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Batters Not Wearing Sunglasses?


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So really quick, I was just curious if anyone else wonders why there is an option for players to wear sunglasses while batting and in the field, however when the both option is chosen, they do not have them on when they come to the plate. There are a few players who wear shades at the plate so I am trying to correct this issue to add more realism. Thanks for your time.

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That would be a great add! As far as I know, the only way to make glasses appear during the at bats AND on the field is to choose the option for the prescription glasses. However, they are no sunglasses, as the lenses are clear. Good luck trying to solve this problem!

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I have been experiencing this problem since I first bought the game, to be honest :wacko: My "myplayer" wears glasses and there was absolutely no way for me to make him wear sunglasses when at the plate. In the end I gave up and put the prescription glasses, which appear both on the field and when at the plate. Same problem happened with BSU Fan's "No Fake Names v5" roster and lifo's latest roster.

I didn't know you could include glasses in the cyberfaces. Let me ask you though, wouldn't the glasses appear in night games also? Or is there a way to hide them during those? Pardon the silly quesion but I'm a complete ignorant when it comes to modding :pardon:

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