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I'm not questioning Trout. The guy's never been in trouble so there is no reason to accuse him of something.

Cabrera had a drinking problem and got into an altercation with his wife. The incident with his wife is inexcusable and shouldn't have happened. He screwed up big time, but that doesn't make him a cheater. The incident wasn't caused by roid rage, it was caused by a problem with alcohol. Plenty of people have a problem with alcohol and it doesn't make them a bad person or a person more likely to cheat at baseball. Mickey Mantle was known to have an alcohol problem among other things, but no one calls him a steroid user. Like I said, he has been working on his problem and hasn't had any issues since. This doesn't make him a bad person and I've never heard any player say a bad thing about the guy.

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Cabrera had a drinking problem and got into an altercation with his wife. The incident with his wife is inexcusable and shouldn't have happened. He screwed up big time, but that doesn't make him a cheater. The incident wasn't caused by roid rage, it was caused by a problem with alcohol. Plenty of people have a problem with alcohol and it doesn't make them a bad person or a person more likely to cheat at baseball. Mickey Mantle was known to have an alcohol problem, but no one calls him a steroid user. Like I said, he has been working on his problem and hasn't had any issues since. This doesn't make him a bad person and I've never heard any player say a bad thing about the guy.

Who gives a sh** what Mantle did? It was a different era. He was the big man on the team so no one said anything when he drank and ran around on his wife. He didn't do steroids. Alcohol shortened his career. And why bring up Mantle in this?

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Who gives a sh** what Mantle did? It was a different era. He was the big man on the team so no one said anything when he drank and ran around on his wife. He didn't do steroids. Alcohol shortened his career. And why bring up Mantle in this?

When I brought up Trout's jump in numbers, you said, "I'm not questioning Trout. The guy's never been in trouble so there is no reason to accuse him of something". Of course Mantle wasn't on steroids. No one would accuse him of being a steroid user just because he had a drinking problem. There is no direct link between the two. Outside of his incidents with alcohol, what trouble has Cabrera been in? Accusing him of steroids because of his past alcohol related issues just doesn't make sense to me.

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When I brought up Trout's jump in numbers, you said, "I'm not questioning Trout. The guy's never been in trouble so there is no reason to accuse him of something". Of course Mantle wasn't on steroids. No one would accuse him of being a steroid user just because he had a drinking problem. There is no direct link between the two. Outside of his incidents with alcohol, what trouble has Cabrera been in? Accusing him of steroids because of his past alcohol related issues just doesn't make sense to me.

I am questioning Cabrera because of his friendship with Ortiz. Birds of a feather, etc.

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I am questioning Cabrera because of his friendship with Ortiz. Birds of a feather, etc.

Then why bring up the fact that he was in trouble? That has nothing to do with Ortiz. I know nothing about their personal lives and whether they are friends or not. No one really does except them. I will say though, that both are pretty friendly and respected among the league. So I'm sure they talk as much as any players. I mean we have pictures like this:


We can't call all of Ortiz's "friends" steroid users.

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What the &&&&? Why bring up Yankees when you are trying to make a point? Is there any reason you had to drag in Jeter, except that he's a Yankee? I just don't get it.

And I am sure if I bothered to look hard enough I would find pictures of Ortiz hooting and hollering and carrying on with Justin Verlander or Scherzer. But I won't.

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What the &&&&? Why bring up Yankees when you are trying to make a point? Is there any reason you had to drag in Jeter, except that he's a Yankee? I just don't get it.

And I am sure if I bothered to look hard enough I would find pictures of Ortiz hooting and hollering and carrying on with Justin Verlander or Scherzer. But I won't.

Verlander and Scherzer are cheaters to :p

Ok maybe not

for the record I don't even think every player on the tigers that are good are cheaters . Cabrera just screams PEDS to me. That's all .

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for the record I don't even think every player on the tigers that are good are cheaters . Cabrera just screams PEDS to me. That's all .

And I agree with you.

It's not really a big deal if the Yankees are mentioned here because we all know what team Rodriguez plays for.

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What the &&&&? Why bring up Yankees when you are trying to make a point? Is there any reason you had to drag in Jeter, except that he's a Yankee? I just don't get it.

And I am sure if I bothered to look hard enough I would find pictures of Ortiz hooting and hollering and carrying on with Justin Verlander or Scherzer. But I won't.

You're missing the point. It doesn't have anything to do with them being Yankees. I used Jeter because he is a Hall of Famer that is not accused of being a steroid user and is clearly showing that he is friends with David Ortiz. I used Mantle because he was a known alcoholic that was never accused of steroid use. Both very relevant to the discussion. Plus, I am talking to a huge Yankee fan so their names were the first I thought of. I am sorry if that offended you, but we are accusing a Tiger of cheating for no reason. I know nothing of a friendship between the Cabrera and Ortiz except maybe a few pictures. I'm sure you can find pictures of Ortiz with every player. Doesn't make them steroid users.

I have really yet to hear a legitimate reason as to why we are even talking about this. It is all just random speculation with no real facts to back up anything.

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You're missing the point. It doesn't have anything to do with them being Yankees. I used Jeter because he is a Hall of Famer that is not accused of being a steroid user and is clearly showing that he is friends with David Ortiz. I used Mantle because he was a known alcoholic that was never accused of steroid use. Both very relevant to the discussion. Plus, I am talking to a huge Yankee fan so their names were the first I thought of. I am sorry if that offended you, but we are accusing a Tiger of cheating for no reason. I know nothing of a friendship between the Cabrera and Ortiz except maybe a few pictures. I'm sure you can find pictures of Ortiz with every player. Doesn't make them steroid users.

