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Broken Files Notice


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Lately there have been many reports about files that users have not been able to download. What this means is that these files are no longer hosted on the server and therefore can not be downloaded any longer.

Over the years this website has had many server changes and some files were not transferred over. One thing you will notice about all these "broken" files is that they are some of the oldest mods on the site.

So the next time you see this notice below you will understand its meaning. Thank you.

Not Found

The requested URL.......................... was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

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  • 8 months later...

This is another reminder about this particular subject because in the last month I honestly do not know how many broken file reports I have fielded. And that's just me.

If you are looking for a file and you get this error message that means it is not hosted anymore on the server.

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Why don't we/can't we have members who are still around and may have some of those files "donate" them back to the site and then they can be re-hosted?

It figures you would ask a good question like that. Nine times out of ten I have the files people have been looking for on DVD's that I own. I currently have 57 DVD's full of Mods for Mvp 2004 and 2005. Some DVD's are backups of others. The reason why I have all this stuff is because I have been here from the beginning and I have been downloading ever since there were mods to grab.

The problem is even though I have these mods and I am a staff member I still don't have the right to re-upload them. One guy a couple days ago wanted one of KSM's datafile and the link was broken. I have that file but I can't do anything about it because KSMlove000 has not been here since June of 2012.

Not long ago someone wanted a file that Trues made. It was a no-intro file right before you start the game and that mod was one of the first made for Mvp 2005. With his permission I dug it out and re-posted it. That's the only way that I know this can be done. With the modder's permission.

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But if it wasn't for the server problem, the files would still be there regardless of what the status is of the modder. I would think that maybe the honorable thing to do would be to not re-upload if the modder explicitly said he didn't want it on the site any longer. But when it comes down to it, they don't typically own the mod. I mean this isn't like it's usually a matter of intellectual property. It's really a donation of someone's time and talents to the community.

For example, if the server crashed again and lost the rosters I've done over the past few years and I no longer came to the site, then I see it as I really have no say what you do with something that I willingly donated to the site/community.

Further, I could see that if it was something like a tool developed by someone and he explicitly said he no longer wants it here, then that would be different.

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But if it wasn't for the server problem, the files would still be there regardless of what the status is of the modder. I would think that maybe the honorable thing to do would be to not re-upload if the modder explicitly said he didn't want it on the site any longer. But when it comes down to it, they don't typically own the mod. I mean this isn't like it's usually a matter of intellectual property. It's really a donation of someone's time and talents to the community.

For example, if the server crashed again and lost the rosters I've done over the past few years and I no longer came to the site, then I see it as I really have no say what you do with something that I willingly donated to the site/community.

Further, I could see that if it was something like a tool developed by someone and he explicitly said he no longer wants it here, then that would be different.

The broken files I am talking about here are different from the server problem that some people are having with some of the recent files that have been on the site.

Many years ago we moved to a new server that Trues wanted to go to because it was superior to our other one. When we did that a lot of our older files did not get transferred over. These are the broken files I am talking about and those files can be identified with this error message.

Not Found

The requested URL.......................... was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Now when you try to download a file and you have a server problem you will see an error message like this.

It is not my intention to debate anything that you said because I really think you make some good points. The only thing I can point out is that Trues and Jim and company do not know what modder would explicitly say he does not want his work on the site any longer. On the flip side you are right again.They don't typically own the mod. But here is my answer to that. That question has come up here over the years and some people did not like the fact that Trues was hosting their mods for them and providing them with a place to be seen and appreciated but they did not want him to have any type of ownership or say over them. Trues can back me up on that.

That is probably the main reason why when I see a reported broken file and I see that I have it I don't want to repost it because when I do the credit for the upload goes to me (since I was the one who uploaded it again) and if the original modder comes back and sees what I did and he didn't like it there is no way I am going to appease him because he would have a point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

what if a link is no longer working, and also the forum topic cannot be found anymore?

I am looking for the resolution changer, used to have it but somehow must have deleted it :(

when clicking the download button the page can no longer be found.

But as said, also the forum topic is gone. When i click it i get the Error - MVP Mods page stating : sorry, we couldn't find that.

Searched on the internet but can't find this anywhere.

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what if a link is no longer working, and also the forum topic cannot be found anymore?

I am looking for the resolution changer, used to have it but somehow must have deleted it :sad:

when clicking the download button the page can no longer be found.

