the original 2-cd mvp2005 that i bought when the game originally came out. as i mentioned, i've been using mvp2005 and a ton of the mods for quite a while, but haven't used the game for 3 or 4 years now and i just recently got the time to use it again, so i re-installed it. i'm using windows 7 64 bit version

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I, too, am having a problem with MVP13. I'm running Windows 7, 64 bit. I had been using MVP12, which was working (most of the time, at least), but I wanted to use the new rosters for this year and on the fourth game of the season (which was supposed to be Danny Salazar pitching), the game crashed and kept crashing, so I figured I'd try MVP13 instead. Here are the steps I followed:

1) Uninstall the game (since I was running MVP12).

2) Reinstall MVP 2005 from discs.

3) Apply Patch 3 and Patch 5.

4) Check to make sure the game is working (it was)

5) Run the MVP13 explodeme from the desktop to the folder "C:Program Files(x86)EA SportsMVP Baseball 2005

6) Open the game in Administrator mode.

The game opens without a problem. The crash comes when you're about to start playing. After going through team select, lineups, pitchers, etc, it gets to the loading screen to actually play. It loads about halfway and then crashes. It doesn't matter what mode or teams - Exhibition, Play Now, Season, Mini Games - They all have the same problem. The game also crashes if I try to click "Create/Edit Player" on the Manage Rosters screen. That makes me think that it's a problem related to the rosters/cyberfaces, somehow. I haven't been keeping up with facepack downloads (at 2 downloads a day, there's too many new ones out there to download in a reasonable amount of time), but I figured that the clean install of MVP13 with no updates should work properly.

It could also be a problem with my computer. After several attempts at MVP13, I uninstalled and tried MVP12 again. But that had the same problem (and a previous install of MVP12 had worked properly). But I figured I'd ask if anyone had any suggestions.

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If you have an older computer it could be a problem with a stadium. My old computer used to hate some of the nicely modded stadiums and would crash in the loading screen. Perhaps try the stock MVP 2005 stadiums and see if that helps.

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being the game works fine with a clean installation of mvp2005 and the patches and only crashes when using mvp13, where can i get current rosters for the original game - non mvp13 rosters that will work with the original game. i can live with playing the game with the original installation, i just need updated rosters for it

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i forgot to mention, i did check the roster area in the downloads and either didn't see any or the ones i saw didn't mention if they were for mvp2005 original or the mvp11,12, or 13 conversions. i did read somewhere in the forums that the rosters for the conversions will crash the original game if not used with the conversions themselves

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i forgot to mention, i did check the roster area in the downloads and either didn't see any or the ones i saw didn't mention if they were for mvp2005 original or the mvp11,12, or 13 conversions. i did read somewhere in the forums that the rosters for the conversions will crash the original game if not used with the conversions themselves

I remember you when you were here before and you did have the game back then, so I believe you still have it. Who would want to get rid of it? :)

Just for your information there was no Mvp 11 (or Mvp 10 or 09 for that matter.) You can thank a guy named Kyleb for organizing Mvp 12 and 13. He did a fantastic job.

So the way I understand it is you installed Mvp 13 and you want the updated (or at least the closest) rosters so far? Have you tried this one here? Daflyboys made some wonderful rosters and with his permission a Japanese modder used his rosters to make a 2014 one. This roster set is compatible with Mvp 13.

And to answer your next question I have no idea if there will be a Mvp 14. :)

Welcome back. You're always welcome here.

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i forgot to mention, i did check the roster area in the downloads and either didn't see any or the ones i saw didn't mention if they were for mvp2005 original or the mvp11,12, or 13 conversions. i did read somewhere in the forums that the rosters for the conversions will crash the original game if not used with the conversions themselves

The only way any new roster might work in the original MVP 2005 would be by removing all of the cyberface assignments numbers in MVPEdit. Not an easy task.

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The only way any new roster might work in the original MVP 2005 would be by removing all of the cyberface assignments numbers in MVPEdit. Not an easy task.

I am trying to imagine how long something like that would take. It wouldn't even be worth it.

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It wouldn't be that hard:

  • Make a copy of the attrib.dat roster file and name it attrib.csv.
  • Open that attrib.csv in Excel.
  • Find the column that contains the face IDs
  • Set the first face ID to 901.
  • Copy that cell.
  • Highlight all of the other cells in the column and paste that 901 value into them. Now every player has a face ID of 901.
  • Save the file and exit Excel.
  • Rename attrib.csv to attrib.dat (after you delete or save the original file).
  • Open MVPEdit and import the .dat files.
  • You now have a set of rosters where every player has a face ID of 901.
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It wouldn't be that hard:

  • Make a copy of the attrib.dat roster file and name it attrib.csv.
  • Open that attrib.csv in Excel.
  • Find the column that contains the face IDs
  • Set the first face ID to 901.
  • Copy that cell.
  • Highlight all of the other cells in the column and paste that 901 value into them. Now every player has a face ID of 901.
  • Save the file and exit Excel.
  • Rename attrib.csv to attrib.dat (after you delete or save the original file).
  • Open MVPEdit and import the .dat files.
  • You now have a set of rosters where every player has a face ID of 901.

Well yeah, I knew that all along. ^_^

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i would probably global edit that though since 901 is a white face. all the black and asian guys would have that face too. i'd probably break it down by skin tone and add in specific generic faces. it might add about 4 extra steps but the results would be worth it.

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I went with the quick and dirty approach to get something that wouldn't crash. As you suggested, you could sort by skin tone and then assign the face IDs a block at a time. You'd probably also want to edit the manager.dat file to make sure that missing manager faces didn't cause a crash.

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yes, i agree with you guys - it would be more hassle than it's worth and could create more problems. do i understand correctly, from a post on a different thread, that you can't use the newer rosters like mvp13, baseup &3 end of season, etc with the basic game and they will only work for mvp13? as far as my efforts on getting this game to work, mvp13 is the problem. i've gone through (using mvpedit) and checked the uniforms and rosters to make sure they're ok and the game still crashes, so i'm content to play the game in it's original form (because it works when i do that) without the mvp13 conversion mod. i just want a current (or 2013) roster that will work with the original game. i will probably download and install an updated portrait mod after that to get the faces current also (if they work with the basic game that's not using the mvp13). i know i haven't mentioned it, but i really thank you guys for your help and suggestions and appreciate what you're doing for the mvp community. i also have 2k11, but haven't played it yet because of all the negative reviews i've heard about it compared to mvp2005. i wish ea sports wouldn't have abandoned the pc users in their sports games. i really enjoyed playing this game and madden nfl, but everything has gone to the console buyers because there's more money there

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