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So let's get this out of the way: I'm probably one of the few on this site who ended up buying a Guru license for REDitor.

While I am a licensed user I intended to use this for uniform modding, but I am able to manipulate the game's roster in ways Ty's Roster Editor cannot, so I am capable of doing a lot from my end, but I need your help.

The current 2014 roster has a ton of skin color...quirks with a LOT of players, which I would be happy to fix up for you guys, but I need a list of those players so I can fix them up. This is where you come in.

So far I've done obvious guys on the MLB clubs that don't have matching skin tones, but I know there are a lot of players that I might have overlooked.

I am hoping this thread becomes the defacto roster thread for 2K12 this season, so any changes/movements/equipment changes can go here.

Help me out guys!

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are you using BSU-FAN's roster as a base, or one of the few updates to it that others posted? I know BSU-FAN's original file didn't seem to have as many skintone errors as these updates have. btw feel free to eventually upload the roster with the correct face ID numbers to match my cyberfaces, or use my roster I PMed you earlier.

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Exactly what is REDitor and how much does something like this cost?

Y4L, glad you asked.

MLB2K features two utilities in which you can edit a roster. One being Ty's editor, and another being Vlad's REDitor suite.

REDitor is a utility made by a guy named Vlad who is also a user here on the site. It's specifically designed to handle roster files from the NBA2K games and the MLB 2K games, but because Vlad is more of a basketball guy most of the newer versions of the editor are catered more towards the NBA2K games.

There are several tiers in which you can buy a key for REditor, the most costly one being the Guru license, but you can do whatever you want with any roster including copying to and from multiple rosters and extensively editing much more on the rosters such as manager names, stadium names, team names, etc.

I find it well worth the price, and I am looking to buying the MyFriend panel which makes modding everything a hell of a lot easier.

Hell, I'm willing to pay more to make this editor for MLB2K12 a heck of a lot more full featured specifically for this game given that 2K no longer makes baseball games compared to NBA2K's yearly editions which are their bread and butter.

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Oops, my bad! Can u transfer it over to the correct thread? If not, I can make a new one. Thanks!

No, don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not a problem at all. You'll be surprised at how often this happens. If you want to just go over to that thread and ask your question, but there is one thing you need to be aware of. The guy that made that roster is Japanese and that is his primary language.

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Ari, I know I posted this to you via FB, but I wanted to put it here too. Found a couple more players with the "wrong color" issues.

The following are players who should be darker in the face AND body:

D. Gregorious (AZ)

G. German (Mets)

M. Martinez (PIT) J. Dyson (KC)

And these guys have light-colored arms and their faces are fine:

[Angels] H. Kendrick

[blue Jays] J. Reyes

[Cubs] Wesley Wright

[Dodgers] H. Ramirez, C. Crawford, J. Uribe, H. Sosa

[indians] N. Morgan

[Mariners] F. Rodney

[Marlins] A. Hechavarria

[Orioles] A. Casillia

[Padres] T. Sipp

[Phillies] R. Hernandez, J. Rollins, D. Brown, B. Revere

[Pirates] M. Martinez

[Rangers] N. Feliz, P. Fielder, J. Profar

[Reds] R. Bernadina

[Rockies] L. Hawkins

[Royals] M. Mesa

[Tigers] R. Davis, A. Alburquerque

[Twins] M. Sano

[White Sox] D. Veal

[Yankees] CC. Sabthia

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In no way do I want people to think this is the final opening day roster for 2014, but here is something.

It includes the 2014 schedule and other tweaks.

Hopefully it works.

Give it a test run and reply with some results. What I'm looking for specifically is:

Skin color issues

Pitchers wearing hitter related equipment (like batting gloves with their fielding gloves, wristbands, etc)

Missing equipment or different equipment changes (like color changes)

Everything else can be tweaked in game, but this is a good base, I think.

Special thanks go out to Pudge, MercyLord, DennisJames71, blindguy, BSU-FAN and everyone who particpated for their works. :)

EDIT: Roster removed

Edited by Kccitystar
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Hey KC, thanks for putting this together. Question -- is this more for use as a "one and done" type roster, to just play the 2014 season, or does it have the BSU schedule fix to play multiple seasons into a franchise? Trying to determine whether to continue my current franchise or start anew.

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Hey KC, thanks for putting this together. Question -- is this more for use as a "one and done" type roster, to just play the 2014 season, or does it have the BSU schedule fix to play multiple seasons into a franchise? Trying to determine whether to continue my current franchise or start anew.

Keep your current franchise, and start a new one with this roster, just to test it out.

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In no way do I want people to think this is the final opening day roster for 2014, but here is something.

It includes the 2014 schedule and other tweaks.

Hopefully it works.

Give it a test run and reply with some results. What I'm looking for specifically is:

Skin color issues

Pitchers wearing hitter related equipment (like batting gloves with their fielding gloves, wristbands, etc)

Missing equipment or different equipment changes (like color changes)

Everything else can be tweaked in game, but this is a good base, I think.

Special thanks go out to Pudge, MercyLord, DennisJames71, blindguy, BSU-FAN and everyone who particpated for their works. :)

Thanks so much for your work on this roster Ari. I was playing a Rays/Blue Jays game and also noticed that Desmond Jennings [RAYS] has the correct face and white arms issue (in addition to the list I posted above). Again, much thanks on taking on these skin-color problems.

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