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Noob Needs Help


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Hey guys, been playing MVP Baseball 2005 on the Gamecube going on 10 years now, and recently decided to get into MVP on the PC in order to have access to some great mods and updated rosters.

What I have been able to do:

- Set up my wired XBox 360 controller to play the game using it
- downloaded the 5 official patches and installed them.

Things I need help with.

- When trying to install the MVP 13 total conversion mod, I get an error after 3% extraction that states ERROR: Cannot delete output file F:/00000000.256. There is also an unspecified error that comes up in the same message

- When trying to install the 2014 roster update that was released over the weekend, I've found that I can't (or don't know how) to copy the new information over the "data" folder that is on the game disc.

I am attempting to make all these changes on Windows 8. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if any further information is needed I will do my best to provide them.

Edited by Bucbull16
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I'm sorry, we can't help you and we won't help you. That's because you "found" an online copy of the game. That is not allowed around here and we do not give support to people who have obtained the game this way.

I understand that Mvp 05 can be pricey to obtain from places like eBay but there is nothing that can be done. Let me show you the rule and that will be that.

· No warez or cracks or links to such content.

Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it.

Thank you very much.

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Based upon Yankee4Life's comment and the fact that Bucbull16 removed this piece of information from his post, this thread is now being closed.

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