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2K Pulls All Sales And Websites Linked To Mlb2K Franchise.

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Here's what they said - Quote from 2K Rep, "We are very proud of the achievements made by the MLB 2K team..." Here's what I heard, "Wow the wedding was great, and we had a fantastic honeymoon- then I got her home and swiftly put her in the

broom closet and locked the door! Whew, glad that's over!"

I think it's sad, but I don't think we're left any more in the lurch than we were after MLB screwed us out of MVP baseball. MLB2K is still a very fun game to play. It sucks that history is repeating itself.

The truth is if we had the size of community that NBA2K has none of this would have happened. Also, if we had the same modding resources that is available in the NBA2k world we wouldn't need another baseball game. They have guys who can mod things like game physics, player models, music, and menus. We have only scratched the surface compared to what has been accomplished in NBA2k or even MVP2005 for that matter.

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