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send me your franchise file

okay, I'll send it when I get home later today.. Thanks!

When i started the season I manually corrected all the 30 team rosters... Maybe I did something wrong?

I did another test franchise and only selected 1 team.. then it worked fine, but I also want to control other teams lineups.

It will crash in subsequent seasons because maybe the schedule that the game uses to generate new ones is broken/does not work properly.

Yeah I hear ya! I just started a new one.. saved it first then simulated the whole season.. and nothing crashed.. so i can I can start from the beginning ;)

Any luck on your combo/ultimate roster ;)

Sorry nitro I tried to unzip your file there is nothing there ,try copying it from you saves file

Hey bud.. its okay man.. I started a new season and simulated the entire season first to make sure it didn't crash.. which it didn't so now I can start it again.. only played 3 games anyways.. thanks though :)

looking forward to the roster Kccitystar ! Next year maybe we all can work on a roster together . I have a Teamspeak server that we can use to have voice coms. Wait LOL i can do that now ! Just added a MVPMODS section for us . This Teamspeak is a Battlefield 4 server

Teamspeak Server - soc.ts.nfoservers.com

need to Download the Teamspeak 3 client and have a Headset/Mic

I have a MVPmods Section if you guys would like to talk baseball / modding or whatever :) peace name is mercylord-mike on there

Im on around 12 midnight to 5 AM CST pertty much every night ,, From Chicago

2014 schedule added in the Franchise file i have posted would be cool , I would love to have that .... looks like i will Kccitystar roster when he release it ill just play another team :) but i will love to have one for mine if its not to much trouble , Franchise not the roster ! i done a ton more work on the franchise i have in the download section

Hey guys, spent awhile adjusting BSU's roster to bring it up to date as of a couple of days ago and also started a franchise that has the correct schedule and seems to sim fine for 2014. The minor leagues are not accurate, but the majors are very close to accurate. Includes all the portrait and face update as well as uniforms updates. Credits to everyone working on this, especially BSUFan, KCCityStar, Raidersbball, Blindguy (all excellent work), and everyone who keeps this game going. Good luck. And especially thanks to Yankee4Life for watching the site and making me laugh.

PS..Sox are 2-0.. maybe we should quit while ahead.



Hey guys, spent awhile adjusting BSU's roster to bring it up to date as of a couple of days ago and also started a franchise that has the correct schedule and seems to sim fine for 2014. The minor leagues are not accurate, but the majors are very close to accurate. Includes all the portrait and face update as well as uniforms updates. Credits to everyone working on this, especially BSUFan, KCCityStar, Raidersbball, Blindguy (all excellent work), and everyone who keeps this game going. Good luck. And especially thanks to Yankee4Life for watching the site and making me laugh.

PS..Sox are 2-0.. maybe we should quit while ahead.



This is awesome!!! Wish I waited another day before starting my franchise.. its okay though, only paled 4 games.. lol

ps... I feel the same way about the Jays ;)

Hey guys, spent awhile adjusting BSU's roster to bring it up to date as of a couple of days ago and also started a franchise that has the correct schedule and seems to sim fine for 2014. The minor leagues are not accurate, but the majors are very close to accurate. Includes all the portrait and face update as well as uniforms updates. Credits to everyone working on this, especially BSUFan, KCCityStar, Raidersbball, Blindguy (all excellent work), and everyone who keeps this game going. Good luck. And especially thanks to Yankee4Life for watching the site and making me laugh.

PS..Sox are 2-0.. maybe we should quit while ahead.



Good job dude :) Ill start another franchise using your roster .

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