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Fun With Blender


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Well, I decided to start tinkering with Blender this weekend and try to get some 3D model edits going on.

So far to my knowledge:

Frontend_sync.iff contains 3D models for the team/uniform selection screen (the one with the hat, jersey and pants)

Global.iff through some trickery contains a low-poly 3D model for shadows.

I'm still trying to find this hi-poly 3D model, but those are my findings as of this post.

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Well, I decided to start tinkering with Blender this weekend and try to get some 3D model edits going on.

So far to my knowledge:

Frontend_sync.iff contains 3D models for the team/uniform selection screen (the one with the hat, jersey and pants)

Global.iff through some trickery contains a low-poly 3D model for shadows.

I'm still trying to find this hi-poly 3D model, but those are my findings as of this post.

great find, but will it blend?will-it-blend-o.gif

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Ok, so here is the file that you need to start making Cyberfaces. http://forums.nba-live.com/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=76415

Make sure to install the scripts that are provided and read the instructions to install Blender. Everything should be in the post above.

I usually like to select a player that already has a similar head shape. For instance with Lawrie I used Josh Hamilton. Then you can just rename the player head # to whatever you like so you don't overwrite that one.


To start sculpting, change the mode from edit to scuplt then change Animation to Modeling to see your tool seetings.


I like to use the Sculpt mode with the X symmetry turned on. All of your Sculpt settings should be at the very bottom in the middle of the Tools window. If you can't see it, you may need to drag it up. Then you just simply click either, grab, draw, pinch, smooth etc, Change the size and strength of each brush and get to work. Don't forget to turn on the X symmetry at the bottom under the sliders. There you have it. HAVE FUN MOLDING DIGITAL CLAY! Once you are happy, export it back to a .cff file.


Once you export your cff back to an iff with the NBA CF Converter tool, it will ask you what PNG you want to select for the texture. This is where (if you've changed the texture map in photoshop) you select the playerhead____.iff in which you imported the .dds file to.

Bada bing, you have a new file called player_headxxxx_new.iff.

Just delete the "new" part and import it into your game folder.

Be sure to back everything up ( you seem like smart folks, but I've been burned once or twice before).

If you have any more questions please PM me.

I can't wait to see what amazing CF's you are going to come up with. we are just now touching the surface.

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i guess i'm going to have to play with this some day. i'm used to oedit, so if the texture doesn't line up you can map it out. if you tried to just model it to fit, the texture gets warped. glad to see some instructions in english finally. you might get me intrigued enough to try this someday since i just started playing the nba series.

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The 2K11 program that converts .IFF to CFF doesn't work for me. I'm on Windows 8.1 x64 if that helps.

I think it's because you're on a 64 bit system. If you want, let me know what player you want to do and I'll send you the cff file to work with.
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I have a really good Brett Wallace face I'd love to take a whack at.

Here's the IFF file I've got.


Now I'm curious as to how CF makers for MLB 2K12 make their faces when I myself get wonky UV mapping.

Brett Wallace huh... Sounds good. I'll send over the cff in the AM.
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Okay, so now I'm importing this CFF file and I get nothing to look at on blender.


Hmmmmmm....that doesn't look right. Open Blender, then hit "a" twice to select the starting objects then delete, then hit enter to clarify. Go to File / Import / select import .cff It should take a second and ask you to move the cursor then it will open. Here is the cff for Brett Wallace you asked for.


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Got it. Thanks bro.

I just think not having an x64 version of these tools are lame, honestly.

I had to install a 32 bit copy of Windows 8 (the keys I have are for both x64/x32 versions) to even get this to work.

I'm so bummed to realize my full 16GB of RAM isn't even in use, just 3.99GB of it.

That said, I'm probably gonna dabble in some stadium stuff.

Or uniforms.

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I'm glad you got it to work. Sorry your beast of a machine can't be used to it's maximum capability! LOL If you do however get your Brett Wallace CF finished and need me to convert it back for you, just send me the files and I'll do it for you. (In case your 32 bit Windows 8 goes nuts on you)

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Now you make me want to start messing around with stadiums again. Isn't there a poly limit at all?

I have no idea, I just enlarged the Astros 3D text, although I wonder if I could count the points on this 3D model and create something with those same points and import it. They no longer have that logo up there. They have the round H logo.

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