But as said, also the forum topic is gone. When i click it i get the Error - MVP Mods page stating : sorry, we couldn't find that.

Searched on the internet but can't find this anywhere.

You won't find this anywhere on the internet because it is only hosted here. Compmaniac (the modder) only uploaded it here.

This is an old file from 2007 and a lot of threads from that time are no longer here.

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I don't understand this policy. If someone uploaded something once and it was made available to the public, why would they have to upload it again just because the link was broken? They gave it to you to host, so why wouldn't you just host it again... unless and until you're told by the creator of the mod that they don't want you to host it anymore? Just looking for clarification, not an argument.

I'm also curious why then, if this is your policy, was a mod for High Heat that I created posted without my permission? The 1919 White Sox uniforms for HH2K3. I never uploaded them here. Of course I would have given permission if asked.

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I don't understand this policy. If someone uploaded something once and it was made available to the public, why would they have to upload it again just because the link was broken? They gave it to you to host, so why wouldn't you just host it again... unless and until you're told by the creator of the mod that they don't want you to host it anymore? Just looking for clarification, not an argument.

I already explained it in this very thread and I really don't feel like typing the same thing over again.

I'm also curious why then, if this is your policy, was a mod for High Heat that I created posted without my permission? The 1919 White Sox uniforms for HH2K3. I never uploaded them here. Of course I would have given permission if asked.

You want that gone? Just tell me. That is a little different than what we are talking about here. First of all no mods for High Heat were made here so we couldn't and really didn't have to look for permission to upload them here. I got those High Heat mods from the old High Heat forum (or the Clubhouse) when they were hosting these files. I saved them to a disk and uploaded them here earlier this year. That website is long gone just like 99% of the modders for that game. If you notice I uploaded work from DangerZ too. Go find him and ask him if he minds. If he objects, it's gone. These files were uploaded for the people of this website that still want to play that game.

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I don't want it taken down. That is not the point. It was uploaded years ago at the Clubhouse and I'm glad people still want to use it. If you have any other stuff of mine for HH, then go ahead and upload that too if you want.

I still don't get why you won't upload stuff that this site already had permission to host by way of the original modder uploading them at some point, which includes stuff not available anywhere else, but it's ok to post other mods taken from other sites and host them without permission just because that stuff isn't available anywhere else. If it's a matter of not wanting to appear like you are taking credit for the mod then why not just add a notation to the page that shows who created it? Maybe you could also change the title of the mod from "2014 Rosters" to "2014 Rosters by xxxxxx" or something like that.

I think all mods should be available unless you were specifically told not to re-upload something. Holding back mods and telling people you have something but won't upload it isn't doing the community any favors. It sucks, but it's not my site and not my rules.

Edited by Lucas718
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I think all mods should be available unless you were specifically told not to re-upload something. Holding back mods and telling people you have something but won't upload it isn't doing the community any favors. It sucks, but it's not my site and not my rules.

I couldn't agree more. We'll get this straightened out. Thanks.

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I think all mods should be available unless you were specifically told not to re-upload something. Holding back mods and telling people you have something but won't upload it isn't doing the community any favors. It sucks, but it's not my site and not my rules.

I will echo what Trues said. I am not holding back mods from people because I think it's a fun thing to do. These are not my mods, they are the modders and like I explained before we do not know who would mind or not mind if I did this and I do not want to put myself in the position to defend myself like this.

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I still don't get why you won't upload stuff that this site already had permission to host by way of the original modder uploading them at some point, which includes stuff not available anywhere else, but it's ok to post other mods taken from other sites and host them without permission just because that stuff isn't available anywhere else. If it's a matter of not wanting to appear like you are taking credit for the mod then why not just add a notation to the page that shows who created it? Maybe you could also change the title of the mod from "2014 Rosters" to "2014 Rosters by xxxxxx" or something like that.

Just to say it one more time I already explained this to you and I really dislike going over the same thing again.

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Thanks Trues.

Y4L - If you want to deprive the community because you're afraid one or two people will complain, then so be it. I'm not going to continue arguing this with you. I just don't agree with your decision.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've spent the past week fixing around 400-500 broken file links. This should take care of the majority of the problems we've been having. I'm sure there are more out there and if you do happen to run across one, please use the "report broken link" option and we will do our best to get it fixed.

The endless redirect loop error has been fixed as well.

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