No, I don't see the point. You get a picture of Jeter because he's a guy that has never been accused of cheating. You also could have grabbed a photo of Ortiz with Mariano Rivera, also a Yankee, a Hall of Famer and no one ever thought he was a cheater.

As for Mantle, is he the only alcoholic to play in the majors? Look through the Hall of Fame members and you will see he has plenty of company.

I have really yet to hear a legitimate reason as to why we are even talking about this. It is all just random speculation with no real facts to back up anything.

Pretend you are a fan of any other team and you will understand.

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No, I don't see the point. You get a picture of Jeter because he's a guy that has never been accused of cheating. You also could have grabbed a photo of Ortiz with Mariano Rivera, also a Yankee, a Hall of Famer and no one ever thought he was a cheater.

As for Mantle, is he the only alcoholic to play in the majors? Look through the Hall of Fame members and you will see he has plenty of company.

They are just examples. You are saying he is a steroid user because of his past problems and his alleged friendship with Ortiz. I am just trying to show you that neither one of these things makes a guy a steroid user.

Pretend you are a fan of any other team and you will understand.

We could have this discussion about any player that has never been linked to steroids and I would feel the same way. This whole thing is just coming off as people saying that guy is just too good and there is no way he can be doing it honestly. If he played before the steroid era, we would consider him one of the greatest of all time. Now I guess we are just so jaded that anyone that is good must be cheating. I choose to not believe this.

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Well, I don't know. Maybe I don't trust these players anymore because they mean less to me now then when I first started following the game. But I do know one thing. That is your opinion and that is worth just as much as anyone else here and that is good enough for me. :)

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Well, I don't know. Maybe I don't trust these players anymore because they mean less to me now then when I first started following the game. But I do know one thing. That is your opinion and that is worth just as much as anyone else here and that is good enough for me. :)

Fair enough. Both of you are entitled to your opinions and I can respect that. For what it is worth, I have no problem with either of you. It is always good to talk baseball for a bit and it is something that this site could use more of. Good night to you both. :)

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Fair enough. Both of you are entitled to your opinions and I can respect that. For what it is worth, I have no problem with either of you. It is always good to talk baseball for a bit and it is something that this site could use more of. Good night to you both. :)

Now isn't that the truth? Maybe the next time we can think of a debatable topic and mull it over. There's a lot in this game.

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Fair enough. Both of you are entitled to your opinions and I can respect that. For what it is worth, I have no problem with either of you. It is always good to talk baseball for a bit and it is something that this site could use more of. Good night to you both. :)

Yep no problem with someone with a different opinion then my. I understand your viewpoint and your right I am jaded by the players. Like I said last night they gave us reason to distrust. For years they claimed there was no reason for testing becuse everyone was clean. Not the case as we found out. Then they tell us the same thing about HGH. Again we found out not the case. So it might not be fair. But they have no one to blame but themselves for that. Just my viewpoint. Certain players to me scream PED user. There might not be proof at this time but at the same time there was no real proof for years about Bounds,Mcgwire,Sosa,clemons the list goes on and on. I will not be shocked at all if one day I see Miggy has been suspended for PEDs. But I will say I can't say I'm 100% certain that he's cheating. I just think it's highly likely

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I think with the way salaries are for the past few decades now, few if any players could care less if they're boo'd or not. There may have been a time when that matter to the players at large, but not any more.

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I think with the way salaries are for the past few decades now, few if any players could care less if they're boo'd or not. There may have been a time when that matter to the players at large, but not any more.

I believe that. I don't care what the hell the players say when they are concerned about the fans and that the fans are important to them. That's a crock of #&^%. Not all the players feel this way but I would have to say more than 90% of them do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering what our next debate topic could be and I always feel if you keep your eyes open something will present itself.

Enter David Ortiz.

The other night against the Cubs he was at bat with a 3 - 0 count and just before the Cub pitcher threw the next pitch he turned and walked to first base like he couldn't be bothered to stick around to wait for the call. You can see it right here and you will see for yourself that I am not making this up.

Now he's going to start pulling this? I wish the umpire would have called the pitch a strike just to make him get back in the box. Can someone give me a reasonable answer as to how this guy became bigger than the game? And what is just as bad is that he believes it.

Before I ask you what you think I want to get some things clear. I'm not talking about any other Red Sox player here. No one. How could I, no one else was up at bat except for Ortiz. And I'm not talking about the Red Sox organization either. Again, they didn't have a bat in their hands either.

What I am saying is that this is not good baseball and it is not the way this game is supposed to be played. Ortiz showed up the other team and again nothing was done about it. That's the problem I'm having. It's not the uniform I am complaining about here. It's the person in it.

Ok, it's all yours. :popcorn:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Yankees traded Yangervis Solarte and Rafael de Paula for Chase Headly.
This is worth noting because:

a) Headly is not over 39 years old and broken all over the place
B) Headly is an actual 3rd baseman, unlike the cast of characters the Yankees have sent out to play third in the last three years
c) The Yankees didn't give away too much

So, Ninja-Cash struck again. Good for him!

Now let's wait for the Yankees to do something unbelievebly stupid like trading Tanaka for Cliff Lee. (This obviously won't happen) (Right?!)

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