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Out Of The Park Baseball And Mlb 2K12


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I am new to this site, I never really checked it out until recently. I bought 2K12 when it first came out and played it for about a month and then went back to OOTP(Long Time Fan). But recently I installed it again after I found this site. I have got to say to all the modders here, THANK YOU!! You have brought new life to this aging game. So it was when I was switching between 2K12 and OOTPB that I had an idea.

The biggest problem with OOTPB is that it relies heavily on simulation and strategy to entertain you and leaves the rest to the imagination. Also when we are talking about MLB 2K12, Most would say that it does a great job of visually representing the game of baseball, But it sorely lacks what OOTPB does best.

I was thinking that it would be really cool if we had a Tool/Converter to allow you to take your saved game from OOTPB and convert over to MLB 2K12 and maybe even Vice-A-Verca. I imagine it would be so cool to spend hours and days setting up your league,managers,staff and players and then actually be able to play with them.

The design and implementation of a big project like that wouldn't be without it's challenges, But I think it's definetly possible. OOTPB already has huge database's full of thousands of players thanks to Sean Lahman and the hard work of the modders over there. There are also tools to read,edit,export and convert that data into Text,SQL,XML and several other formats. So to convert that data to a 2K12 roster file isn't out of the realm of possibility, Right? One could just do it by typing all the stats,ratings and everything else in to a roster editor by hand. But that would take about 20 years. Good thing we have computers right?

So anyway, I thought it was enough of a good idea to share it with you guys and see what ya think. Maybe get some feedback. And if not 2K12, Maybe MVP?

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MVPEdit, the roster editing tool we use for MVP2005, allows you to import teams from the Lahman database. That's the first thing I do when I create the rosters for my Total Classics mods.

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